About Me

Hello, I’m Sharon.WIN_20150702_160411 (2)

I began TwoCansOnAString.com in July of 2012. When I transferred my hosting, I thought everything would magically appear. To my disappointment and those of you who have been following this website since the beginning, I am very sorry that the original content has been lost, but I’ve been able to start over and make it work.

I remember playing with two cans on a string when I was a child. It didn’t work all that great, but it kept us out of trouble for awhile. I thought this would be a fun name for a website. On a whim I bought the domain name and started blogging. I knew I needed a niche and cell phones seemed to be a no- brainer  direction to take this website. The concept didn’t wow me. Then I thought about wearable technology. Nope, not for me. Then I stopped to think about what my friends and I talked about . . . movies, comic books, games . . . school, vacations, holidays . . . food . . . crazy neighborhood stuff . . . holidays . . . urban legends . . . And I decided to forget about a niche market and just write about whatever interests me at the moment.

That’s basically what TwoCansOnAString.com turned out to be. It’s kind of like the kitchen junk drawer . . . whatever you need, you’ll usually find it in there.

Oh, this is supposed to be about me . . . I am not so very young and I’m not feeling especially old, but I am old fashioned in many ways. I believe family is very important. I may have been influenced by my grandmother more than I realized with old fashioned values. I do think most of the new technology is great, but I don’t need to have the latest and greatest techo-gizmo. I like ghost stories and tarot cards . . . I absolutely adore my precious Yorkshire Terrier . . . she keeps me on my toes catering to her every whim.

Here’s an old song about the old days. I hope you enjoy.

I may not remember all of those, but quite a few. More than I may like to admit.

Now, that seems to wrap up what you need to know about me and about TwoCansOnAString.com

Thanks for stopping by!
