I definitely need an Easy Grip Jar Opener for soda bottles.
I’ve been using my kitchen scissors — they have this grip thing between the handles. It works but scrapes up the bottle top.
I’ve decided to get something that is made for the job intended.
%he Cool-Shop Premium Easy Grip Jar Opener gives that extra leverage for easy opening and it fits most jar sizes. That’s excellent for just about every jar and bottle in your house.
I believe this would be an excellent gift for some family and friends who have complained about opening jars. I know how annoying it is — you want that jelly for your toast — or that apple sauce to just bought and has cooled in the refrigerator . . . or whatever it is you have found difficult to open.
I may get a few to put in the Christmas Stockings — if they don’t think they need it, they’ll be glad to have it when they do come across a stubborn lid that won’t come off!!!
This powerful 7″ IPS display Tablet is at an incredible price.
If you’ve been toying with the idea of getting a Fire Tablet, now is the time to jump on in.
It now comes with the Alexa cloud-based voice service that you just press and ask. You can enjoy movies, TV shows, music, Kindle eBooks, apps and games.
Prime members get unlimited access to a large selection of music, books, videos and more.
The battery life is up to 7 hours.
The Fire Tablets were built for entertainment. Now with Alexa, there is absolutely no limit to the amount of fun you and your family with have with this outstanding tablet.
Click the image to the right and discover what Fire Tablets are all about.
I can tell you all day long the great things about this product, but you need to see for yourself. So, click the image to learn more.
Once I get started reviewing board and card games, I just can’t stop myself.
Here we have Onitama Board Game by Arcane Wonders.
I noticed when I was reviewing Schotten Totten, that this game was approved by Tom Vasel of The Dice Tower. So I did have to take a look and see if it appealed to me.
This is a simple 2 player game for ages 14 years and up. It is an intense strategy game.
Let’s take a look at this video:
What do you think? Would this be a purchase for you?
I like how simple the game is. You capture your opponent’s master while your opponent is trying to capture your master. There are essentially 5 cards in play during the game and you need to think your moves through very carefully while your opponent is doing the same.
What caught my eye for this game was the name and the image. I also like IELLO games and games for children 8 years and up. It is also a fast-paced game that takes about 20 minutes to play. It is a 2 player game that is great when there aren’t a lot of people around.
As the legend goes, it’s a beautiful spring day, the snow is slowly melting which makes the ground under the rocks soft — this is important because these stones make the border between your property and that of your neighbor. So . . . push them over just a bit is what one player’s intention is . . . but the opponent has the same idea of pushing the stones to make their land larger.
Now, the battle begins and see who plays their cards right to win the game.
Here’s a video that shows you Schotten Totten:
What did you think?
There is definitely a lot of strategy at play here. Something so seemingly simple can be a real challenge and fun to play over and over and over again.
Let’s see what else of interest we have for you today:
This seems to be a nice selection of games, but check them out for yourself and see what catches your eye and would be the right game to include in your family game night rotation.
The forecast is still for rain and I still haven’t found a game I can recommend.
Have you heard of Arcane Academy by IDW Games?
This is a new one to me, too, but once I get telling you about it, you’ll be wanting to order it and get playing as soon as possible.
This is an innovative card game of tile-linking wizardry for 2 to 4 players ages 12 years and up. Rival students compete in a duel for honor and prestige. Did you notice the word “wizardry”? Well, they’re going to be casting spells. This game is simple and quick to learn. “Forge potent magic items and wield wickedly powerful elemental energies to out-think and outmaneuver opponents.”
The game was designed by Eric Lang and Kevin Wilson who are industry superstars.
First off I like it because there is a lot of re-play value and second, it’s about magic and wizardry. This is an excellent game to play on a rainy day as well as throughout the year — and, of course, for fall.
I definitely recommend Arcane Academy for wonderful evening quality time with family and friends.
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I’m going to have to take a look at Schotten Totten. I could continue adding games, but I want you to click one of the links above and find the right game for you to play with your family and friends.
Rain is in the forecast, so a new game is on my agenda for this weekend.
I enjoy many of the Spin Master Games, so Escape Room was first on my list to check out.
This game is for 3 to 5 players ages 16 years and up. It features 4 escape rooms: Prison Break, Virus, Nuclear Countdown and Temple of the Aztec. Players have 60 minutes to enter the correct keys on the Chrone Decoder to escape. It counts down the remaining time and emits intense sounds to let players know time is running out.
It’s important to note that the game requires 3 AA batteries that are not included.
There is a solution to each seemingly impossible scenario. Players work together to solve puzzles, find clues all in the desire to find a way out of the room before time runs out.
What’s in the box?
An Electronic Chrono Decorder
A Hint Card Decorder
16 Keys
32 Hint Cards
4 Different Adventure Packs
Game Rules
no batteries — so get some AA batteries, you’ll need 3
To be honest with you, I was disappointed in the game. You see, you can only play the game once for each room, because you know the solution. It is rumored that Spin Master Games will be coming out with expansion packs, but I wouldn’t get the game in hopes these expansion packs will materialize. And the truth be known, once you plan the expansion, you’ll be looking for the next one and then the next. I prefer games that can be played over and over and over again — this one and the expansions, nope!
There is an expansion that sounds exciting: Welcome to Funland — Escape Room the Game Expansion Pack
Here’s the story on the back of the box: “The amusement park was on the edge of town, right next to the woods. Half the attractions were out of order and the other half should have been. You remember coming to the park as a kid and you remember it being closed after a little girl disappeared, They only found one of her red ribbons in the woods. Who would have thought a clown could do such a thing?”
Players have 60 minutes to free themselves from Happy Jack’s backstage cage and escape Funland. Will they get out in time?
The Escape Room Expansion Pack requires Escape Room The Game to play.
As I said earlier, I’m going to pass on Escape Room The Game and this Funland Expansion. The price is a bit high for a game you can only play once.
From the reviews, many people are excited by the game and the expansion pack. They don’t mind it lacks re-play value.
Oh my goodness!! There’s another expansion pack: Murder Mystery
Here’s the exciting story line: “Rascals! As you enter the crime scene, you realize you’re in trouble. Although you’ve solved numerous murder cases in the past and you aren’t easily shocked, you’ve stumbled upon a real doozy. This isn’t just an ordinary murder case. Not only was Theodore Jones a man of great fortune and fame, but the note found on the body was highly disturbing. If you don’t solve this case quickly, there’ll be blood on your hands….”
Once again the players are under pressure to solve the mystery within the 60 minute time limit.
I’m standing by my earlier statement. I’m passing on this expansion pack as well.