Do You Feel It?
You may be all wrapped up with Christmas shopping, decorating and preparations.
Yes it will be here before you know it!
I’m changing some websites. I’ve eliminated one and plan to eliminate another one and perhaps a third one. It’s interesting how sometimes we have to let go.
This refers to many things besides websites, but that’s been a major concern of mine over the past several months. And the time has come for me to do it.
You know, I feel really good about the website I eliminated. And I know letting go of a second and perhaps a third will be a major weight off my shoulders.
The same is true of letting go of those things that are weighing on you. I’m not saying it is going to be easy, but once you decide to do it, you’ll feel so very much better.
This applies to letting go of people, the past and even stuff. As a wise friend of mine said, “It’s only stuff.” Well, I had a sentimental attachment to it . . . or thought I should. But in reality, it is only stuff.
I Built A New Website
Here I’m all happy about getting rid of websites and I built a new one.
I am a puzzle I can’t figure out most of the time. I’m been thinking about having a Christmas website for quite some time. You’d probably think I’d do Halloween. I thought so too, but Christmas seems more exciting to me.
If you want to check it out:
It’s a year round Christmas website. This is why I’m getting rid of the other websites. I lost interest in them and I can do more with Christmas Go Round than I can with them.
I’ve decided I’m more of a kitchen junk drawer type of blogger than a niche one. Over time it doesn’t work for me. I lose interest or run out of things to talk about. But with a junk drawer . . . there’s lots to talk about and to share.
There’s always an interesting “find” that was pushed back — way back in the back of the drawer — waiting to be rediscovered.
Tomorrow I Have A Webinar Boot Camp
It’s going to run a few hours and tell us about the best way to blog and those blogs that make it and those that don’t.
I can almost hear you say, “You should have waited until you attended the webinar before delving into a new website.”
Yes that did cross my mind, but I went for it . . . tis the season and all that. So, technically, instead of a niche, I have a theme.
I’m beginning to think I like having a theme instead of a niche. But I’ll see what I learn from this webinar.
Do you believe this webinar had a price in dollars to pay for attendance? They’re usually free with a “buy to learn more” component. I think I like paying to get the information and my questions answers than listening to a “pitch” and then getting the real information.
I guess it is all a matter of perspective . . . and the major changes I’m feeling I need to do.
Watching Movies Make Me Think
I don’t believe we choose movies by accident.
There were two about making major changes in the main character’s life. One was trying to hold on to a failing business when she had a passion for something else. The other was delving into a job to avoid “going home.” This involved dealing with the loss of her mother and then her best friend. She didn’t really know her father, but he was there all the time. So, she did go home and faced her grieving and developing a relationship with her father. It has an interesting twist, but just given those elements, it was an interesting story.
And then, there’s the first one of doing something that she lost interest in doing. This one truly hit home. And the reason for delving into a new website and the long awaited decision to let go of what wasn’t working for me.
Change in the only constant in our lives. We sometimes get blindsided by having to do it, but in the end it turns out for the better. Just as losing my content here when I moved the hosting of this website.
More Change May Be In Store For
This will have to do with tomorrow’s webinar.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed it or not, but the more I learn, the less I really know. Seems strange on one level and makes perfect sense on another.
I definitely won’t be letting go of, but I may be letting go of my current direction. I don’t believe it is working. I can always have my random thoughts, but maybe I need a theme. Yes, the kitchen junk drawer concept works for me, but maybe I do need something that means something to you.
Yes, it is my blog, but I need you to read it and be a loyal follower of this website. I need to give you what you want to see regularly. Giving you those treasures pushed back in the drawer.
And there may be more I need to let go of in order to see things clearly. Just go through the clutter of my mind and do a major cleaning.
Clarity is so very important. Until we have clarity, it’s difficult to make informed decisions.
You may be fortunate and not feel the need for change. It is very likely you had to move furniture around to make room for your Christmas tree. And, perhaps, for some of your decorations.
Change Is Inevitable
No matter the season or the reason.
I noticed a neighbor bought a new car. Not something I’m in the market for right now.
I want to write, but I also need people to read my blogs. I need to give value than just my rambling thoughts. Yet, this is basically food for thought for those rare souls who have been wrestling with changes in their own life.
It’s nice to know you’re not alone.
Blogging is my passion . . .
May each day be bright and productive,