Have you met Ezra, Phineas, and Gus?

They’re the Hitchhiking Ghosts from Disney’s Haunted Mansion. They would absolutely love to join your party.

The Image and Free Templates are compliments of http://family.disney.com

These 3D ghosts are excellent to print out and put together and use to decorate various places around the house. They may be used as a centerpiece for your Halloween Party spread. They are absolutely adorable!

Click Here for the Free Printable.

You may also like the Hitchhiking Ghost Masks

They’re fun for kids and stuffed animals. I also put them on pumpkins, brooms and even hang them on the wall. You can probably think of dozens of uses for these great masks to print out on card stock, cut out and have fun.

All three of the Haunted Mansion Hitchhiking Ghosts are in this Free Printable

I’ll be adding more great Halloween stuff for you to make and even eat.

Thanks for stopping by!


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