Are they still popular?

Do people even do them?memory-book-001

Or have they become scrap books or mini-albums?

I remember having many of them — through junior high and high school. Yes, I am that old!! We had junior high — not middle school.

As amazing as it seems, I do remember being that young — full of dreams . . .

Everything was a major event — going to the beach, movies, dances — saving ticket stubs and everything else that would go into the memory book — lots of pressed flowers . . . even bottle caps . . . gum wrappers . . . all those insignificant things . . .

Just think of all the things you’ve thrown out that would be interesting to put in a memory book you could share with your child . . . It could be a memory book of “firsts” — the first time you went to Starbucks . . . or took a plane ride . . . went to a play . . . a movie . . . and the crazy things you collected . . . as well as the ticket to different amusement parks . . . plus all the pictures . . .

I don’t remember many of the names of the people in the pictures. Maybe it was because we moved around a lot. But it did give me new opportunities to make new memory books . . .

Maybe that’s why I’m still looking for something new . . . exciting . . . different . . . And why none of my memory books have been completed . . .

And . . . what happens when a memory book is completed . . .

Is it a good thing?

Does it allow you to move on to new things?

Or are memory books open-ended?

I guess, if you decide to create one . . . you’ll decide how many editions you’ll create . . .

An easy way to begin for your children is having a memory book for each school year. Maybe you would like to have one for each year in your life. Starting in January and ending it at the end of December. The school and the annual ones could be quite large . . .

I think it’s great to see the growth one has made in their life when it comes to decisions and direction . . . I like the idea of combining pictures and memorabilia with journaling . . . giving you insight in later years to tell your story of what was going on and how you felt about various things.

Life is a great journey . . . enjoy every twist and turn and the bumps along the way . . . The bonus is the people you meet . . . and the influences they have on your life as well . . .

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