When I saw this on Pinterest I just had to make my own, but there were no templates and no instructions. But, as they say, “A picture is worth 1000 words.” So, by looking at the picture I decided I’d make these using fence boards and other materials. I did want them to be water proof if I was going to place them outside, or if I’d put them in a window, I could use just about anything from Styrofoam to thick poster board or whatever that stuff is called. It’s always fun to see what’s available at your favorite craft store.

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The pumpkin is relatively easy to make with all the templates available on-line for carving pumpkins. You could get a suitable face to paint on or cut out of other materials. The same is true for the ghost and even Frankenstein. Now, the mummy is what caught my eye with the burlap and muslin wrap. You’ll be able to find the burlap and muslinĀ at your local craft store, cut out some strips and have this project wrapped up in no time. Add embellishments and you’ll have some Halloween friends that will be the envy of the neighborhood.

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