Yes!!! 2016 Is Finally Here!!latte4

We have such grand hopes for the year ahead . . . as we always do this time every year.

Throughout the year, we’ve been able to count our many blessings and be truly thankful . . . then giving and the spirit associated with that . . . and throughout the year we’ve been filled with love and appreciation for so very much.

Then the New Year comes . . . a time of reflection . . . a time to make goals for the upcoming year . . . or not officially, but to take a bit of an inventory.

Of course, I think about my websites and how to use my time more productively. This applies to more than just my blogging. There is so very much to life that I don’t want to take for granted . . . which I may have in the past.

This Christmas season has had an impact upon me.

It made me think about what is truly important. Also to keep that wonderful feeling of Christmas linger throughout the year . . . no matter what is going on in the world . . .

It’s not hiding my head in the sand, but realizing that there is only so much as an individual I can do. So, if I can be upbeat and positive throughout the year, I can accomplish so very much more and perhaps help others. I do want to be a place where worry and frustration are not to be found. It is a place where we continue on no matter what . . . unless the internet crashes . . .

Worry Doesn’t Accomplish Anything

Have you noticed that?

Yet, I find myself worrying about things I can’t change. I know I can change myself . . . not by a snap of the fingers or a twitch of the nose . . . but through consistent effort I can change my behavior.

Worry is something I no longer need to do. It also does me no good to be upset or frustrated by the behaviors of elected officials . . . local, statewide and federal . . . I can voice my concerns to those individuals, but besides that I must continue living my life the best way that I can.

We must be strong for our family . . . I want to be strong for my many visitors, by giving them a safe haven to come to and learn something interesting that doesn’t have to do with the affairs outside of your own home or circle of friends and family.

I won’t be able to eliminate worry entirely . . . a bit of it is necessary to make sure I get my bills paid and continue to function as part of a community. But I don’t have to allow worry to consume me.

I don’t know if it was the books or movies that gave me this food for thought. Perhaps a combination of the two. I am grateful that I no longer need to hold on to this burden.

A friend of mine would talk about having a donkey in a box. It’s there wherever you go no matter what. And, there is a time to let go of it . . . allow it to be free and in the end, you free yourself.

It’s also true about “living in the now.”

This seems such an easy concept, but in reality it is difficult to do. We’re always projecting to the future and dwelling on the past . . . I’m going to appreciate what is before me. That is my moment. It could be the beautiful day before me . . . or that stack of mail I need to go through . . . Or taking down the tree and all the decorations throughout the house . . .

It doesn’t matter what . . . that is one way I’m noticing if I’m in the “now” or soaring into the future or into some nebulous void.

Life is to be experienced and enjoyed in a most positive and loving way. It’s to express how wonderful things are and the abundance around you . . . look at things in a more positive perspective and you’ll find you have a bit of a bounce in your step and a smile on your face.

Things won’t bother you as much as they once have. Your perspective will be more positive and you’ll have nothing but goodness to give to others in thought and deed.

Yes, there will still be disagreeable people and events that are upsetting . . . but by sidestepping them, and continuing on with a positive outlook, things won’t seem as horrible.

Yes, tragic things may still happen . . . you’ll be able to deal with them appropriately . . . by taking a brief break from your grieving to notice a sunrise or sunset . . . the sounds of nature around you . . . just those little things to remind you that you’re still alive and have things to do. And to appreciate those who have been in your life and how much you still love them.

Grief can be concurred with love. Just as fear and many other emotions. You’ll still be down and in the dumps, but you’ll also have moments of wonder and happiness when thinking about those who are no longer here.

I guess we still have things to accomplish here . . . and we need to make it all as pleasant as possible . . . even when our personal world seems to be crumbling down around us . . . It comes down to what you choose to focus upon.

Many people move on knowing that their loved ones would want them to do so.

On Holidays There Are Too Many Accidents That Impact The Lives Of So Many

It’s difficult for me to hear about traffic accidents . . . and other tragic events.

I don’t understand how this could all be avoided. It seems inevitable. I may not like to accept it, but with years of this happening . . . there is a time to accept what is and to learn something value from these events, then move on determined I’m not going to be the cause of anything harmful to others.

It comes down to using common sense. We all have it. We need to employ it more over our needs.

Every life is precious and worthwhile . . .

I suppose that could be debated, but the lives of those around me seem to be valuable . . . outside my circle I can’t judge for lack of information. I’m not going to draw unfounded conclusions that are not my place to comment.

I know what I can do for myself . . . and you know what is best for you. That’s what is most important. And in the end, it may be beneficial for others as well.

Happy New Year . . . may this year be better than the last one . . . and may your future be bright.


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