As I was taking my barrels out to the curb in front of my house earlier today, I could hear voices. None of my neighbors seemed to be out … other barrels were out … I couldn’t understand why I was hearing talking. This got me thinking about Mike’s real ghost story when he was working at a museum.
Art Museums are well known for the portraits and the comments of how the eyes seem to follow you. It does give you an uncomfortable feeling after awhile, but when there is a conversation going on when the room is supposed to be empty adds a whole new dimension to this room of portraits.
Mike worked at a museum.
He would conduct tours, but late at night when he was making his rounds to hurry along stragglers he would hear strange sounds. Sometimes there were footsteps echoing along the corridors. Other times he would hear conversations in hushed tones. He tried to make sense of it. He joined one of the security guards one night to make sense out of the sounds he heard.
Pete, the security guard, was interested in the paranormal. He showed Mike a security recording he found interesting. On Mike’s last tour, there was an apparition of a woman following him. Mike was unaware of her at the time. They went through other tapes and found the same ghostly figure following behind Mike. She appeared in the lobby where the tour started. She would appear in other parts of the museum, too on other days.
They tried to get a clear picture of who this ghostly woman was, but had no luck.
After midnight Mike and Pete conducted an experiment with the Ouija Board.
They wanted to contact this woman to learn who she was and why she was following Mike day after day.
It took several tries with no results. They decided to call in a professional psychic to hold a séance. They had to get permission and they also had to show the administrators the security tapes of the apparition that followed Mike around. None of the other museum staff seemed to have a ghost attached to them. They did get permission to hold a séance in the museum with a number of staff members and administrators who wanted to participate. Coordinating schedules was a problem, but several months later they were able to get together with the psychic to hold the séance.
The night of the séance everyone was excited in anticipation of finding out the identity of this ghostly apparition.
The museum administrator set up a buffet table to allow everyone to eat before or after the séance. There were no alcoholic beverages. This was to allow everyone to relax a little and mingle with the psychic before the séance. It was a nice touch for everyone to be comfortable around each other.
Before the séance began, there was the faint echo of footsteps and whispering down one of the corridors. They thought there could be more than one ghost haunting the museum.
During the séance there were many spirits in attendance. Mike’s ghost did appear towards the end. She told of her story of always coming to the museum with her father since she was a little girl and later with him with her children. As time passed and the passing of her father, the growing up of her children and moving away, she would pass the time by visiting the museum from time to time. She was pushed down the steps one day on her way out. She had been in a coma for quite some time from the head trauma and died. She was at the museum trying to find her father — maybe he was there looking for her.
When asked why she attached herself to Mike, she said she just liked him and wanted to be consistent in her search for her father. She wanted to crossover, but didn’t know how to do so and the other spirits in the museum weren’t interested in helping her.
It was a beautiful ending to the séance when the psychic was able to bring the father and daughter together and experience her crossing over. The candles flickered and everyone heard her say, “Thank you.”
I hope you enjoyed this real ghost story and will tell a friend or two to visit
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