What is one to do when we’re in between holidays?

Prepare for the next one . . . or look ahead . . . or combine two classics . . .HalloweenGingerbreadHouse1

Yes, think Halloween . . . and Christmas . . . Two holidays when people do go a bit crazy with decorating.

I have just the thing for you to try making now . . . so when it’s time to impress your family and friends, you’ll be able to make an impressive Gingerbread Halloween House.

Click the image on the right and you’ll be taken to the free template.

I was thinking of using this concept for a mini-album or a card . . . just discovering ways of making things from one medium to another. Free templates are always great to get you started creating your own designs. We always can use a starting point for making something different and special.

And this is a good time to try making something for another holiday. It seems we never have time to finish things . . . Probably because we’re inspired by other new ideas . . .

That’s the thing with inspiration . . . we never know where it will take us. But it is a wonderful ride . . . or journey . . .

It’s good to relax and think things through without pressure. You can adapt this to fit several different holidays . . . using food or paper products. You can make it spring or summer . . . it doesn’t have to be Halloween . . . The template provides the bare necessities . . . you provide the theme.

This is something to explore when you’re not busy doing other things . . . or planning other celebrations.

Have fun!


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