This Summer Season Has Been Busy And Much Too Warm . . .

Actually, it was downright HOT! Usually I don’t mind it with air conditioning . . . but when it goes out, life can be quite uncomfortable and miserable.

I did buy a new heating and air conditioning unit — my other one was old and pretty much beyond repair. I had 10 days of waiting for the new unit to be installed . . .

Fifteen day after the new unit was installed . . . it went out . . . Something that should last 15 to 20 years stopped working after only 15 days. Obviously, this was unacceptable . . .

The company did make it right . . . but I suffered through too many hours of sweating which wasn’t my idea of enjoying my major investment . . . or the relaxing, lazy days of summer . . .

The Purpose Of This Post Was Not To Bore You With The Chaos In My Life . . .

I was more concerned about the concept of summer — my least favorite season mainly because of the weather. I’m not into the hot sticky weather. I’m more comfortable with temperatures in the 70 + degrees . . . And usually about this time I’m yearning for fall/autumn my absolute favorite season.

But summer does have its perks — many people go on vacation or read good books or watch movies . . . just relax and enjoy the fair weather. There are bar-b-ques and outdoor dining — I like sitting on my patio and even on my front porch with a nice cup of coffee or a cold glass of iced tea. 

Sitting Under A Tree Or On A Tree Swing Is Relaxing

Is it possible that we never outgrow a swing — a tree swing or one we remember from our childhood at home or school or a playground or park?

I think a swing is nice — you can just sit or move slowly or get into it and reach for the sky . . . We make it work by pumping our legs . . . and maybe with a little push by a friend . . . A swing and summer seem to go together in my mind . . .

A tree swing is very appealing to me because you get the shade of the tree overhead . . . With a slight breeze, you can hear the rustling of the leaves — makes me think of fall . . . It is relaxing and very calming . . . You can allow your imagination to bring all kinds of wonderful images to mind . . . Remember . . . your precious memories . . . stories you’ve read or heard . . . being creative and making up a story of your own or poetry — remembering a poem or writing one while you’re relaxed and swaying to a rhythm of your own . . . 

I’m thinking of ice cream — a yummy ice cream cone . . . Making something cooling and refreshing.

Check out some of the items below this post and make yourself a refreshing treat. Something you and your family will enjoy this summer season . . . and for years to come.

Thanks for stopping by!


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