Matthew Roberts Has An Interesting Story To Share

I have two video vlogs to share with you from a well-known vlogger who vlogs around the Los Angeles area …

He’s into old Hollywood and goes on tours exploring the heartache of Hollywood legends … old and young …

Enjoy these vlogs …

Meet Matthew Roberts


Matthew Roberts’s Special Gift

What An Amazing Story … And Gift

I debated with myself about post this here or on my Tarot website … but here it is!!

I would love for you to visit me at … I do have a link on the sidebar … I’m really into Tarot and liked the way he fanned 9out the deck to select the cards for his reading. That’s the beauty of Tarot … You can use it how it fits your particular style …

Matthew has an interesting story. He’s protecting his birth mother. He seems to have taken this information in stride and is accepting what is … He seems to know what he knows and is comfortable with it without having any outside definite proof … I believe that is a very healthy point of view to have …

Thanks for stopping by!


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