I got up early this morning. Just looking around for something interesting to share.
I absolutely love paper crafts with FREE templates. I have a Haunted House on my other website http://oldhauntedstuff.com and thought for here at TwoCansOnAString.com I could do so very much better. I could give you a whole village with a whole lot of micromonsters to add to it. Along with anything else that grabbed my attention.
I understand this is a major undertaking on my part and will be a major project for you. I am very much into family and having a family work together on projects. That’s what makes paper crafts so very much fun as far as I’m concerned.
Haunted Houses are very popular for Halloween with ghosts, ghouls, witches, vampires, zombies and all things creepy.
This is a wonderful craft project you can use as a centerpiece on your dining room table. It may look nice on your mantle. Or any space you would like to decorate for Halloween.
When people realize you made these yourself, be prepared to print out some more or tell them about TwoCansOnAString.com I would greatly appreciate it.
All right, enough rambling, let’s get started!
I print these free templates on card stock. The instructions I print out on regular printer paper.
All Images and Free Templates compliments of http://ravensblight.com
Haunted House with a Secret Chamber
Ghost House Assembly Instructions
Starc Manor
Starc Manor Assembly Instructions
Darc Mansion
Darc Mansion Assembly Instructions
The Cliff House
Cliff House Assembly Instructions
Gothic Chapel With Hidden Chamber
Gothic Chapel Assembly Instructions
Ravensblight Manor
Ravensblight Manor Assembly Instructions
Ravensblight Main Street
What’s really great about Ravensblight Main Street is that you can either print out more buildings or change the signs . . . you can even add your own . . . now that should be fun! There are also two backdrops: Moonlit sky or Sunset sky . . . or you can have two different Main Streets . . . one by Moonlight and another at Sunset . . . There’s even a miniature hearse you may make and set up wherever appropriate.
Ravensblight Main Street Assembly Instructions
Hidden Cemetery
You can have some fun with the Hidden Cemetery — you can make it as large or small as you choose. You can place it anywhere you like in your Haunted Village . . . or you may want more than one . . . just a thought.
Hidden Cemetery Assembly Instructions
I’m wondering who or what lingers around this Haunted Village . . .
Micro-Monsters Set 1
Micro-Monsters Set 2
My, my, my what an interesting group of characters we have here . . . Yes, I do believe they fit in quite well with Ravensblight Village.
I may add just one more for fun: Pop-Up Card Haunted House
Haunted House Pop-Up Card Assembly Instructions
I hope you’ve found something here you’re going to make and enjoy.
Thanks for stopping by!