I was talking with a friend who told me of a couple of experiences he had where everything was normal . . . and then everyone and everything was abandoned . . . Fortunately for him this was only a short time frame of confusion . . . not so in the story on the video . . .

That’s truly an experience I would not want to have — being only a child . . . Makes one wonder how easy it is to walk into another reality . . . It has to be quite difficult otherwise we’d all have these altered reality stories.

Back to my friend’s story:

It was the last day of school . . .  he was in high school at the time. Everyone was out in front of the school. He forgot something and went back inside the building to get it. When he got outside again, the buses were gone, all the kids were gone — He wasn’t in the building that long to account for the whole place to be empty. Instead of just going home, he decided to go back into the building — maybe something was going on inside . . . Well, there was nothing unusual happening, so he went back outside and the kids were milling about and the buses were all lined up . . .

He didn’t know what to make of it . . . neither did I . . . I believe he made the correct decision to return inside the building rather than going home — maybe he wouldn’t have been able to find his house . . . or another family lived in it . . . Freaks you out a bit doesn’t it?

Have You Had Such An Experience?

Share your personal paranormal glitch experience in the comments. Or your thoughts about the video story or my friend’s personal experience.

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