I Love Movies About Writers — This One Has To Do With Editing Software . . .
It does make one wonder about the power of artificial intelligence — with our computers and smartphones and other smart appliances . . . We may be living in our own science fiction creation . . .
I know I’m very much into all the modern technology, especially when it comes to building websites and adding content to them. I am in the process of making some major changes to this website . . . but it is a process that may take a bit of time.
Fortunately, I’m not on a timeline as the character in this movie Bobbie Johnson is to complete her novel. Nor am I being controlled by technology. It all comes down to the choices we make. A theme that seems to be running through many of the movies I’ve been watching.
Over the years there have been several movies with the theme of man versus machine — computers in particular. We have these devices to make our lives easier — The question comes down to whether we’re making these decisions for ourselves or being manipulated into making them . . .
These messages come to life during the viewing of this movie — choosing to believe what others say or what one knows to be true . . .
It is strange how my laptop started acting up during the writing of this post. I did lose some content, but that is the least of my concerns. I can always recreate what I originally created — sometimes it does come out differently, and maybe not as good . . . but it does get done . . . It was just a strange occurance . . .

Are we more relevant by the words we write or how we write the words?
That seems to be another theme running through this movie . . . And since I’m not into spoilers . . . I do have to wonder how much of what Bobbie believed was happening to her physically was true or . . . something else . . .
I Believe A Sign Of A Good Movie Is One That Makes You Think About It After The Final Credits Have Run . . .
The Peripheral Is An Amazon Original Series With New Episodes Every Friday . . . I’ll Be Reviewing This In An Upcoming Post . . . So Basically, I Came Across The 2019 Movie Of Peripheral Completely By Accident . . . However, A Very Happy One
I do find it interesting how movies can have similar titles and be completely unrelated . . . Or are they?
This Peripheral is about a writer and getting forced into the modern age of technology . . . The Series is about Computer Games — A very sophisticated software . . . hummmmm
Of the few episodes of the series I’ve viewed so far, I see no other similarities between the two . . . But I would recommend you watching for this series . . . If you’re into computer games . . . and even if you’re not . . .
I did like the ending of Peripheral. I felt Bobbie was put in a tight spot . . . plus being manipulated by her own addiction and her own desire . . . This is a spoiler alert!!! Her desire wins — in my estimation and conclusion . . . You may see it entirely differently.
Another spoiler alert is when she has a meeting with her favorite author and their discussion of Shakespear . . . I found it quite enlightening.
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