A Wooden Box Brain Teaser
A wooden box with hidden compartments — Oh this should truly be fun! This is a great gift idea. Perhaps you would like to purchase one for yourself. I think everyone would enjoy this wonderful Secret Enigma Puzzle Box. It seems to be great for young and old — male and female. We do seem to enjoy secrets — and being able to figure out how to get inside a secret compartment. What secrets will you keep in your secret compartment? We have all kinds of things we treasure — a special piece of jewelry, perhaps a key . . . a special picture . . . Of course, our mad money . . .
About This Item:
This box is truly a Brain Teaser. The Bits and Pieces Secret Enigma Puzzle Box conceals and protects your most treasured keepsakes in its secret compartment. You will get a kick out of watching others try to get into your puzzle box.
There’s a Money Holder Puzzle: This is truly a clever way to present a gift of currency, a gift card or gift certificate with a challenging puzzle to release the gift.
This box is elegantly designed in beautiful rosewood.
The dimensions of this secret puzzle box are 2½” x 5¾” x 2¾” and include a solution in case this enigma has everyone stumped.
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