Root Beer Float Cake Recipe

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Here’s a simple cake recipe to make with that wonderful root beer float taste your family will love.

Let’s begin with the Ingredients:

1 package of your favorite white cake mix

1 3/4 cups cold root beer

1/4 cup canola oil

2 eggs

1 envelope whipped topping mix

Now to mix it up and pop it in the oven:

1. You’re going to need a large bowl to combine the cake mix, 1 1/4 cups of root beer, oil and eggs. You can beat it at low speed with your mixer for 2 minutes or whisk by hand for 3 minutes. I prefer to whisk these ingredients together by hand — less clean-up.

2. Grease a 13 x 9 inch baking pan.

3. Pour the mixed ingredients into the baking pan.

4. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes — check it by sticking a tooth pick into it. You know the drill, when the tooth pick comes out clean, then it’s done.

5. Now, you’re going to have to be careful handling the baking pan, because it’s going to be HOT!

6. Let it cool a bit in the baking pan before removing it to a wire rack to cool completely.

Now you’re ready to make the frosting for this yummy cake:

1. Aw geez another bowl. This time a small one. You’re going to combine the whipped topping mix and the remaining root beer. What? You drank it! Well, you’re going to need about 1/2 cup of root beer to mix with the package of whipped topping mix. So pop open another can.

2. You’re going to have to use the mixer for this. You’ll beat it until soft peaks are formed. Now, I’d taste it to make sure I can taste the root beer and it has that ice creamy foamy taste.

3. Frost the cake. Pop it in the refrigerator until you’re ready to serve it.

While you’re cleaning up the kitchen, you can enjoy your remaining root beer.

This cake recipe should serve between 12 and 15, depending upon the size of each piece, of course.
