Cemetery Solitude

I Find Visiting A Cemetery To Be Relaxing And Tranquil

I believe most cemeteries are not populated with the souls of departed loved ones. They move on … Yet with many books and movies … one would think that a cemetery is an active playground for the dearly departed.

There may be some who do linger just to see who comes to visit.

I love old cemeteries … I have one not far from my home that I visit quite often. I’ve gotten some interesting EVPs … and spirits have appeared to me.

I’m interested in their stories … some don’t mind talking … some want to be left alone … I’ve been very fortunate to help some “cross over” … while a few want me to leave and mind my own business …

I Watched Heather’s Video To The Right …

I was quite interested in Christina and how she kept on topic during the EVP section.

Most of us do become impatient and when not receiving an immediate clear response move on with other questions …

What it and let me know what you think 🙂

Heather’s Hauntings Cemetery Video


This Was My First Introduction To Christina

It was interesting how the wind kicked up. 

I do wonder about the people who thought it weird to visit a cemetery … Perhaps there have been problems in the past at certain locations and it is suspicious to see people sitting around … But how else are we to visit with loved ones or other dearly departed souls?

I don’t know if you heard anything or saw something of interest or unusual in the video. I’d like to hear your comments below.

I’ve heard music ,.. crying … sometimes laughter … And at times creepy sounds or foot steps … I’ve been touched … I’ve also been drawn to other graves … 

In one particular case, a little girl took my hand and led me to her grave. It is always sad to see the grave of a child …

She shared about her heart condition and how so very tired she was … but her coffin has been soaked through and she can’t stay in there …

Fortunately … she had a grandmother who had died and was looking for her …

They were reunited eventually … but it took several months for them to finally get together …

I left … believing my work there was over and the grandmother’s spirit would take over … but I found them at my house … needing help … They didn’t want to cross over … 

They were my house guests for several months … perhaps as long as a year before I was able with the help of a psychic medium to help them move on …

The spiritual realm is quite fascinating … but I wouldn’t recommend inviting spirits into your home … We want to help … but they are disruptive to our persoTnal lifestyle as a living person …

Please share your thoughts in the comments below 🙂

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