Hillshire Farm American Craft Sausage Hot Dog Recipe

The weather’s heating up, so why not heat up the grill and make a family pleasing meal outside. It’s an easy meal to prepare ahead of time. Dice up an onion and a tomato or two, check to see if you have sweet pickle relish, maybe some jalapeno peppers to give it some extra spice, condiments, how about shredding some cheddar cheese — you could heat up some sauerkraut, don’t forget the hotdog buns and you’re ready to grill those delicious Hillshire Farm American Craft Sausages. Don’t overcook them, but about 10 minutes on a low grill should do it. Then you begin your assembly line of condiments and goodies and dinner is served.


By the time you sit down to enjoy your first savory bite, it may be time for seconds, but with everything cooked and set out, let them build their own masterpiece.

This is a fun recipe you may want to use with variations to close out the summer and early fall.