New Beginnings

Every Spring Is A New Beginning

I find it interesting how nature takes care of itself.SpringWallpaper3

There’s the growing season and after the harvest, then a period of rest . . . then back to new growth.

So, if nature does this naturally, do we as humans run through similar cycles?

Usually a new school year begins in the fall . . . the spring brings a closing . . . then summer vacation which sometimes brings catching up or getting a head start on the fall . . .

I’ve always thought of fall as the new beginning, but as I walk in nature I see new growth all around me. The rains come to water and nurture the new growth . . . and our thoughts go to spring cleaning . . . and maybe new beginnings by taking care of things that need to get done . . . or thoughts of beginning a new life with someone special . . . or planning a vacation to rest and reflect . . . even contemplate one’s future.

Change Is Something That Occurs Regularly

Maybe I’m thinking of “change” because of the political climate.

An election year . . . change . . . perhaps . . . We won’t know until election day in November. But the summer will bring the opposing candidates together in debate and discussions . . .

With the new elected officials being announced in November, but not taking office until after the New Year.

It seems we do have to wait . . . wait through the seasons . . . and with each season . . . experiencing the changes nature brings . . .

When it comes to change . . . we can only change ourselves . . . our behavior . . . our thoughts . . . our actions . . . We’ve probably made adjustments throughout the year. I know when I was attending school, I was in a constant state of change . . . focusing more on one subject or another . . . then once I got a handle on that, gave more time to another subject . . .

School was probably preparing us for life . . . for work . . . for our own homes . . . our families . . .

This Spring I’ve Been Thinking A Lot About Paper Crafts And Mini Albums

I’ve thought about taking more pictures.springwallpaper

I did get a new printer . . . and I haven’t used my “new” camera as much as I anticipated when I bought it a couple of years ago.

I’ve been thinking of making videos. I’m not much of a vlogger, but I thought recording paper craft projects would be fun. Perhaps a reason for doing paper crafts in the first place.

I’ve decided not to get caught up in the news casts and all the election stuff. I like being informed, but I don’t need to get all tangled up in it. Many of my friends have found that just being informed is enough. When they spend half a day listening and watching, they find they become anxious and unhappy.

They worry . . . they become very concerned . . . So, it’s best to be informed and then do something that is enjoyable and relaxing.

The thing is, we can’t control the beliefs and actions of others. We can only do that for ourselves and our families. And we need to make our life as pleasant and enjoyable as possible for ourselves and for those around us and those who mean the most to us. We can’t help others if we’re anxious and angry. And we need to unplug from the “noise” and do something relaxing.

You can play a card or board game, make something out of paper, cook . . . learn something new . . . something you’ve always wanted to do. Or even relax with a jigsaw puzzle . . . or a good book or DVD . . . maybe even listen to music.

Spring is an excellent time to enjoy nature and to move away from the stresses of life . . . Yes, and life does bring us unpleasant things to deal with from time to time.

A friend of mine is grieving the decline in health of her father. It is very difficult for her, but she keeps herself busy . . . doing things that allow her to relax and sleep so the next day she will be there for her father. He depends upon her as does her own family and siblings . . . They work together to support one another . . . as does her friends . . .

This spring does remind me of a spring 10 years ago when I lost my mother and another spring 8 years ago when I lost my father. Time does heal, but . . . even after the grieving . . . there are times I do feel the void. It’s not that I want to fill the void, but to reflect positively and productively . . .

And for many of you, you may have a different season of loss . . . remembering . . . and reflection . . .

I’ve always wondered about “spring fever” . . . is it only during the spring or does it occur at different times?

I thought mine was in the fall . . . wanting to do so much more than what I was supposed to be doing . . .

Isn’t that what “spring fever” is about?

Thoughts wandering . . . instead of focusing upon tasks at hand . . .

This post is a wandering piece of my thoughts . . . ramblings . . . perhaps sorting out what is truly important and what isn’t.

Are you going through something similar?

I appreciate your stopping by and reading this post. If you’d like to leave a comment, please do.

Until next time,
