January, A Time For Reflection

I’m finding January to be a time for reflection. Lots of thinking with little being accomplished. It may be the weather or just the mind and body’s way of slowing down from all the holiday hoopla.

It’s interesting how an ordinary day can bring inspiration. The routine outside my window is normal with the power walkers swiftly walking down the hill talking away. I once thought they exercised their jaws more than their legs, but they’re still at it, every morning at first light in the morning.

A few years ago, I had a little difference of opinion with one of the girls. She would pitch her energy drink cup in my roses. I confronted her and told her I didn’t appreciate her littering my roses with her YooHoo drink. She refused to pick up her discarded cup, but got huffy about me calling her energy drink YooHoo. Her friend teased her about drinking YooHoo during their morning walk.

I started drinking my coffee on the front porch, waiting for the power walkers. I could see them walking. I got up and stood by the roses, daring the young woman to pitch her drink cup in my roses. Seeing me, they cut across the street. As I stood there, I wondered how I became that old women who told passers by to keep off her lawn. The scenario was different, but the sentiment was the same.

 I had no more trouble with the power walkers and I no longer drank my morning coffee on my front porch, but I watched from the window. There were the dog walkers, joggers and older couples going for their morning walk. They would return in the early evening.

My morning routine changed. I no longer watched the morning sun rise and evening sun set over my view from the breakfast nook window. I got into my blogs, crafts and daily routine. But today, I’m at my window with my coffee and my spinach, tomato and scrambled egg breakfast with a lightly toasted English muffin. Comfort food with a bit of strawberry jam.

The telephone’s ringing, but I prefer not to be disturbed. It will go to voice mail, if a message is important enough to collect. Most of the time there is no message. That’s fine with me. I have my novel to write, errands to run and my house to tidy up. 

I took a leisurely walk around the neighborhood with my little Yorkie. She loves to be out exploring all the smells left by the walkers and dogs. It might seem a bit disgusting, but I’ll never truly understand a dog’s life as she may never understand mine. We continued around the block. A woman called out from her window. I guess I’m not the only one who watches. 

Hollywood has made movies about “watchers” which usually has a sinister twist, but this particular woman probably has no more sinister motive than I have, it’s merely a beginning of a day.

It did make me wonder how many others “watch,” but say nothing. Many may be gone to work, some may work at home. I do enjoy the leisure of working at home. I choose my own hours and do as I please. It is true freedom from the 9 to 5 routine of a regular job. But working outside of their homes may have its perks. It is all a matter of perspective. A choice perhaps.

Just as the morning news . . . nothing inspiring, just complaining . . . always unhappiness about the world . . . no one satisfied . . . our happiness or sadness may be a choice. It’s all a matter of perspective. There is much to enjoy and admire within our own environment. Fresh air, being outside, walking leisurely around without a care in the world. I do learn much from my little Yorkie. She looks for adventure, or so it seems. Having her nose to the ground one moment and in the air the next, but moving along. She follows the sidewalk, her pace quickens as we approach our street. 

Soon our walk will be over and she’ll settle down to her morning nap. Such a grand life she leads without a care in the world. 

Have a great day!