I Love Paper Crafts

I’ve been surfing the web . . . again . . . 


For the Pink Box Camera Click Here

I came across a lot of different fun paper crafts.

Strange how I’ll be looking for boxes . . . then I find 3-D houses and even a gazebo . . . and I thought, Yes!! This is perfect for spring and summer. I could have some fun decorating this with flowers and adding all kinds of things inside . . . Then I thought of other things that would be season appropriate . . .

And then there were vintage-type stuff that I truly love . . . and it got me thinking . . . about spring . . . and summer . . . and vacationing . . . and picture taking . . . so, a camera would be quite appropriate . . . even a vintage one . . . Just click the image and you’ll be taken to the page to download and print out the black box camera.

This is a box camera . . . and there’s a box inside where you can keep some small pictures . . . maybe a few sweet treats . . .

The internet is a definite feast for the eyes and the mind . . . 

And can cause a lot of confusion in the process.Sneaker

I found so many things I’d like to make . . . and then wondered what would be appropriate on TwoCansOnAString to share with you . . .

Decisions, decisions, decisions . . .

I had to do a lot of thinking . . . and wondering what you would like to make. Do you want something simple or quite involved? Would you like it to be functional or decorative?

I decided on a sneaker . . . something you could make and fill with goodies . . . Also something I associate with summer . . .

Just click the image and you’ll be taken to the PDF for downloading and printing. There’s also a white shoe version you can print out here.

I hope you found this post helpful and worthwhile. Have fun putting the cameras and sneakers together!
