Vintage Car Post Card Ephemera

These old post cards would be great in a mini-album or scrapbook!!!

Tim Holtz introduced me to the term “ephemera” which is basically items that last for a short period of time.vintagecarpostcards5

That could be said for post cards and flowers . . . maybe even photographs and paper products — candy wrappers, ticket stubs . . .

Then, we use the fancy name “ephemera” and add “vintage” to it to make people believe we have something valuable here. Which is basically all in the eye of the beholder. And, since it’s my eye that’s beholding . . . and yours, too . . . we’ll be the judge as to whether these Vintage Car Post Cards are worthwhile or not.

I like them! I thought they’d be interesting to put in mini-albums. We can always use more ephemera to put in those handy pockets we make.

Click the image to the right and I have a PDF you can download and print out.

I think I have 8 of them . . . you can print out the ones you like and leave the others.

I’m a bit disappointed with the picture quality, but it does make it look old . . . and these post cards are definitely old. I magine someone saved this “ephemera” not knowing that 80 years later it would still be “here”, but saved in a digital format to be shared and used . . .

Just another example of that “trash to treasure” expression . . .

I hope you found this post amusing and may print out some of these post cards to share in your paper craft projects.

Thanks for stopping by!
