Tall Tales Story Telling Board Game — The Family Game of Infinite Storytelling — 5 Ways to Play

I love story telling!

This game has won awards!! 5 Time Award Winner including Prestigious Dr Toy Award 2016 and Winner of the 2016 Scholastic Parent & Child Gold Star Toy Award.

Tall Tales Story Telling Board Game includes:

  • 24 Story Cards
  • 50 Game Pieces and a Story Bag

There are 5 ways to play:

  • Basic Game: One player reaches into the story bag and picks out 8 story pieces, one at a time. This player begins telling a Tall Tale using one of the pieces and continues on until all of the pieces are included in the story. Allow your imagination to go wild as you’re adding new elements to your story. There’s no scoring, just story telling.
  • World Tales: Follows the Basic Game directions. After selecting the 8 story pieces, draw one story place card and use that card as an environment for your Tall Tale. As you tell your story, place your story pieces on the story place card as they’re used.
  • Taller Tales: Choose a number 9 to 50. One player selects one piece from the bag to use in their story. Once that piece is used, that same player draws another piece which must be the next piece they use in their story. The story continues until the number of pieces chosen to use is completed. Story place cards may be added for more variations.
  • Group Tales: Each player draws two or more story pieces, thus dividing up the 50 pieces among the players. The first player chooses one piece they’ve drawn and begins the story using one piece in the tale and passes the story to the second player who continues the tale using one of his/her pieces. The story continues to pass from player to player until all have used up all of their pieces. Story place cards may be added for more of a challenge.
  • Marathon Tales: It’s like Taller Tales, but the number chosen is always 50 pieces. It can be one story teller or can be like Group Tales where the story travels from player to player. Story place cards may be added.

And, since this is your game and your players you can make up your own rules! Once you learn the Basic Game you can make variations — depending upon the age group.

This game is great for 4-year-olds and up.

You can even add more pieces to your story bag: little plastic toys or trinkets. This will make the story more personal to you.

This is a wonderful game allowing children to use their imaginations.

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