I Found This Great Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher ThanksgivingCootieCatcher

It’s a way of getting everyone to think of how thankful they are for so many of life’s blessings.

This is fun for kids and adults, too. I hope you enjoy it.

You can get the Cootie Catcher Here.

Some like printing it out on card stock so it doesn’t wear out as quickly, but regular printing paper works fine. It may actually be easier for folding.

I like this cootie catcher. Here’s a quick look inside:

  • How can you show people that you are grateful?
  • How do you feel when you say Thank You to someone?
  • Three things I’ve Thankful for today are.
  • Why is it important to be grateful for things in your life?
  • Which book are you thankful for reading?

This may get everyone talking about their memories of personal experiences they’re grateful for having — maybe not at the time, but now that you’ve had time to reflect. It’s a wonderful activity for young and old to share their thoughts and feelings.

And the Assembly Instructions.

Have a great Thanksgiving!



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