The Days And Weeks Are Going By Quickly.KidsPlayingInLeaves

Thanksgiving is less than a week away!

I was out shopping yesterday and the Thanksgiving grocery displays were moved front and center. It was so easy to find just about everything in that one section. I could feel the excitement of the approaching holiday.

Family is gathering this weekend to spend more time together. There is much excitement and anticipation all around the city. It’s easy to get caught up in it.

No matter what your plans, take a moment to reflect upon your favorite Thanksgiving Day celebrations. It’s good to remember loved ones who have passed and how they have made Thanksgiving and other holidays so special.

Is It The Food Or The Company?

For many it could be the traveling to see loved one.

My neighbor has an expression I truly love, “Family is like fish, it spoils after three days.” So she limits her visits. It’s a way to visit various family and friends before arriving at their final destination for Thanksgiving.

I’m sure many would like to spend more than three days together, but I can understand not imposing on the kindness of others.

My brother and I were talking about food yesterday. That really gets you in the mood for the Thanksgiving Feast before us this Thanksgiving. This got me thinking of how special Thanksgiving was when we were kids. That’s why I love the picture of kids playing in the leaves with the Pilgrims and Native Americans in the background.

It’s remembering the reason for the holiday and also allowing you to be a kid again . . . at least in memory.

My father and I would rake leaves together Thanksgiving morning. It became our tradition. Surprisingly, I do miss it. I loved seeing the progress we made in getting the driveway cleared off first and then the front lawn. I do love the sound of crunching in the leaves.

Each family may have priceless memories that have nothing to do with Thanksgiving, but we do make the association nevertheless.

Make Your Own Traditions

There are so many “built in” traditions centered around Thanksgiving.

It’s mainly the food, but it could be something more . . . like raking leaves or making the beds . . . even bringing out cots for the kids to sleep on . . . or setting up a place for kids to play in the backyard.

Football is a tradition . . . watching or playing it with family and friends . . . also a favorite movie or board game . . . or video game . . . each family has traditions that are uniquely their own . . . or maybe not so unique.

Then, the day after Thanksgiving . . . Black Friday special shopping trips . . . putting up the Christmas tree and the Christmas lights . . . or whatever you and your family find appropriate to do.

It’s always fun to have something special to share with loved ones that will be a treasured memory for many years to come.

It’s never to late to create your own Thanksgiving tradition.

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!


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