I Love Vintage Photographs

I wrote about this on my TwoCansOnAString.com website today. VintagePhoto1

I usually don’t like repeating links, but I thought it appropriate to share here. I’m sure you have similar photographs in your family albums with the “shadow” of the photographer.

I’m sure this is very common throughout the world . . . or maybe just North America . . . but much depends upon how many of these have been discarded or the shadow section cut off . . . it would be interesting to know.

Although there is a logical explanation . . . it brings up thoughts of “shadow people” or something more sinister.

We are more curious of the “unseen” than the seen. We’re always looking for clues in photographs of what escapes our everyday observations. Too often we don’t see what is right before our eyes.

And then there are the sounds. We put a label on them . . . oh, that’s the neighbor or the heat turned on . . . or its the wind . . .

It’s only when things are persistent that we turn to the paranormal for an explanation . . . or something that scares us to the point of running out in the still of the night screaming.

Or huddled up under the covers . . . the blankie shield.

Anyway . . . it does make you wonder a bit . . .

Waving At Ghosts

I may have mentioned this before . . . but I do see ghosts from time to time sitting on their front porch and waving as I go by. They are aware of me . . . just as I am aware of them.

That could be creepy, but it makes me feel good. I just wish I could join them on their porch and have a bit of chat . . . but it doesn’t work that way, unfortunately.

We get snippets of information from ghosts, but most of the time we have to do research . . . or watch them . . . and take note of the various times we see them throughout the town . . . and sometimes we’re so busy with our own thoughts that we miss them completely.

Yes, I’m guilty of that.

Patricia was riding to school with her mother one morning.

She saw the ghosts on the porches waving at her, so she waved back. Her mother asked, “Who are you waving at?”

“Oh that couple sitting on their front porch.”

Concerned, her mother asked, “Do you know them?”


Patricia didn’t tell her mother that they were ghosts . . . nor the fact that there were ghosts at school and ghosts at the market and just about everywhere throughout the town.

This wasn’t a topic her mother wanted to discuss.

She did, however, discourage Patricia from waving at strangers.

This was sad . . . because the ghosts were no longer waiting for her on their front porches.

When Patricia was old enough to drive herself to school, she once again waved at the ghosts sitting on their porches. She also spent more time at the cemetery. This was where she could openly try to communicate with them.

She would do her homework under a tree and ask for ghosts to show themselves to her.

They would stroll by on occasion.

She tried capturing EVPs and even pictures . . . without success.

This is all too true for many of us.

Then, one day she heard about a seance a friend of hers was having . . . since her parents were going to be gone for the weekend. 

Well, things didn’t go as planned.

Patricia thought she was joining a small group of other girls . . . but boys were invited or they invited themselves . . . a Ouija board was brought in . . . and there was no psychic to conduct the seance.

With this change of plans, Patricia was tempted to leave . . . but with peer pressure . . . she stayed.

We do have wonderful hind-sight . . . too bad at a young age we allow others to influence our behavior than relying on our own common sense.

The Ouija session started out as usual. Is anyone there? What’s your name? Will Patricia and Josh get married? The usual questions.

Then, things changed when Alex wanted proof that the spirit was real. “Prove yourself,” he said. “Move something in the room.”

Alex continued his taunting until there was a huge swirl of energy knocking furniture over and pictures off the walls.

That got everyone running out the door, including Alex.

But Patricia wasn’t moving. Her friend dialed 9-1-1.

Patricia recovered from her head injury. But there was something different about Patricia . . . she changed in behavior and attire. She was possessed, or so it seemed. She would cock her head to one side as though she was listening to someone.

She knew things . . . the outcome of the homecoming game . . . the drug bust that was being planned the next day. Patricia became very popular. She didn’t have close friendships, everyone was her friend . . . including the drug dealers and the popular crowd. She didn’t care who she hurt or benefited by her information.

Actually, Patricia didn’t have any friends. She became a loner . . . a recluse . . . an outcast in many respects. She kept up with her school work and was a model student . . . and a perfect child as far as her parents were concerned.

It was the internal torment she felt within her mind and body . . . Patricia was gone . . . replaced by a spirit of some sort . . . completely missed by her parents, teachers and former friends . . . they couldn’t see what was right in front of them . . .

No one saw it . . . no one came forward to help . . . and Patricia was helpless to help herself. She had no future . . . no goals or aspirations . . .

It was difficult for Patricia to concentrate on that night with the Ouija Board . . . the supposed seance .  .  . she couldn’t remember what was asked, but she knew Alex was tormenting and challenging . . . her . . . not the old Patricia, but the new Patricia . . .

Well, you can imagine what went on . . . Alex was the target . . . and Alex was going to suffer . . . and suffer he did. He shattered his kneecap in a freak accident — no longer able to play football or any other sport he enjoyed. There went his college scholarship. He also lost his girlfriend . . . his parents were on him to make something of himself.

Even after Alex died from a drug overdose . . . the entity didn’t leave Patricia . . . there was always a new target . . .

Patricia lived a long life . . . she did go to college . . . she did work in the corporate world . . . she never married . . . she was very successful . . . destroyed her competitors . . . and was finally free when she died at the age of 98.

I have no way of knowing if the entity found a new vessel to possess . . . a nurse, a doctor . . . a paramedic . . . a child visiting someone in the hospital . . . a young mother or father . . . another high school student . . . a new born . . .

And maybe it returned to explore the possibilities . . . when someone played with a Ouija board.







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