Ray Keim of Haunted Dimensions has some creepy facades you may enjoy making this fall.

There are two facades and my favorite one — the Skoolhouse.psychoscareapy

They are all fun to make and display on your buffet table for your Halloween Party.

These make great centerpieces and also look frightfully fun for a coffee table or entry table . . . even a bookcase. You’ll have the makings of a great Halloween Village with these.

screamhouseClick the image of Psycholoscarapy to the right for the PDF to download and print out. And while you’re at it click the image of ScreamHouse and also of the SkoolHouse to have the whole collection of Universal Orlando’s Halloween Horror Nights.

You may also want to hang out at Haunted Dimensions for awhile and get some more great paper crafts printables you can make for your Halloween decor or for family and friends. A donation would be nice to help keep these great paper crafts free.

Ray Keim is a great artist and has a wonderful website of scary things you may enjoy.skoolhouse

I am quite fond of this SkoolHouse and have had it up since August for Back-to-School. I’ve also added some monsters from Ray O’Bannon’s RavensBlight toy shop . . . He has a few characters I thought would add to the feeling of going back to school.

It may be unfair to speak unfavorably about the lunchroom selection of food. I know when I went to school in the dark ages our school lunches weren’t too bad . . . not like Mom’s cooking, but I did like their Chili Beans on a cold rainy day . . . And back then those lunches were only 35¢ . . . unbelievable, huh?

micromonstersset2aThose were the days . . . and since then there have been movies about the cafeteria lady . . . and maybe the janitor, too . . .

All the scare the wits out of kids . . . or to make them wonder . . . is it possible? Did Harry move away . . . or did something . . . or someone get him? Then there was sweet Marsha . . . she wasn’t around one day after school . . . hummm, I don’t remember seeing her after lunch . . .  And, then there’s Bobby and Sam . . . Lisa and what was her name . . . ? Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

Which one of these culprits could have done the dirty deed? Now that pumpkinhead scarecrow has my vote, but the innkeeper with the bloody apron would make a wonderful cafeteria lady . . . and the mortician would be a great principal and the witches could be teachers . . . Now the pirates would be great yard supervisors . . . and having some monsters around would keep the kids in line . . . micromonsters1

Ray O’Bannon has another set of these monsters I should include . . .

Just remember the click the image and you’ll find the PDF to print out.

I don’t know about this second set . . . A mad scientist might work out . . . a vampire and a skeleton ghost may be interesting . . . or the bride and groom . . . They were high school sweethearts . . .

I just like giving you a selection . . . Ray Keim and Ray O’Bannon are the go-to people when it comes to wanting some haunted places . . . and Ray O’Bannon has his monsters and other toys you may find interesting.

Thanks for stopping by!


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