I’ve Enjoyed My Summer Months … 

But … I’m looking forward to autumn … thinking about pumpkins and falling leaves … cooler temperatures … That bit of a bite in the air … I enjoy wearing sweaters and long-sleeved blouses … 

I’m not all about fashion … but comfort … It seems easier to dress for the colder temperatures than for the warmer ones … just a personal preference …

I Do Have Thoughts Of The Upcoming Holidays …

Fall brings us Halloween and Thanksgiving … Then winter brings on Christmas and the New Year … 

It’s never too early to be thinking and preparing for the holidays … whatever form they take with your faily and friends … 

I’m Always Amazed How Many Of My Neighbors Are Already Planning Their Halloween Decorations

Some go all out with lights and all things creepy and sometimes humous displays to delight their families and neighbors …

Since I’m yearning for all … I thought I’d look around YouTube and see what I can share with you to get you thinking about your own Halloween decorations … inside as well as outside … 

I know a lot of work goes into this … some people truly go all out …

Halloween Home Tour


It’s Always Fun To See What Others Have Done To Inspire You To Get Creative With Your Own Unique Halloween Decorations

It’s never too early to begin thinking about your fall decorating … especially when it comes to Halloween … or perhaps that’s just me …

You can find all kinds of stuff … spray paint it to make it spooky and creepy … use your imagination … get the kids involved … And just have fun!

It may be worthwhile to check out some Halloeen themed children’s books … They are always fun even for adults …

I hope you enjoyed this post and have been thinking about the upcoming holidays … This is definitely the best time to get started!


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