Are you interested in the Kindle Readers?

I love my Kindle.

My brother prefers a book.

What I especially like about the Kindle . . . 

  1. I don’t have a stack of books I have to put away.
  2. I can buy a book and get it downloaded to my Kindle in no time at all.
  3. There are numerous FREE books available.
  4. I can take my Kindle with me — which includes hundreds of books — try packing that many physical books.
  5. I can always have a book with me — actually a variety of books.

I was just thinking about how digital books seem to always be available where physical books run out of stock . . . 

Another thing that surprises me at times is how the Kindle version may be more expensive than the physical book. Perhaps this is due to the convenience of getting our hands on it immediately . . . but all in all, even with prime free shipping, I find that having a Kindle does serve my needs better.

Now, it comes does to which Kindle you want . . . and whether you want to get one for your kids, too . . . 

The last image is the Kindle for Kids Bundle. Depending upon their age . . . you are the best judge of when your child or children are ready for a Kindle Reader . . . and whether you’re ready for one. Then there are the different features you want . . .

I think audio would be a good feature . . . sometimes an audio book is enjoyable . . .

Whatever you decide . . . Amazon has a Kindle that is right for you!

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