August Is A Magical Time . . .

We’re hopefully coming to the close of summer. I’ve had enough . . . My air conditioning went out twice and just yesterday the electric company gave the neighborhood a power outage to work on the power lines . . . Why is August and not during the cooler weather?

I suppose no time is a good time for a power outage . . . but it is a good time to enjoy a refreshing root beer float in a frosted mug . . .

And to celebrate in the evening, it’s always good to sit outside by the fire pit and make some s’mores with friends and family.

August is our last chance to do a camping trip . . . and to celebrate with backyard bbq’s . . . You can even camp out in your own backyard . . . 

I Thought It Interesting How In The U.K. They Go To The Seaside And We In The U.S.A. Go To The Beach

It may just be a matter of semantics . . . or a cultural thing . . . 

Spending time at the beach is always a fun day . . . Mainly getting out of the heat of the city . . .

I do enjoy going up in the mountains to get away from the heat of the day . . . I do find the mountains relaxing. I suppose we all have our get-away spot . . . Having a picnic is alway nice and taking a bit of a hike . . . 

Then nights can be ripe for telling ghost stories — basically scaring the wits out of each other . . . 

There is truly something about the mountains and the trees and the wild animals that makes ghost stories ideal . . .

Especially urban legends that take place near a lake or stream . . . a child who was drowned and a crazed mother terrorizing everyone years and decades later seeking revenge for the loss of her child . . . 

Leave Me A Comment Letting Me Know How You Spend August

Some are preparing to going Back-to-School or embarking on their college days . . . 

I do enjoy relaxing . . . sometimes thinking about the fall and winter holidays. This is truly a perfect time to plan ahead and take advantage of all those wonderful summer activities . . . 

Yet, most of my activities are quite low-key . . . I do enjoy a relaxing life and life-style . . . 

It’s a good time to work on craft projects . . . Even planning ahead to get started with Halloween — yes, it may be a bit early . . . But never too early to choose that perfect costume . . . I like to avoid the crowds and get a bit of a jump on the selection available . . .

I Just Couldn’t Pass Up The Opportunity Of Putting Up One Of My Favorite Halloween Pictures

It’s always fun for me to go antiquing — checking out antiques — all those wonderful memories from my childhood . . . or even before . . .

I have a friend who collects old toys . . . and another one is into dolls . . . I usually I don’t have anything in mind. I’m just looking at what catches my attention and imagination . . . I do enjoy candle related objects usually in silver . . . I do have a collection of button hooks . . .

However you enjoy spending August, enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by!


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