I’ve Always Found Dolls To Be Creepy … But They Are Popular And Toy Manufacturers Still Make Them … And People Buy Them … What’s Up With That?

The same can be said for clowns and other toys that seem creepy … It’s all a matter of one’s own thoughts on the subject … A house … an apartment building … a shopping mall … just about anything can be considered creepy … I’m into Tarot cards … 

While on YouTube I found this video talking about the Bratz Dolls … I was never into them …. but the concept of them intrigued me … Anything new can be interesting …

I value making your own decisions about the toys you choose for your children … 

If you or your child has a collection of Bratz Dolls, this would make an excellent photo opportunity using your smart phone … A subject that will stand still while you’re preparing your shots …

What’s Up With These Bratz Dolls And What Made Them So Popular?

In the early 2000’s it seemed time to have an alternative to Barbie … 

I’m all for nostalgia, but also for keeping up with the times … A new collection of dolls for a new era seemed to be the ticket …

What Do You Know About Bratz Dolls?


It’s Always Interesting To Receive Different Points Of View Regarding Popular Toys

I know at one time it was a challenge to find a toy that was going to rock … To be the sought after toy of the season …

I always marveled at who thought of creating such a toy … And what made it so popular … 

Many times it is decided by the “popular” girls … They found the “in toy” or … they made it the “in toy” … An interesting concept …

How much input did the parents contribute? They seem to have a say in what toy manufacturers continue making or discontinuing … Parents are the ones with the money … 

Whatz your opinion of the Bratz Dolls … Do you still have your collection?

Let me know in the comments below … And your thoughts on the video …

Thanks for stopping by!


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