Yes, a haunted cabin deep in the woods of Tennessee.
It’s always exciting to see in real time and receiving honest reactions when strange paranormal activity happens right in front of you.
Most of the time, many of us don’t have the peace of mind to grab a camera . . . but with trained professionals such as Patty and her G Team and friends, although relaxing after a long day of investigating did decide to turn on their cameras and get out their EVP box.
The video is quite long, but it is worthwhile to watch the whole video and stay tuned for the second part.
I truly believe this is a real ghost story — that chair didn’t rock as I had expected it to. I thought it would rock a bit harder which tells me it was an honest and true ghost sitting there and gently rocking it — as one normally would while sitting quietly on the porch.
There was also an honest to goodness ghost at one part of the video . . . but I also think I saw it sooner in the video . . . but it could have been the light. Let me know what you think.
Wasn’t that amazing?
Something was definitely on that porch with them!!! I got goosebumps a few times while watching the video and listening to the EVPs.
I remember watching either something on television or on-line at least 15 to 20 years ago about being careful when viewing programs involving paranormal activities.
At the time I wasn’t too concerned about it and thought the “warning” was a hoax or hype to get more views.
But the more I thought about it . . . and the things I’ve experienced, I decided to always have sage burning and also say a prayer of protection . . . and pretty much go all over my house with the sage smoke and repeating a prayer.
One experience I had while watching a YouTube Video that creeped me out was the shower curtain falling in one of my bathrooms and writing inside one of my cupboards in the kitchen which repeated something that was said in the video.
I was so creeped out that I emptied the cupboard and painted over it. The writing did bleed through, so I repainted it. And, yes again it bled through so I spackled over the writing, let it dry and repainted.
I can’t explain why the shower curtain fell nor the writing in the cupboard. I just know it happened and I do get a creepy feeling when I go into that bathroom and open cupboards in my kitchen.
I have called in “professionals” and have been told my house is very active. I’ve encouraged several “ghosts” to leave . . . which they have done, but for some reason I still have activity in my house.
I am definitely not a skeptic. Strange, uncanny, paranormal, if you will, things do occur more often than not. I do look for a logical explanation . . . and sometimes I can’t find one. So, I do have an open mind and subscribe to many YouTube Channels where I may see paranormal investigators experiencing something similar to my personal experiences for an explanation.
Thanks for stopping by, leave a comment and subscribe to The G Team Paranormal Investigators.
On Canada’s East Coast, there’s an old haunted school house.
I’m intrigued by this real ghost story as well as the school. It’s a 3 story building with a rooftop observatory and fire escape slides on both sides of the building. All grades are taught at this school — kindergarten through the 12th grade.
As you can imagine, those slides were an attractive nuisance for school personnel. Of course the kids were informed they were for emergency use only . . . but kids being kids . . . and slides being slides . . . It was only natural that the kids would sneak up to the roof and slide down the slide from time to time. No harm was done as long as no one got hurt, but one day the bolt holding the slide dislodged and the slide and passenger fell the three stories. Needless to say the child was killed on impact.
The school is still in use today . . . and it is haunted.
People claim when driving by the old school house at night they see lights or a figure moving from floor to floor with a light of some sort. Some say a candle, because it makes it spookier, but a lantern or a flashlight would cast hideous shadows about, too.
One of the more spiritually active rooms was the library. During the daytime books would fall off the shelves or one would find a pile of books on the floor. These spirits seemed quite mischievous by leading the librarian on a merry chase of dropping books — like leaving bread crumbs to a destination.
The destination was the basement that housed the old boiler.
I met Elsie quite a number of years ago. She was the librarian at that school until her retirement a couple of decades ago. She recalls on one particular day when she was retrieving books that led to the basement, she felt lightheaded and nauseous. She thought it was from bending over every few paces and picking up books. She did have a book cart with her so she didn’t have to carry all those books back into the library.
She paused in front of the door leading into the basement. She felt a cool to icy breeze coming from under the basement door.
Elsie knew she was brought down there for a reason. It wasn’t just to retrieve the books and return them to the library. There was something she needed to see. If she could help children, even children from decades earlier, Elsie was going to stifle her fear and boldly move forward.
She reached for her master key to the basement. All the locks were keyed the same except for the school administration office. She heard voices of children through the door. This made Elsie more determined to get inside and get to the bottom of this. The door opened before Elsie put her key in the door.
A dark figure stood blocking her entry.
As the door opened a bit more, she saw the figure of a man hanging from the rafters.
It was a known fact that a janitor back in the 1930’s hung himself in the basement after the boiler exploded and caused a fire in the school. Some children were killed from the blast and many more injured. He couldn’t bare working there and committed suicide when the school was empty and the repair crew was gone for the night.
Elsie was more concerned about the children she heard in the basement than the dark figure and the hanging man. She did have a book in hand, and being the librarian she was, started reading to the invisible children. She told them she would return the next day and they were welcome in the library.
Before her appointed hour to go into the basement, Elsie heard children giggling and the running of little feet.
She looked around to see if they had chosen a book for her to read. Elsie didn’t see anything out of place and picked a book she read hundreds of times to classroom children over the years.
She was getting to the good part when she heard someone shout, “Stop! Get out!”
Elsie felt little hands tugging her to her feet. She ran out of the basement and out the front door of the school, not stopping to close or lock the doors.
Once safely outside, she stood feeling a bit foolish, but that emotion changed immediately when she heard popping sounds, a crash and the alarm system going off.
She heard the siren of the fire trucks coming her way. The crew got out and immediately went to work inside the school. Elsie was rooted to the spot. Then she thought of those precious children. Were they out? Were they safe?
On the third floor, the ceiling caved in from water damage that hadn’t been repaired. The popping sound was light bulbs popping and soon the ceiling crashed to the floor, and the alarm went off when the electrical matrix caught fire.
Fortunately, students had gone for the day, but there was a janitorial crew in the building and some teachers. Everyone got out safely through the fire escape and the slides.
As teachers and janitors joined Elsie in front of the school, she heard stories of a young boy running through the school leading everyone to the fire escape. Elsie believes along with the others that the children haunting the school saved their lives. This young boy (the one who lost his life on the fire escape slide so many years ago) must have been the one Elsie heard shout at her to stop reading and get out.
It is quite comforting to know that the children who lost their lives in that old school house are still around to help future generations of children, teachers and staff. I only hope the librarian who replaced Elsie reads to these ghost children and allows them in the library to play with the books — pushing them off the shelves, stacking them on the floor . . . and leading a path down to the basement.
I’ve always been interested in old train stations that have been abandoned or converted into shops and restaurants.
No I don’t explore them — the abandoned ones, but I will visit a converted one.
There is always an interesting story to be heard.
This one took place in Indiana. I’m sure there are many similar stories from all over the United States . . . and perhaps the world. But this particular Indiana train station was converted into a restaurant and bar.
As the story goes . . . It goes back to the first world war when men were traveling by train to join the troops.
Many women tearfully said good-bye to their husbands or boyfriends at the train station along with many families.
This real ghost story centers around Peggy and Marvin. They recently broke up. Marvin joined the army and was leaving town with other local boys. He was surrounded by his friends, family and new girlfriend.
Peggy showed up wanting to have an urgent word with him. Marvin did his best to ignore here, but she was as persistent as a gnat. Reluctantly he leaves his family, friends and new girlfriends and steps outside near the tracks with Peggy.
She tells him she’s in the “family way.” Marvin tells her it’s her problem. Plus some other choice words that were unkind and uncalled for . . . but he was going off to war and he had a new girlfriend . . . so what did Peggy expect. Marvin walks away to rejoin his friends, family and girlfriend . . . Then boards the train.
No one remembers seeing Peggy leave the train station . . . they do, however, remember seeing her talking with Marvin down by the tracks. This is what her parents were told when they came looking for her around supper time.
By the next morning, police informed Peggy’s parents that her dead body was found in a packing crate at the end of its route.
It’s still a mystery of what happened . . . but rumors spread. Marvin was never charged with Peggy’s murder . . . And to this very day there are sightings of a sad, lonely figure of a young woman walking along the railroad tracks after dark.
This seems to me to be an urban legend . . . which it very well could be . . . As I mentioned earlier, there were rumors . . . speculations, perhaps, but nevertheless a popular belief that Marvin told Peggy to meet him on the train . . . which, of course, she did — hoping he had a change of heart and would marry her . . . but instead murdered her and put her in a packing crate along with goods that were being delivered several counties away.
Well as it happened, after about 40 years, Marvin is found tending bar at the old train station. It’s no longer the train station, the tracks are still out back and used by freight trains primarily. He did return from the war, married, had kids which have grown, married . . . Marvin is a grandfather . . .
Yes, the days of his youth are well behind him . . . the memory of Peggy . . . faded the day he left for war.
Marvin is tending bar when a young woman, wearing a straw hat and sun dress walks in and orders a gin and tonic. She sits at the bar playing with the thin straw in her drink.
There’s something familiar about her, but Marvin can’t place it. They engage in small talk and she says she’s there visiting relatives. No, she’s not related to Peggy, but she resembles her in looks, voice and mannerisms.
The strange thing is that no one else in the bar saw this mysterious woman and the gin and tonic was untouched on the bar.
Marvin got some ribbing about seeing things and serving imaginary customers.
On other visits to the bar, this mysterious woman would walk in, catch Marvin’s eye and walk out back. He could see her waiting for him down by the tracks, but each time Marvin resisted the urge to follow her.
After this went one for several weeks, Marvin finally decided to follow. He wanted answers. Yes, he followed her outside, then he saw her walking slowly beside the tracks. Marvin sprinted after her. He was more concerned about following than being aware of his surroundings and met his death when the 8:30 express came barreling through.
Did Peggy get her revenge? It seems so. Now this Indiana depot, converted bar has Peggy and the bartender in residence. They can be seen playing a cat and mouse game on the railroad tracks reliving his death night after night.
Yes, there have been sightings of Marvin’s meanderings down the railroad tracks . . . some have seen him following the young woman . . . but most just claim to see Marvin . . .
This a true paranormal experience many have shared . . .
You’re driving down a road in an older part of town.
You spot an interesting old house.
You want to get out of the car and explore the house . . . it may be haunted . . . do you really want to go inside . . . Are you prepared for what you’ll see?
I’ve always wondered what is worse . . . seeing something . . . or hearing something . . . something you know is there?
You sense it is just a few steps away from you . . . but you don’t know what it is . . . or where it is.
That’s the way Sam felt . . . he just bought a house . . .
His friends joked about it being haunted. Oh yes, everyone knew about the stories, but being a skeptic, Sam dismissed it as paranormal poppycock. He bought the house at an excellent price in an excellent location. It was definitely a dream come true. He was a homeowner!!
His friends helped him move in. It was a busy day for Sam . . . he took all the joking and ribbing about his house being haunted in stride . . . but after his friends left . . . he wasn’t too sure. Sam did fall asleep on his couch . . .
He woke up with a stiff neck, but went up to his bedroom . . . stretched out on his bed and fell asleep.
About two or three in the morning, Sam heard a loud thump . . . it seemed to be coming from downstairs . . .
He was sure it was his buddies who helped him move in. They probably returned to scare him. No way was Sam going to fall for that!!
Sam decided he was going to stay in his bed and let them come to him . . . he reached for his hockey stick, but it wasn’t where he knew he left it . . . He shook away the drowsiness of sleep. He waited . . . tried to clear his mind. Sam realized he was holding his breath. He was listening . . . and he felt his whole body tense up.
He felt a chill. He was sure the room was getting colder. He tried to get out of bed, but couldn’t move . . . something was holding him down . . .
Sam knew this was ridiculous — he was a skeptic . . . there was no such thing as haunting . . . he must be dreaming . . . sleep paralysis . . .
If this was a dream, then Sam was determined to control it. All he had to do was turn on the light, the lamp on the night table . . . Just reach out . . . Sam scolded himself. Shake it off! There’s no such things as ghosts.
There it was again! Bump, thud, scrape. Bump, thud, scrape. Bump, thud, scrape. Oh good, Sam thought, it’s moving down the stairs. He breathed a sign of relief.
Oh my gosh! Sam just realized . . . whatever it was WAS in the bedroom with him and it was holding him down!!
Sam threw back the blankets and reached for the light. The closet door was open — he reached for his hockey stick . . . and crept down the stairs. He noticed he was tip-toeing. So much for being a skeptic . . . he smelled the aroma of coffee. There was a bang of a heavy skillet being put on the stove. He could hear the sizzling of bacon . . .
He was going to rush into the kitchen with hockey stick in hand in a menacing gesture to catch his buddies in the act . . . of cooking breakfast . . .
Then Sam heard singing . . . a woman singing . . .
“Oh what a beautiful morning . . . humming . . . Oh what a beautiful day . . . humming . . . I’ve got a beautiful feeling . . . humming . . . ”
Sam found himself singing along with her, “Everything’s going my way . . .”
He set down the hockey stick . . . he heard the cracking of eggs.
He heard the last line of the song again, “Everything’s going my way . . .”
What? Sam wondered. If everything’s going her way . . . what does she mean?
This was his house!! He picked up his hockey stick walked into the kitchen to confront the intruder.
He flicked on the light. Nothing. Just the lingering aroma of coffee, bacon and eggs. And the faint sound of humming . . . and the bump, thud, scrape echoing as it went up the stairs.
Even for a skeptic, it wasn’t difficult for Sam to realize he did indeed have a ghost living in his house . . . and his friends were right . . . he bought a real haunted house!
Just to rub salt in the wound a little . . . Sam realized how his ghost got the upper hand? He was awake, out of his comfortable bed, branishing a hockey stick in an empty kitchen during the wee hours of the morning.
Now Sam was fully aware of the meaning of the song lyrics: “Everything’s going my way!”
It’s true! Every Friday the 13th I stay home . . . maintaining a low profile . . . Yes, I am superstitious!
It’s not that anything has happened to me of a negative nature on that particular day — it’s just that I don’t make plans and I stay home . . . just to be on the safe side.
Now, doing a paper craft isn’t my thing — especially if I am to use an exacto knife . . . so, I’ll leave the printing out and cutting out and construction for this weekend . . . not today . . . Oh goodness, no — Not today!
This paper model is a Ray Keim creation from his website Haunted Dimensions. He has some lovely pieces that you should check out.
Phantom Manor has a lovely double staircase leading up to the porch . . . I truly like the design of this house . . . it has a definite story to tell . . . I do wonder who lives within the walls of the manor . . . are they friendly? Do they enjoy the company of the living? Do you dare go inside?
Not today for me . . . but maybe . . . and maybe not . . . I’m not the bravest person when it comes to haunted places . . .
This model you’ll be constructing is quite large — 12 inches high, 11 inches wide and 13 inches deep. This is a project that will keep you busy for quite some time.
It comes complete with instructions . . . and is recommended you print it out on card stock. You’ll want it to be sturdy and have it around for quite some time.
It’s important that you become acquainted with the pieces and the construction process before beginning. That’s perfect for me this Friday the 13th.
There are plenty of paranormal stories about bridges in the forest and elsewhere.
Joe and a few of his buddies were going on a motorcycle trip into the mountains. They reserved a large cabin near a lake so they could do some fishing. As college students, they also planned to hit the books. They thought the change of scenery would be good for them.
I know many of you are thinking college guys, motorcycles, woods, fishing didn’t equal studying, but Joe and his friends were serious about their studies and their future. They had a schedule.
Ben and Pete didn’t have motorcycles, but Ben had a van. They loaded it up with fishing gear and ice chests of non-alcoholic beverages and food. They also had bags of snack food. They had planned to cook outdoors, but the cabin was well equipped with a kitchen.
“I don’t know much about this place,” Pete began. “I’ve heard about this creepy bridge in the forest we have to cross to get to the cabins in the woods.”
“Yeah? Well, I’ve heard about those woods and devil worshippers, but I think it’s just an urban legend to keep people away.”
“I don’t doubt that, but this bridge has me a little worried.”
Ben and Pete spoke for awhile, but stopped when they approached the bridge. They saw Joe and Harry crossing the bridge and then disappear as though in thin air.
“Where did they go?” Ben asked.
Pete didn’t answer, he just looked straight ahead. He was terrified of bridges, but didn’t want Ben to know.
They continued across the bridge, then saw Kevin and Larry. They pulled along beside them.
“Have you seen Joe and Harry?”
“Yeah, they went on up to the cabin. They told us to wait for you.”
“I guess nothing’s wrong,” Ben said. “Must have been some optical illusion.”
Pete agreed, but he wasn’t too sure. He had his doubts about the trip and wished he’s stayed at the dorms.
After unloading the van and getting settled in the cabin. Pete began feeling better. Joe made fried chicken with baked potatoes and green beans. The TV was tuned to a sports channel, some of the guys had books open and a few were watching the game.
At dinner, Ben mentioned the optical illusion he saw on the bridge.
“I’ve been coming here for years,” Joe said. “I’ve seen the same thing. My mom was ready to get a search party for Dad when she saw him disappear on the bridge.”
No explanation was given, but Joe said very seriously, “Don’t go out in the woods after dark.”
For any other group, this would have been a challenge to see what was out there, but these guys didn’t have anything to prove to themselves or each other. They came to study and to fish. That was their only agenda.
Joe and Ben were talking while the others were studying. A scraping sound was heard on one of the walls.
“Are there rats in the walls?” Pete asked.
“No, not rats,” Joe said. “This place is haunted. Always has been. That’s how we got it so cheap and on short notice.”
The guys didn’t know how to react, many laughed, thinking Joe was pulling their leg. But as the night progressed, they heard and saw things that almost sent them running out in the night. They heard footsteps. Then the whispering. The loud banging on the door unnerved the group of young men.
“All right, Joe,” Harry said. “You’re going too far. We have exams to study for and we came out here to study and relax. This ghost nonsense isn’t helping.”
“Look guys, I’m not doing anything. I told you the place is haunted. Just get through the night and all will be fine in the morning. We’ll go fishing and then things will calm down. Don’t give in to your fears.”
No one wanted to admit their fears, but during the night each man was faced with them. Pete had to face his fear of bridges and experience in a dream his death when he crossed it to return home. The others were confronted with their fear of failure and not being good enough to succeed in the business world. They were tortured throughout the night seeing their lives destroyed in various ways in their dreams.
Before dawn Joe awoke the group with the wonderful smell of coffee, bacon and eggs, hash brown potatoes and orange juice.
“What is this place?” Harry asked. “I had terrible dreams all night. I don’t feel much like fishing this morning. I have to hit the books, then return to the dorms.”
The others grunted in agreement.
“All right,” Joe said. “I brought you here to share success with you. I’ve been coming here since I was a kid. My mom saw the same thing you saw on the bridge. She was afraid and had a terrible nightmare. She faced her fears and now owns a chain of dress stores that bring in millions of dollars each year. She was able to achieve more than she imagined. She attributes it to this cabin and what it taught her.”
“So what are you say?” Pete asked.
“You got through the night. You don’t have to go fishing, but you do need to face your fears and put them behind you. You can succeed in whatever you put your mind to. I find fishing relaxing and I do a lot of thinking out on the lake while fishing. You can suit yourself.”
Harry cleaned up the breakfast dishes while the guys went fishing. He wanted to stay behind to think through his dreams and walk through the woods.
By the end of the day, each young man came to terms with their fears and studied in earnest. They were amazed how clearly they thought and how everything seemed to come together for them effortlessly. There was indeed something magical about the cabin and the woods and the creepy old bridge that changed these young men for the better.
Is this possible?
Paranormal experiences affect people in many ways. It’s all a matter of how we use them to our advantage.