The Book Vs. The Movie Which Is Better?
Over The Past Several Months I’ve Been Watching Movies — More Than Once — And In Some Cases I Felt I Wanted More Information About The Movie Or The Characters In Particular.
It became clear to me that I needed to see if the movie was based on a book — so I did some research and found that there are audible books available — this was so very helpful . . .
I did receive the information I was seeking and I thoroughly enjoyed having a book read to me. I’m enjoying audible as much as I’m enjoying watching movies.

I Do Have An Active Imagination
While listening to an audiobook, I can close my eyes and actually see what I’m hearing. I find it quite amazing.
Of course the authors are quite talented, but so are the narrators or readers — many have beautiful voices and do make changes with the different characters they’re depicting.
This is a time for me to relax and truly get into the story being told to me.
Welcome to I’ve been in “holiday mode” for quite some time thinking about this website and my newest one. I was basically looking for inspiration, tips, or suggestions and discovered some wonderful “good reads”. You seriously can’t go wrong with audiobooks — if that is at all your thing. This has truly been a great adventurous journey for me. You may want to join me by selecting some audiobooks in a genre of your choice. I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed.

There Are Countless Things You Can Do Around The House While Listening To Your Audiobook
I’d suggest minimizing the use of the vacuum cleaner and refraining from making excessive noise, but you can certainly engage in light housekeeping activities to maintain tidiness around your home. It makes dusting and cleaning much more enjoyable while listening to a good book in the genre of your choice.
Speaking of genres. . . they include:
Arts & Entertainment
- Architecture
- Art
- Audio Performances & Dramatizations
- Entertainment & Performing Arts
- Music
- Photography
Biographies & Memoirs
- Adventurers, Explorers & Survival
- Art & Literature
- Cultural & Regional
- Diaries & Correspondence
- Entertainment & Celebrities
- Historical
- Military & War
- People with Disabilities
- Politics & Activism
- Professionals & Academics
- Religious
- Sports
- True Crime
- Women
Business & Careers
- Business Development & Entrepreneurship
- Career Success
- Management & Leadership
- Marketing & Sales
- Women in Business
- Workplace & Organizational Behavior
Children’s Audiobooks
- Action & Adventure
- Activities & Hobbies
- Animals & Nature
- Art
- Biographies
- Education & Learning
- Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths
- Geography & Cultures
- Growing Up & Facts of Life
- History
- Holidays & Celebrations
- Humor
- Literature & Fiction
- Music & Performing Arts
- Mystery & Suspense
- Religions
- Science & Technology
- Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Sports & Outdoors
- Vehicles & Transportation
Comedy & Humor
- Literature & Fiction
- Performing Arts
Computers & Technology
- Computer Science
- Content Creation & Social Media
- Data Science
- History & Culture
- Programming & Software Development
- Security & Encryption
Education & Learning
- Education
- Language Learning
- Study Guides & Test Preparation
- Words, Language & Grammar
- Writing & Publishing
- Literature & Fiction
- Sex Instruction
Health & Wellness
- Addiction & Recovery
- Aging & Longevity
- Alternative & Complementary Medicine
- Beauty, Grooming & Style
- Children’s Health
- Dentistry & Oral Health
- Fitness, Diet & Nutrition
- Hygiene & Healthy Living
- Medicine & Health Care Industry
- Physical Illness & Disease
- Psychology & Mental Health
- Safety & Emergency Preparedness
- Sexual & Reproductive Health
- Africa
- Americas
- Ancient
- Arctic & Antarctica
- Asia
- Australia, New Zealand & Oceania
- Europe
- Middle East
- Military
- Modern
- Religious
- Russia
- Women
- World
Home & Garden
- Crafts & Hobbies
- Food & Wine
- Gardening & Horticulture
- House & Home
- Pets & Animal Care
- Sustainable & Green Living
- Biographies & Memoirs
- History
- LGBTQ+ Studies
- Literature & Fiction
- Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
- Parenting & Families
- Romance
- Science Fiction & Fantasy
Literature & Fiction
- Action & Adventure
- African American
- Ancient, Classical & Medieval Literature
- Anthologies & Short Stories
- Classics
- Drama & Plays
- Erotica
- Essays
- Genre Fiction
- Historical Fiction
- Horror
- Humor & Satire
- Literary History & Criticism
- Memoirs, Diaries & Correspondence
- Poetry
- Women’s Fiction
- World Literature
Money & Finance
- Banks & Banking
- Corporate & Public Finance
- E-Commerce
- Economics
- Insurance
- International
- Investing & Trading
- Personal Finance
- Real Estate
- Taxation
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
- Crime Fiction
- Mystery
- Thriller & Suspense
- True Crime
Politics & Social Sciences
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Law
- Philosophy
- Politics & Government
- Social Sciences
- Sociology
Relationships, Parenting & Personal Development
- Parenting & Families
- Personal Development
- Relationships
Religion & Spirituality
- Agnosticism
- Atheism
- Buddhism
- Christianity
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Judaism
- Occult
- Other Religions, Practices & Sacred Texts
- Religious Studies
- Spirituality
- Action & Adventure
- Anthologies & Short Stories
- Christian
- Clean & Wholesome
- Contemporary
- Erotica
- Fantasy
- Historical
- Military
- Multicultural
- Paranormal
- Romantic Comedy
- Romantic Suspense
- Royalty
- Science Fiction
- Sports
- Westerns
Science & Engineering
- Engineering
- Mathematics
- Science
Science Fiction & Fantasy
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
Sports & Outdoors
- Adventurers, Explorers & Survival
- Baseball & Softball
- Basketball
- Biographies & Memoirs
- Bodybuilding & Strength Training
- Coaching
- Combat Sports & Self-Defense
- Cricket
- Cycling
- Equestrian Sports
- Extreme Sports
- Football
- Golf
- Hockey
- Motor Sports
- Olympics & Paralympics
- Outdoors & Nature
- Running & Jogging
- Soccer
- Sociology of Sports
- Sports History
- Sports Psychology
- Sports Writing
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Triathlon
- Walking
- Water Sports
- Winter Sports
- Workouts
This is quite a comprehensive list I’ve gotten from Audible’s website. I’m sure there is something there that appeals to you and everyone in your family.
I’ve been exploring other genres that previously I would not have considered, It has definitely opened up a new world to me. That’s true with Amazon Prime as well. I’ve gotten into some genres that I ignored for much too long.
This is an excellent time for me to re-examine some of the classics I may not have fully understood when they were first introduced to me. Plus there is truly something about having a story read to you. It brings back memories of my childhood — Although I enjoyed being read to, I was eager to learn to read on my own. Now, in my latter years, I’m gravitating back to wanting to have stories read to me. Go figure.
The best thing about Audible or audiobooks is that you don’t need bookcase space. I know for some of you, you enjoy the feel of an actual book in your hands. I personally don’t miss it. I really enjoy having an audible library of hundreds of books without cluttering up my house.
Which is better? The book or the movie? I would have to say it depends on the book and the movie. I would think each offers something unique — it all depends upon you and how you interpret what you’ve read or viewed.
I encourage you to give Audible a try. And leave me a comment telling me your thoughts on the matter.
Thanks for stopping by!
Reacher — Amazon Prime