Delighted To Get Orders Within Hours Not Days

I Am Not The Most Patient Person . . .

I’m most delighted when I discovered overnight delivery on some items with my Prime Membership.

I don’t know about you, but I’m like a child when it comes to placing an order and wanting it immediately.

I love online shopping. It allows me to shop in the comfort of my home without having to get dressed and going out, fighting traffic, looking for parking, and walk through crowds of people . . . And, if an item is unavailable at one store going out to find it elsewhere.

I Don’t Want You To Do Anything That Doesn’t Seem Right For You

To be honest with you, when I first signed up for Amazon Prime I didn’t think I needed it. I wasn’t placing that many orders. I thought it was an expense I didn’t need.

As it turned out, I was ordering more and not having the added expense of shipping. I was able to send products to family and friends at no shipping cost to me. The benefits paid for my membership and I continued.

I’ve spoken with friends who also have Amazon Prime and I’ve discovered that they are ordering more items than they had previously because of the convenience. It does take time to decide what you want and to locate it and look at all the other related products . . . but we do that in the store when we’re shopping. At least by shopping online we’re comfortable and relaxed. We can take as long as we like to decide what to purchase.

The Best Part Of Shopping Online Is Putting Items In My Cart And Waiting To See If I Want To Go Ahead With The Purchase

Just Because It’s In Your Cart Doesn’t Mean You Have To Purchase It Right Away

It’s in your cart so you don’t have to look for it again. You can take your time checking out. There’s no time limit. Amazon never closes. 

The time you take to decide may alter delivery dates, but you never have to feel pressured. That’s the beauty of online shopping.

The first time I was offered the overnight deal — from 7 AM to 11 AM, I couldn’t believe it! I did want my item and knew no place locally had it, so I had to order it. This was almost like going out and getting it, but without going out and getting it — except it is on my front porch.

I do like the convenience. I do enjoy getting items in many cases faster than it took me to decide to order them. Like I said earlier, I’m not the most patient person.

One big bonus is Amazon Prime Video. I enjoy that as much as I enjoy shopping online. But, that’s me. Initially, I wasn’t into the movies or series . . . but I gave it a look and became hooked.

Now I don’t know how common this overnight delivery thing is in your area. I’m fortunate enough to have a place or several places close by that allows for this service. It’s so wonderful for me and if available in your area, I’m sure you’d enjoy it as well.

The Christmas House Is Now Playing On Prime Video

I’m watching a lot of Christmas Videos. Variety is the spice of life and I’m able to savor it with the wonderful selection offered.

I’ve found what works for me. I’m sure you know what is best for you and your family. I’m not into high-pressure sales. It is annoying and dishonest as far as I’m concerned. I’m just sharing my views.

I do love family-style movies. Movies you can watch with family and friends as well as movies that are about families. Especially when it comes to bringing families together for Christmas. And this one does deliver as far as I’m concerned.

Of course, everyone has their problems and concerns and they bring them with them — too bad we can’t just discard some baggage along the way, but the Christmas Season has a way of making things work out — maybe even better than anticipated.

The Christmas House is worthwhile. It had its highs and lows. I wouldn’t rate it high, but not too low — it’s an all-right movie.

If You Don’t Have Amazon Prime I Believe It Is Worthwhile To Check It Out 

Black Friday is coming!! Amazon always has great sales and discounts. Being a Prime member has a lot of benefits. It is well worth the annual fee. Of course, that is only my opinion. Ask your friends and family and see what they have to say about it — You may be surprised to learn that more people are Prime Members than you realized.

I’m in the mood to buy something and I am offered overnight delivery of that item. Wow! 

I’m in the mood to watch a movie or a series — I check out what is playing on Prime Video and immediately I have something to watch. And if I don’t happen to like it, I can stop it and make another selection.

Instant gratification is a wonderful thing — it usually rarely happens as quickly as we may like — but it is possible on many different levels.

I’m Prime and I’m delighted. My friends, family, and neighbors are Prime as well. It is amazing how far-reaching Amazon Prime is . . . So many people are truly reaping the benefits of their membership.

You decide what’s best for you. My job is just to let you know my excitement and what I’ve experienced. This overnight thing is excellent!

Thanks for stopping by!


Do You Play Board Games?

Hasbro Gaming Trivial Pursuit: Wizarding World Harry Potter Edition Compact Trivia Game for 2 or More Players, 600 Trivia Questions, Ages 8 and Up (Amazon Exclusive)

I’ve always loved board games and Trivial Pursuit is one of my favorites. It does work well with all age groups.

And now with Harry Potter, I’m really having a great time!

This is a compact travel game. There is no game board. The object of the game is to collect 6 cards in order to win.

The questions for this particular Harry Potter game edition focus on the movies. It would be interesting to have a major family Harry Potter movie night binge session . . . could last a whole long weekend . . .

As you will see in the video below, there is a quick version you can play and you can change how you play to work well with the group of family and friends with whom you’re playing.

That is truly the beauty of board games — you can adjust the rules to make it a fun experience for all players.

Let’s Take A Look At This Edition In Action!

How well did you do? To be honest with you, I’m a bit rusty on my Harry Potter trivia and I would definitely take my earlier suggestion to take several days to binge watch the Harry Potter series.

How Silly Of Me To Forget The Harry Potter Complete 8-Film Collection

Many of you may have been collecting them over the years. I know my brother has. It was, however, unfortunate that he discovered one of his discs had a bad scratch on it, making it impossible for him to watch it. Now, he was able to replace that particular disc from Amazon. The stores had only the complete set available for sell and he didn’t need the whole set, just to be able to replace one . . .

That is truly the beauty of Amazon . . . having what their customers need and pretty much anticipating those needs . . . Well, maybe I went a bit too far there, but they do seem to have what we want when we most need it.

Now that we’re getting into the fall season, I would imagine my brother may be gathering up his Harry Potter 8-Film Collection to have a great time in that mystical wizardly world.

You may want to share that same experience with your family . . . and friends . . .

And afterwards, test your memory with one of the Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit Games . . .

USAOPOLY Trivial Pursuit World Of Harry Potter Ultimate Edition

Most likely I should review this in a different post, but to be honest with you, since I’m reviewing a Hasbro edition of a Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit Game, I’d be remiss in not mentioning the USAOPOLY Edition. This is also based on the movies . . .

There are 1800 questions!! There is a game board and what really knocked my socks off are the game pieces!

Let’s Take A Look At What’s Inside The Box

Well . . . What’s Your Pleasure?

We’ve shared two Trivial Pursuit Game Editions with you featuring Harry Potter . . . One by Hasbro Gaming and the other by USAOPOLY . . . And, if you need them, the Complete 8-Film Collection of the Harry Potter movies which are extremely important when playing these two trivia games — since they’re both based on the movies . . .

Oh yes, I also shared the Classic Edition of Trivial Pursuit in a picture collection above — just in case you don’t have it or misplaced it or one of your friends or family borrowed it and never returned it . . .

Not that it matters, but I’m truly leaning towards the USAOPOLY Edition. I do love those game pieces!!

I’m also truly looking forward to celebrating the coming of the Fall Season by binge watching the Harry Potter series . . .

But, that’s just me . . . I do thank you very much for stopping by and taking the time to spend here reading this . . . And making a purchase . . . I also have a very favorite game I’ve reviewed here before — one you may already have or is on your list to buy . . . You can check out that post here . . .


Tim Holtz Idea-ology Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack

Tim Holtz Idea-ology Thrift Shop Ephemera Pack

I purchased this ephemera pack a number of years ago. I used it for scrapbooking, cards and other paper craft projects I had in the works. A thrift shop is a place where one can usually find anything — especially stuff you didn’t know you wanted . . . How many times have you gone “just to look” and came out with a whole bag full of items you just had to purchase? It happens all the time . . . 

We Are Gearing Up To Fall . . .

For me, fall is harvest and Halloween . . . also Thanksgiving . . . It is a wonderful time of year to include a variety of craft projects together . . . A variety of ideas that make the season meaningful for you and your family. It is a unique time of year that brings images to your mind, based on your personal experiences . . . many of those are shared experiences . . . so share them with your crafting.

The Addams Family Abode

It’s amazing how many years ago, this series was made and was popular . . . and it is still in our hearts and minds — especially around Fall and the Halloween Season . . . 

Papercrafts are a great way to relax and enjoy an evening either alone or with friends and family. It’s fun to work on projects together and also alone — or together on different projects . . . It’s nice when you need a helping hand or suggestions on how to best put the thing together . . . 

I do enjoy Ray Keim’s models. They are great to display in your home and to give as gifts. They are truly a labor of love . . . Be sure when you click the link in the image above to give a bit of a donation in appreciation for having this wonderful replica to make and share with your family and friends . . . or relive a bit of nostalgia.

I Got A Bit Side-Tracked Here

That seems to be what happens many time while crafting . . . One thing leads to another . . . New ideas pop up . . . That’s why I like this particular selection of ephemera from Tim Holtz. Some of it you may find useless . . . until you find a use for it . . . Some will engage your imagination.

I know when building 3-D models, sometimes I want to stamp something on it or paste something here or there to make it unique to me . . . or to the one for whom I’m making it. This is what is so wonderful about paper crafts. We start with an idea someone had and we build it and create something that is uniquely our own.

Ravensblight Ghost House Is My Absolute Favorite Haunted House

Over the years I don’t know how many of these I’ve made. The secret compartment is the best! I am so delighted to be able to share this with you . . . and hope you will share it with others as well.

Just click the image and download and print it on cardstock . . . A wonderful adventure in papercrafting awaits you.

I do appreciate your stopping by! I have links for free stuff and links where you can purchase things . . . It’s your choice. Enjoy!


Philips 3200 Series Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with LatteGo

Philips 3200 Series Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with LatteGo

An excellent coffee maker is what everyone wants — and one that would make a delicious latte is a bonus! I like my coffee made easy . . . I’m not into making a fancy fuss and I believe I can have just that with this coffee maker . . . It’s good to get shopping now for the upcoming holiday season and your housefull of guests . . . They’re going to want coffee and plenty of it! And you want to provide that for each and every guest you invite into your home.

Just Click The Image Above And You’ll Be Able To Read All About It . . . And Most Importantly Order Your Very Own . . .

I’m sure, I’m similar to you . . . I make up my own mind . . . And I get what I want to make my life easier and entertain my family and friends . . .

I appreciate your stopping by!


Hasbro Gaming Clue: Wizarding World Harry Potter Edition

A Harry Potter Edition Of Clue!!

This is truly excellent for all the Harry Potter Fans — combining a great game with your favorite characters!! There’s no murder to solve, but there is a missing student you must find — It kind of feels like a great game of Hide And Seek with all the magical twists you would expect from the Wizarding World of Hogworts . . .

I have quite a few video presentations to share with you — obviously I wanted to learn as much as possible about the game before making a purchase . . . You can click the picture to the left to be taken to where you can order your copy today!

I Truly Couldn’t Pass Up On This Opportunity To Present Another Edition Of Clue — Yes, I Am A Bit Obsessed . . . And For Good Reason . . .

What do you think?

Do you want to learn more? There is more . . .

I’m intrigued . . . I want to see the game in action. 

I do love the way the board changes . . . Let’s see more . . .

Wow! The best way for you to get the true feeling for this game is to get your own copy and play with your family and friends.

I hope you’re as excited about this edition as I am!

Thanks for stopping by!


Hasbro Clue Game; Incudes The Ghost Of Mrs. White; Compatible With Alexa (Amazon Exclusive); Mystery Board Game

A Truly Upgraded Edition Of The Classic Board Game Clue

It’s excellent to be able to add another demension onto the beloved board game Clue — Alexa Compatable, but not necessary in order to play the game — You have the Ghost of Mrs. White . . . Depending upon her mood she may help you — will you trust what she says?

Can you outwit your opponents?

Let’s Take A Serious Look At The Game

We have 6 suspects: Mustard, Orchid, Scarlett, Green, Peacock and Plum.

Then we have the 6 weapons: Candlestick, Dagger, Lead Pipe, Revolver, Rope and Wrench.

And 9 locations: Ballroom, Billiard Room, Conservatory, Dining Room, Hall, Kitchen, Library, Lounge and Study.

You gather up your clues as you travel around the board . . . There is the element of luck involved with the roll of the dice . . . I think it all comes down to your deductive thinking and figuring it all out before your opponents.

Are you up to the challenge?

It’s a fun game for ages 8 years and older . . . An excellent family activity you can play anytime.

Check out my previous post for a video of How to Play and click the image above to get your very own copy of this outstanding Mystery Board Game.

Thanks for stopping by!
