Too often we see images in mirrors that haunt us for years until we can let them go . . . that is, when they no longer frighten us. This seems to be the key to letting go of haunting images that usually are seen in a mirror.

Mirrors do creep me out. I’ve had my share of mirror experiences, but I do have a fondness of hearing the experiences of others who have seen images in mirrors.
Years ago I heard of a celebrity who saw a murder in a mirror. I don’t remember the details or who the celebrity was, but since that day I’ve had this love/hate relationship with mirrors. Are there messages for us to unravel left in mirrors? Is it residual energy captured in mirrors? Or is it a warning against vanity of our constant need to look at our image in a mirror?
People do believe spirits get trapped in mirrors, that’s why when there is a death in the family, mirrors are covered out of respect — and to prevent their spirits from being trapped inside it.
There is also a belief that mirrors are portals from which good and evil spirits can travel through from one realm to another.
When Mary Beth lost her grandmother, she spent hours in her room gazing into her mirror, praying to speak with her grandmother once again. At night her mirror would vibrate, waking her. She would get out of bed and peer into the mirror calling to her grandmother . . . but she never received a message from her or saw her image in the mirror. Her mother thought this obsession of Mary Beth’s was unhealthy and removed the mirror from her room, but she found other mirrors in the house to gaze into.
She had the hand mirror of her grandmother’s that she hid in a drawer along with her brush and comb. When Mary Beth was alone in the house she would bring it out and call to her grandmother. One particular day, Mary Beth decided to gaze in the mirror and speak to her grandmother as though she was actually there. She had so very much to share. This was calming to her until one day, she saw something in the mirror . . . and it wasn’t her grandmother or any relative.
It was an elderly man dressed in overalls. His mouth was moving, but Mary Beth couldn’t hear what he was saying. She was torn between gazing deeper into the mirror and putting it in the drawer.
Of course, Mary Beth gazed deeper into the mirror. She even put it up to her ear. She had to know what this old farmer had to say. She did live in an old farm house with 100 acres. There was probably something important she needed to do to help him. Mary Beth was an avid reader of mysteries. This was an adventure she was eager to pursue.
Her mother returned home. Mary Beth quickly put the mirror to the drawer. Her adventure had to wait.
She asked her mother about the previous owner. There wasn’t much to tell, but there was something strange about the son who sold them the place.
“He told us to always keep a light on in the barn. Well, you know your father, he didn’t do what others told him to do.”
“But the barn has a light on at night.”
“Yes, now it does, but when we first moved in, he turned it off since we weren’t using it, except for storage.”
Mary Beth remembered how all their boxes were ruined due to the barn flooding. The strange thing was there was no rain or snow that could have caused it, it was summer. When her father left the light on in the barn, the flooding stopped. But this was after he spent a fortune on plumbers and surveyors to check over the property to discover a reasonable explanation.
Since Mary Beth couldn’t hear what the farmer in the mirror was trying to tell her, she thought her mystery should begin in the barn. That seemed to be the logical place to take the old mirror and gaze in it. Her mother thought it a wise move to get the mirror out of the house and the barn seemed a logical place. She climbed up into the loft, set it up against some bales of hay and started calling to the old farmer.
“I know there’s something strange about this barn,” Mary Beth began. “What do you want me to know?”
“Well,” responded the mirror, or so she thought. There was no image, just the statement “well.”
Mary Beth was quite confused, well what she thought. Then she thought of water. “A water well!” she exclaimed. That had to be it.
The old farmer’s image was seen in the mirror. He told Mary Beth of how he was out fetching water from the well and felt a sharp stabbing pain in his chest. He fell forward and into the well. His wife and children looked all over for him. They couldn’t believe he would run off, but since he hadn’t returned, that’s what they believed.
The family moved away. The old well was obsolete in the minds of the new owners who wanted to modernize the old farm house. It was filled in with dirt and the brick casing was used as flooring for the new barn that was built over the old well.
Mary Beth looked down at the patch of old bricks that made a strange circular pattern on the barn floor. “Could this be the grave of the old farmer in the mirror,” she thought.
After much persuading on Mary Beth’s part, her father finally had the barn floor dug up and the bones of the old farmer were discovered and removed. It was confirmed that Mr. Clay Miller had fallen into the well. His children returned and gave him a fitting funeral.
There are indeed many mysteries to uncover . . . hidden within mirrors.
What have you seen in your mirrors? Please let me know in the comments below.
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