Thanksgiving Week 2019

It’s Cold And Windy … May Be Bringing In Some Rain Clouds …

I’m truly excited that autumn is here!! There is truly something exciting about colder weather that gets me motivated to accomplish so very much more … It seems to be an exellent time for creativity in whatever form that takes …

Years ago I made an autumn tree … it was a artificial Christmas tree … I put it in a colander and decorated it with fall items … Decorate it with things of the season … spooky Halloween stuff … Thanksgiving items … things to do with baking and being harvest … also being thankful …

It may be worthwhile to create one for all seasons … Or include them all together in one tree … I’m sure you’ll find your interests blend quite well together from season to season …

It’s Always Fun To Be A Kid Again And Play In A Pile Of Leaves …

And excellent opportunity for you to go around the neighborhood and see how many families are working together raking leaves and kids playing in them …

This is a good time to get out in nature and see all the abundance around us … We are very fortunate … If we would only look around …

That’s the beauty of having a smart phone, you can always take pictures or videos … As well as reaching out to family and friends. 

Update: Thursday, November 28, 2019 — Happy Thanksgiving

We’re experiencing rain and in the higher elevations snow … It’s all quite exciting!! 

I’m not out playing in the leaves … I’m cozy and warm inside with my precious Yorkie … It’s a nice day to sit with family and friends telling a few tall tales or even some ghost stories … I encourage you to visit my new website where you’ll find some interesting ghost stories and paranormal investigatiI’mons … I’m finding many are using their smart phones to capture apparitions and paranormal activity … They find it much handier to work with along with their ghost hunting equipment. I find it all quite interesting that a smart phone has all the bells and whistles to do several tasks to make life so much easier.

I do hope everyone is having a delightful Thanksgiving!! Hopefully, no one is stuck on the roads … This is a busy traffic day to get to friends and family … Be safe!!

Many of you may be looking forward to the Black Friday sales … I do a lot of shopping online … It’s a great way to upgrade your cell phone … and to get a bit of a headstart on your Christmas shopping … maybe for some December birthdays, too.

I Love Holidays And The Seasons …

Life is to be enjoyed and shared … At one time I thought all of this social media was a waste of time … But it truly is a way to connect with friends and family and meet new people with shared interests …

I was watching a Live YouTube presentation a few days ago and the woman asked about everyone’s Thaniksgiving plans … Then said, “please don’t tell me you’re going to be alone … That makes me sad …” Well, it doesn’t have to be sad … Sometimes things don’t work out … We can’t get to our loved ones … But we can reach out to them … It doesn’t have to be physical contact … The internet connects us quite nicely …

We create our happiness … We share it online with friends, family and strangers … This could be a good thing … Many YouTubers do what they do to reach out to others … They share parts of their lives … and if we care we follow them or subscribe to them … Look for the positve … don’t get bogged down in the drama of others … 

Have a great Thanksgiving … enjoy this week and the following weeks closing out 2019 and welcoming in a new year …

Thanks for stopping by and upgrading your cell phone … it is greatly appreciated 🙂


Happy Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving Day finally arrived and here in Southern California I can hopefully say so has fall!!!

I was out and about yesterday wearing my sweatshirt with a hood — it was supposed to be windy, and I like to cover my ears on windy days.KidsPlayingInLeaves

I did some shopping . . . parking was a bit of a nightmare . . . but I was able to get some exercise . . .

I usually don’t like being in crowds, but there is an energy in the air when preparing for a holiday dinner with family and friends.

I’ve heard so many times how important it is to “live in the moment.” This isn’t easy to do . . . we think of the past and are bombarded with thoughts about a future event . . .

sizzixvillagebungalowI was thinking of papercrafts . . . all those projects I started and didn’t finish . . . But, then thinking ahead to spring . . . and this great Bungalow Sizzix Die i have . . . 

But it could be for Christmas . . . everything is adaptable for any season . . .

It is a cozy little place I would like to visit for Thanksgiving, too.

And then my thoughts shift to the Sizzix Surf Shack . . . There’s something quite relaxing and mellow about that, too . . .surfshack2

I have a friend who has a beach house in South Carolina . . . the hurricane did quite a bit of damage, but she’s fixing it up . . . and took a picture of a couple of alligators soaking up some rays in her yard . . . I can appreciate this Surf Shack on stilts . . . don’t want to get cozy with the wildlife . . .

There is so very much to do . . . and so little time . . .  Amazing how difficult it is to stay in the moment.

On this Thanksgiving Day it is worthwhile to take a moment and reflect upon the goodness we have in our life . . . good friends . . . a loving family . . . being able to play a musical instrument, draw or paint a picture . . . do papercrafts . . . or whatever you find enjoyable and relaxing . . . I have a neighbor who enjoys putting together jigsaw puzzles . . . Some people enjoy reading or watching movies . . . Others like to shop . . . There are those who love walking and taking pictures . . . It’s all quite wonderful . . . We do have much for which to be thankful . . .

Today is beautiful . . . no matter the weather . . . there is beauty to see . . . And a feast to share with family and friends . . .

This is a wonderful day to celebrate . . . maybe not for traditional reasons, but reasons of your own . . . It is your Thanksgiving after all.

Many of you may be anticipating Black Friday . . . or Cyber Monday . . . or both . . . or just take a deep breath . . . relax . . . and live in the moment.

Until next time . . . Thanks for stopping by!


Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher

I Found This Great Thanksgiving Cootie Catcher ThanksgivingCootieCatcher

It’s a way of getting everyone to think of how thankful they are for so many of life’s blessings.

This is fun for kids and adults, too. I hope you enjoy it.

You can get the Cootie Catcher Here.

Some like printing it out on card stock so it doesn’t wear out as quickly, but regular printing paper works fine. It may actually be easier for folding.

I like this cootie catcher. Here’s a quick look inside:

  • How can you show people that you are grateful?
  • How do you feel when you say Thank You to someone?
  • Three things I’ve Thankful for today are.
  • Why is it important to be grateful for things in your life?
  • Which book are you thankful for reading?

This may get everyone talking about their memories of personal experiences they’re grateful for having — maybe not at the time, but now that you’ve had time to reflect. It’s a wonderful activity for young and old to share their thoughts and feelings.

And the Assembly Instructions.

Have a great Thanksgiving!



One of Life’s Many Journeys On Thanksgiving Day

This Thanksgiving’s Travels

I love Thanksgiving.

The anticipation and the preparations. It’s all about bringing family and friends together to celebrate life’s numerous blessings. A time of caring and sharing.

Yes, Thanksgiving can bring much joy and happiness into your life. It’s all about the journey.

With “journey” and “travels” the concept comes together nicely. It’s about the process much more than the destination. Yet we are delighted when we “arrive,” but there is so very much more.

It’s Your Focus

Two brothers found a treasure map.

They planned their journey and dreamed of the “treasure” they would find.

From studying the map, they knew where their treasure was located . . . and they knew how to get there.

During the early morning hours they gathered their equipment and set out for their hike in the woods. The boys hiked those woods on numerous occasions . . . but this time they had a mission . . . treasure.

The “treasure” was foremost on their minds. They walked briskly through the debris on the path. Their first “marker” was up ahead . . . the huge boulder separating the path.

They stopped briefly. They were going up the trail.

They set off, when suddenly the earth started shaking and the roar of thundering hoofs. Wild sheep were on their way. One brother dove right while the other left.

The brother on the left disturbed a mother skunk who didn’t take kindly to the intrusion.

The herd of wild sheep passed and the brother on the left was yelling and crying out in pain.

“I can’t see!”

His brother came to his rescue, bathing his eyes with water to clear his vision.

They leaned against the old tree, stumbling over the gnarled roots — their second “marker.”

Giving Up

The boys didn’t realize they were only a few feet away from their treasure.

They didn’t notice the second marker. They lost their focus.

They returned home, stumbling on every rock and rut on the path they previously covered so effortlessly.

It’s so easy to give up and to not see what is right before you.

Life gives us many obstacles, but it is our clear focus that gets up through them. When you lose your focus . . . it’s difficult to build up that enthusiasm again.

That’s how many people feel about the holidays and the preparations.

Yes, it can be a huge undertaking, but it can also be a labor of love . . . when you focus upon your goal.

Journey’s Aren’t Without Obstacles

It’s all about your focus.

You can focus upon everything that could possibly go wrong . . . or focus upon how things are coming together . . . Traffic is always an issue, but it’s your perspective that makes it bearable or horrible.

With focus, you can head-off obstacles. Find solutions and alternatives to keep you on your path.

I remember one Thanksgiving getting a flat tire.

I did replace the tire. Called to let my folks know of my delay.

Yes, I did miss out on the company and feast, but as it turned out, this is a Thanksgiving I truly did enjoy. I was grateful for the gas station that was open and how I wasn’t charged a fortune for the tire.

I was thankful for parents who kept my Thanksgiving dinner warm and ready when I arrived. I did enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.

My mother spoke of that day often. She said she got two Thanksgivings. One with my brother and his family and one with me. It made the day last longer for her.

I could have returned home, but I did continue on my journey.

I was grateful for the man who stopped and helped me change my tire and told me of the gas station that was open. I was also grateful for our conversation of how he was going to visit his grandmother. He spoke so fondly of her . . . by the time the tire was changed, I felt I knew her and the young man she raised.

I was grateful for the attendant at the gas station and his wife who brought us coffee and sandwiches.

Some Obstacles Can Be Blessings

It’s stopping for a bit to really see what is around us.

My flat tire was a blessing. It allowed me to meet some interesting people I would never have met otherwise.

It gave me a new perspective on the true meaning of Thanksgiving and the may blessings we miss, because we’re not looking for them. They come in all shapes and sizes . . . and even in disguise.

May you be blessed this Thanksgiving Day!


Thanksgiving Is Almost Upon Us

The Days And Weeks Are Going By Quickly.KidsPlayingInLeaves

Thanksgiving is less than a week away!

I was out shopping yesterday and the Thanksgiving grocery displays were moved front and center. It was so easy to find just about everything in that one section. I could feel the excitement of the approaching holiday.

Family is gathering this weekend to spend more time together. There is much excitement and anticipation all around the city. It’s easy to get caught up in it.

No matter what your plans, take a moment to reflect upon your favorite Thanksgiving Day celebrations. It’s good to remember loved ones who have passed and how they have made Thanksgiving and other holidays so special.

Is It The Food Or The Company?

For many it could be the traveling to see loved one.

My neighbor has an expression I truly love, “Family is like fish, it spoils after three days.” So she limits her visits. It’s a way to visit various family and friends before arriving at their final destination for Thanksgiving.

I’m sure many would like to spend more than three days together, but I can understand not imposing on the kindness of others.

My brother and I were talking about food yesterday. That really gets you in the mood for the Thanksgiving Feast before us this Thanksgiving. This got me thinking of how special Thanksgiving was when we were kids. That’s why I love the picture of kids playing in the leaves with the Pilgrims and Native Americans in the background.

It’s remembering the reason for the holiday and also allowing you to be a kid again . . . at least in memory.

My father and I would rake leaves together Thanksgiving morning. It became our tradition. Surprisingly, I do miss it. I loved seeing the progress we made in getting the driveway cleared off first and then the front lawn. I do love the sound of crunching in the leaves.

Each family may have priceless memories that have nothing to do with Thanksgiving, but we do make the association nevertheless.

Make Your Own Traditions

There are so many “built in” traditions centered around Thanksgiving.

It’s mainly the food, but it could be something more . . . like raking leaves or making the beds . . . even bringing out cots for the kids to sleep on . . . or setting up a place for kids to play in the backyard.

Football is a tradition . . . watching or playing it with family and friends . . . also a favorite movie or board game . . . or video game . . . each family has traditions that are uniquely their own . . . or maybe not so unique.

Then, the day after Thanksgiving . . . Black Friday special shopping trips . . . putting up the Christmas tree and the Christmas lights . . . or whatever you and your family find appropriate to do.

It’s always fun to have something special to share with loved ones that will be a treasured memory for many years to come.

It’s never to late to create your own Thanksgiving tradition.

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!


Sunny Day With Forecast Of Rain

Feeling A Bit Lost After HalloweenAutumnDay2

It’s interesting how the let down of one holiday event drives one forward to another holiday.

I have been anticipating Thanksgiving prior to the Halloween celebration. Then, once Halloween arrived, I was at a loss to proceed forward to Thanksgiving.

I believe the weather has a lot to do with it. We’ve been experiencing warm days — still summer, early fall type of forecasts. The rain, then the wind and the heat . . . now the forecast of rain . . .

I can get into the rain. It seems appropriate for the onset of the Thanksgiving season.

Strange How Thanksgiving Is A Transition Holiday

We’re bombarded with Christmas ads . . . Thanksgiving seems to be the forgotten holiday.

I do enjoy Thanksgiving. It’s a time of reflection for me. A time to get together with family and be very grateful for the love, caring and sharing the holiday provides.

I reflect on all holidays, actually. Thanksgiving seems to have this quality built-in. Yet, it seems to have become a “transition” holiday. A prelude of sorts for Christmas.

In my family, Thanksgiving was celebrated as a major holiday. We would get together for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, rarely both. It seemed to always coincide with work schedules.

This may be true today and also flight schedules and various other factors. The media puts much more focus upon Christmas . . . and all the songs associated with the holiday . . . and the sense that one must be home for Christmas.

For me, the weather makes a big difference in how I feel about the holiday season.

If we can get some rain and maintain colder temperatures, then I’m good to go.

I remember having a warm Thanksgiving and Christmas . . . it just didn’t seem the same. I feel myself with this lackluster feeling.

We did celebrate as usual, but something was entirely different within me. It may have been better for us to celebrate in another location where the temperature was a bit or quite a bit colder.

I don’t know if this is common for most people. Perhaps they just flow with it. I’m happy for them. I need a complete package to completely the embrace the holiday.

My Local Market Has A Sign On The Door “The Turkeys Are Coming”.

It’s our notice to reserve our Thanksgiving turkey.

But, the sign doesn’t amuse me as it once did. Maybe it’s no big deal. Or the weather has me in a funk.

I dislike it when I get this way. I ran an errand and stopped at the park to reflect for awhile. I thought the change of scenery would give me a more positive perspective.

I thought it would be good to get out in nature and perhaps among the population and see if I could catch some of that holiday enthusiasm.

Nope, not there.

Even the clerks in the various stores don’t have that holiday spirit.

Weather Has Much To Do With How We Feel

There has been scientific research that has proven this fact.

I don’t know if they’ve studied weather we’re experiencing with the specific anticipation of a holiday season. I’m doing my own unofficial research and I’ve found sales were down for Halloween and during this transition period before Christmas the stores are relatively empty.

Unofficially, in my area, others are feeling the same lack of enthusiasm as I am.

People involved in various sports and the fans are into their team games. This seems to bridge the gap.

For me when the weather becomes a bit cooler, I’ll get into my stride and get the holiday spirit going full steam ahead.

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave me a comment to let me know your thoughts about the weather and the holidays and whether it affects you or not.

Until next time,
