Oh yes, it has finally arrived!!!

Many are traveling, many are anxiously awaiting family and friends . . . Oh yes, there will be the last minute shoppers . . . and those getting their groceries . . . and there may be a bit more tidying about the house . . . 

I’ll be doing laundry . . . Want my dining table tablecloth to be fresh and may need to iron it, too . . . along with my place settings and napkins. And, of course there are the gift box place settings . . .

It has been quite busy.

Today I want to post on my other four websites . . . plus I want to do some papercrafts just for fun . . . and organizing my craft room just a bit.

Having an inviting place to sit and reflect is what I enjoy.

A nice cup of hot chocolate in your favorite chair in front of the fireplace is ideal.

There are plenty of memories made in this room . . . and there are many more to come.

For me it isn’t about getting everything perfect . . . which is pretty much impossible, by the way . . . it is about being comfortable and enjoying Christmas. I do like the old family traditions . . . and the new ones created through the years.

I’m into comfort . . . not stress . . . not anxiety . . . For me it is more of what is, is . . . if others wanted or expected something more . . . well, that is not my problem . . .

I’ve watched many Christmas movies over the years . . . and there is always chaos . . .

It is best to just relax and enjoy.

Have a Merry Christmas with your family and friends . . . and if you happen to be alone this Christmas . . . enjoy it . . . cater to what you enjoy . . . be happy and blessed . . . This is a time of celebration which can be shared or enjoyed alone . . . Just do what makes you happy and joyous.

Too often we get caught up in the Hallmark picture perfect world . . . that is a beautiful Christmas card . . . but we are in the real world . . . and we can fill our thoughts and hearts with our own “perfect” Christmas experiences . . . there are several precious moments you can recall and enjoy . . .

Enjoy your Christmas Eve Eve.


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