Christmas is over, but today is a day of returns and bargains!

My grandmother used to get in on the white sales — bedding usually, but there may have been table cloths, too. I think it was primarily sheets and pillow cases.

Today it is electronics, clothing and Christmas items.

After Halloween everyone is grabbing the half price candy. After Thanksgiving there’s Black Friday when the Christmas frenzy begins.

So really, it isn’t over until . . . the stores bring in the Valentine stuff.

It’s all for making room for the next celebration.

This is an excellent time to get Christmas wrapping paper, bows and ribbons to be prepared for next year. There may be Christmas cards, ornaments and decor items. 

Fall and winter clothing may be on sale, too.

If we would shop after the great events, we could cash in on savings . . . Yes, things will be picked over . . . but you may find some real gems.

At times it can be ruthless . . . but it happens throughout the year.

It’s not for the frail, but the strong who brave the crowds and get those discounted items.

As a child I used to hate going to the tables with all the sale items. My grandmother and great-aunt and mother would paw through the items along with dozens of other women looking for their “must have” bargains.

I thought it quite ridiculous. If the stores could discount it so much, then why didn’t they sell it for that price and there wouldn’t be all this merchandise left over. But I never did seem to get the bargain hunting bug everyone else seemed to have. It’s just not my thing.

I’m not into the crowds . . . the traffic . . . the running around.

For me, the day after Christmas is a quiet relaxing day. I’m savoring the joy of the Christmas season. Looking forward to a New Year and finishing up tasks. I take down the tree and all the Christmas decor. I know many wait until after the new year, but I like to get back to normal as soon as possible.

For some they are experience winter storms . . . Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Enjoy the remainder of 2017 and may 2018 be a joyous and prosperous year for you and yours.

Until next time,


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