Ricotta Cheese Pancakes Recipe

These would be wonderful for Mother’s Day!!

I love a recipe that makes a great breakfast . . . but is great for brunch . . . and a special treat for a breakfast-dinner.RicottaPancakes

These moist little pancakes with some jam . . . and sour cream . . . would be a real hit with your family.

You’ll need:

  • 32 ounces of whole milk Ricotta Cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cups of Granulated Sugar
  • 1-1/2 cups of All-Purpose Flour plus more for shaping the ricotta pancakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract — this is optional
  • Oil for frying up your pancakes

Let’s put these babies together:

  1. Combine the Ricotta Cheese with the Egg and mix it well. If you’re adding the Vanilla, add it with the egg.
  2. Add the Sugar and mix well.
  3. Add Flour and the baking powder.
  4. Mix it up so everything is blended into a smooth mass.
  5. You can use a spoon or a large ice cream scoop, scoop up the mixture and drop it into some flour. Coat it with the flour making the mixture into a ball, then gently shape it into a flat patty about 1/2 inch thick. Continue with the rest of the mixture.
  6. To fry the pancakes, add about a tablespoon of oil into a large skillet and heat over low-medium heat.
  7. Add the ricotta pancakes, cover with a lid and fry for about 2 to 3 minutes or until well browned. Turn over and do the same with the other side.
  8. You’re going to want to serve these warm with a side of sour cream and a jam of your choice.

This recipe makes about 25 pancakes — depending upon the size you make them.

I do hope you give this recipe a try.

Thanks for stopping by!


Pumpkin Carriage Paper Craft

I may be completely nuts  . . .

But I believe Mom would love a pumpkin carriage paper craft for Mother’s Day.pumpkincarriage

You see, it has to do with how magical your mom made your childhood. All the joy . . . all the great food . . . all the fun.

There’s a little part of us that still loves fairy tales . . . and what little girl didn’t dream of being a princess . . . even your mom . . .

There are lots of pictures and sentiments you can share on your paper mache pumpkin carriage that would mean the world to your mom . . .

It’s a one-of-a-kind gift your mother will cherish forever . . . go through old albums and pick out the pictures that are meaningful to her . . . and to you . . . scan them and print them out . . . you don’t want to use your vintage photos . . .

Then buy or make flowers . . . and maybe go to family.disney.com to get some images of princesses to have around the carriage . . . and maybe even use a photo of your mom  — using her image in a princess dress . . .

You can definitely make this special for your mom . . .

Or this may inspire you to come up with an idea of your own . . . something that would be uniquely your mom.

Have fun and be creative!


Mother’s Day Card Idea

Something you make is much more meaningful than anything you could buy.

That may be an exaggeration, but it’s about being sentimental. Sure the cards you buy are special, but something you make is definitely from your heart.MothersDayCard

Moms and Grandmoms are always fixing up good things to eat. Or they found a great deli and bakery.

I think a day out with Mom during the week of Mother’s Day would be a wonderful way to spend quality time with your mother. I know Mother’s Day is special for many and you have everything planned out . . . but for others it seems to be just something one has to do.

It can be a bit awkward. It can be very special.

I think making a mini-album for Mom would be another way of expressing the love you have for your mother. It can show pictures going way back.

I remember finding old pictures of my mom and making them into an album was truly the highlight of her Mother’s Day. It was a gift she couldn’t stop looking at . . . she kept it close by throughout the year.

Being a mother is special . . . and remembering . . . and being told . . . and shown through pictures of how special she is . . . is truly priceless.

Just something to think about.

Flowers and candy are nice, but they’re flowers and candy . . . give something from your heart.
