You always have to be careful buying previously owned products.

Jerry and Kathy’s daughter and son-in-law were going abroad on a working vacation. Their two young granddaughters wanted to visit their grandparents. Kathy was delighted to have her granddaughters visit, but she wasn’t sure how to keep them busy and occupied.

Jerry was looking through the ads and saw a children’s playhouse for sale. He called about it, got the address and he and Kathy went out to take a look. The man who was selling it gave them a great deal with all custom furnishings included. He had a flatbed trailer he used to deliver it to them.

They should have realized something was wrong when the man  was so eager to load it up on his flatbed and follow them home and set it up for them. Jerry only thought about how much fun his granddaughters would have.

The men set it up under the shade of the old oak tree as Jerry instructed.

It looked lovely there. Jerry set a paving stone walkway to the playhouse from the patio. He also set up an intercom system from the playhouse into the kitchen.

The playhouse was quite large. It had furniture in it so his granddaughters could have tea parties at the table and chairs  and there was also floor space with a rug and a miniature sofa and stuffed chairs. There was a built-in window seat under one window where Kathy put some toys, books, coloring books and crayons. They also set up some chairs and planted some flowers around the little playhouse. It was a labor of love.

Jerry and Kathy were quite happy with what they had set up until . . .

The intercom was making screeching sounds. Jerry thought some animal got into the playhouse. He went out to investigate, but found nothing. When he returned to the house, settled in his easy chair to read a good book, he heard moaning coming through the intercom. Once again, he went out to investigate. Nothing.

Before their granddaughters arrived, Kathy smudged the playhouse and all the furnishings. She also invited a psychic friend to check it out.

During the day, the intercom was quiet, but at night there were noises that Kathy and Jerry couldn’t explain. There were what they thought were animal sounds, but they also heard whispering. When Kathy looked out and saw the playhouse glowing from the inside, she was ready to call the people who sold it to them and have them take it back.

After all the work they’d done and the cute playhouse she knew her granddaughters would love, Kathy called in a priest to bless it.

On the day of the blessing, she heard screams, growls and eerie music coming from the playhouse. The priest suggested they get rid of it before the grandchildren came.

Jerry and Kathy were disappointed. Jerry called the man he bought it from and asked if they would take it back. The man was reluctant to do so. Jerry asked if they would take it to the dump for him — he’d pay them.

The men came. The playhouse let out its disapproval, but the men finally got it loaded on the flatbed.

Kathy didn’t remove the toys and other items she put in the window box. She was afraid they were tainted by whatever was in the playhouse.

Jerry left the intercom he set up in the kitchen with the other unit still in the playhouse. They heard what they could only describe as sinister laughing. Now Kathy wondered if their house was haunted by whatever was in the playhouse. She called the priest.

Jerry removed the intercom from the kitchen and put it out in the trash. The priest came to bless their house.

Their daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughters came to visit. They had the most frightening night anyone had ever experienced.

After dinner, while Kathy and her daughter were cleaning up, the girls went out in the backyard to play on the patio. Jerry and his son-in-law watched a ball game on television. The girls came running in screaming that something mean was out there.

Once the girls were settled down and put to bed. Jerry told his daughter and son-in-law about the playhouse they bought and the creepy sounds they heard from it.

The son-in-law was a skeptic, but after the nightmares he experienced and upon waking what he saw and heard, he was a believer. There were nonhuman and human-type entities in the bedroom. He was dragged out of bed and flung around the room. He had no idea what was happening. He just knew he was scared and beat up quite badly.

As he sat on the floor, he could feel and hear these entities sniffing him. He tried to call out to his wife, but nothing came out. There was a knock on the bedroom door and a sinister voice shouted, “Keep Out!”

Jerry couldn’t open the door. He started pounding on it waking up the whole household.

Kathy took the granddaughters into the kitchen and fixed them some hot chocolate.

The smoke alarms went off. There was a fire in the bedroom where the son-in-law and daughter were trapped. They managed to get out a window. Jerry, Kathy and the children were out in the front yard waiting for the fire truck. They were relieved when their daughter and son-in-law joined them.

They lost their house and all their possessions that night. Needless to say Jerry and Kathy didn’t get to have an extended visit with their granddaughters. They went to Europe with their parents.

Years later, the family discussed that night. The girls didn’t remember much about it other than the hot chocolate and the fire. Their father still had nightmares about that night.

All of this chaos, caused by a haunted playhouse.

Whoa — Creepy enough for you? I was saving this Real Ghost Story for predicted Thunder Showers that did not materialize. I guess there’s no predicting the weather. So, I’m letting this be a lesson not to schedule my ghost stories around the weather … yet I thought that would be a lovely background …

Anyway, this isn’t about me … but that creepy playhouse. I remember when I was looking for a house to purchase, there was a children’s playhouse in the backyard. It was cute and the upkeep on it was beautiful … but I noticed the little girls who lived in the house with their parents did not once go inside of it … I then remembered this story about Kathy and Jerry …

I didn’t ask the realtor about it nor inquire with the homeowners … I just left without looking through the entire house … they may have thought it rude of me, but I didn’t feel comfortable and didn’t want to purchase a paranormal nightmare.

We do need to be careful when purchasing previously owned furniture, toys, etc. as well as homes — just saying …

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