Aunt Ruth has always been a bit strange . . . but you have to love her.

Yes, she is a lovely woman . . . and she has some interesting friends . . . and pets.HalloweenTrickorTreat_edited-1

The neighborhood children come around on Halloween . . . but I’m afraid the word is going to get out . . . .unless they realize Aunt Ruth and her friends are just having fun celebrating All Hollow’s Eve.

I do love this picture and have been wondering how to make it three dimensional. I could print out several pictures of this and cut out all the pieces and layer them . . .

I do wonder what the main focal point is of this picture . . . the children or those within the open door?

At least Aunt Ruth gave her pet frog Homer as a treat instead of an apple . . .

This is one of those vintage pictures I’m so fond of sharing. You can click the image to the right and print it out. I would be curious to see how you use this picture.

I may focus on popping up the children and maybe the pumpkins and allowing Aunt Ruth and her friends to remain in the background. Homer, the frog, may need to be a bit dimensional, too . . .

halloweencardinaboxThis may be one of those images that belong in a mini-album or maybe I could make it into a Card-In-A-Box. I believe that would work out perfectly.

Everything would be dimensional . . .

I do believe this would be a great way for me to share this images with my friends and family . . . and a way for them to keep it and display it every Halloween . . . or when Aunt Ruth comes to visit.

I do like the Card-In-A-Box concept because it folds flat to put in an envelope for mailing and is easily popped up to display on a table top, mantel or shelf.

Here’s a YouTube Video Tutorial in case you aren’t familiar with this.

Yes, they are easy to make . . . and fun, too.

I thought this video would give you the basics of what you need to know in order to create your own Card-In-A-Box. I know some people like to see the whole thing put together step-by-step, but for the purpose of this post I thought the basics was all you needed.

Feel free to check out other YouTube Videos on the subject.

Thanks for stopping by!


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