Dolls Creep Me Out

I may not be alone — dolls creep me out.

I felt this way before Chucky! There has always been something creepy about them.

But a Raggedy Ann doll?  What could be creepy about it?

It’s not the doll, but what’s in the doll.

Ed and Lorraine Warren renowned demonologists and paranormal investigators have Annabelle locked up in their private creepy Occult Museum in their house in Monroe, Connecticut.  Ed Warren passed in 2006, but Lorraine Warren continues with paranormal investigations.

The story of Annabelle is well known, but for those who may not know I’ll give a brief history. In the 1970’s a woman bought a Raggedy Ann doll at a hobby shop for her daughter’s birthday. Her daughter was an adult and a nursing student. It seemed lots of young girls liked having dolls and stuffed toys on their beds — perhaps a connection to their childhood and home. And, I remember how popular these dolls were to make in all sizes.

As you can see from the picture above, Annabelle was a fairly large Raggedy Ann doll.

As the story goes, two nursing students shared an apartment and the Raggedy Ann doll was a prominent figure in the house. As long as it was a doll and behaved as a doll, everything was all right, but it didn’t.  There were “messages” written on parchment paper — which the girls did not have in their apartment. The doll would move from one bedroom to the living room . . . and was seen standing on her own.

Of course, this frightened the girls and they consulted a psychic.  They were told how a little girl, Annabelle, died on the property and her soul was in the doll. They were also told that the little girl wanted to stay and live with the young nursing students. They agreed and were very sympathetic to the story.

As time passed, the doll’s behavior got more erratic and violent until the Warren’s were called in and the doll had to be removed. The doll had a demon inside, not a child. This demon was biding its time until it would eventually possess one of the nursing students.

This possession thing is what creeps me out. I try not to think about demons, but they are very much a part of the paranormal as angels. And, too, often they are encountered in antiques.

We, as collectors, have a kind of romantic attachment to stories and wanting to preserve the old, but we do, at times, encounter things that we can’t handle or don’t want to handle.

I’ve never really liked puppets or marionettes.  I thought they were just creepy.

My brother got a Howdy Doody Marionette for Christmas one year and I stayed away from it.  Gary got good at manipulating the strings and having him walk around and up and down the stairs and even do a little dance, but I wasn’t amused, I was afraid of it — it just wasn’t natural.

I’m not claiming it was possessed, I’m just saying I didn’t like it. Howdy Doody was fine on television, but not in the same room with me. And it was fine for my brother to have as long as he kept it in his room.

Well, it seemed this toy would be in other parts of the house. Maybe my brother was trying to scare me, but he claimed he left it in his room.  I guess one day, this little marionette got in my mother’s way and it was put out in the trash.

As my mother admitted decades later when I asked her what happened to Howdy Doody, she admitted to throwing it out. “That thing kept staring at me. I swear it moved, crossing its legs and folding its arms.”

Throughout the day she kept hearing something in Gary’s room. She thought maybe there was a mouse in the house, but all she saw was that marionette.  She studied it as it seemed to study her each time she went into the room.  She moved it in the closet and it returned to the desk.

She got a paper bag out of the drawer and put Howdy Doody in it and put it in the trash. When my brother and I came home from school, she had some cookies for us.  We did go out to play for awhile, but after dinner when we were doing our homework, nothing was said about the missing Howdy Doody doll.

I asked my brother about it and he just shrugged and said, “One day it was gone. I was glad to see it go.”  Then he leaned closer and said, “You were right, that thing was creepy.”

Sometimes there are real demons possessing items and sometimes things are just creepy with the help of our imaginations . . . or . . . not.

I hope you liked this post about creepy dolls — maybe you have a story or two of your own. I’d love to hear from you in the comments below or you can email me:

Thanks for stopping by!


Are You Followed By A Ghost?

Some people seem to be plagued by a ghost that follows them around for years.

Why is this?

I usually think it could be a relative, but I’ve found it has more to do with the positive or negative energy one gives off that attracts spirits to them.

I feel very fortunate to have family spirits around me. I also have some who just like my energy and stop by from time to time to see what’s going on. They’ll play with the lights by turning them on and off, just to let me know they are there.  Sometimes a door will open and close. Nothing creepy or weird about it, at least not in my house.

Linda had the spirit of her best friend’s father visiting her regularly.

“My friend, Susan, and I were inseparable growing up. When her father died suddenly from a ruptured brain aneurysm he would visit in spirit form regularly at my house.”

Susan lived with her mother, but she didn’t have the same experiences at home as she did at Linda’s house.

Linda’s parents didn’t like the lights, television, computers, microwave, etc. turning on and off at odd hours of the day and night. They consults ghost hunters to assist them in solving their problem.

Yes, it was Susan’s father. They never did figure out why he would be at their house rather than their own.

Linda’s family moved several times, but Susan’s father followed them each time.

When Linda’s father got a promotion to move to another state, he thought this would sever the tie, his daughter had with Susan and her father, but it didn’t.

They consulted a psychic to find out what was going on with Linda’s connection to Susan’s father.

All the polite things were discussed between the psychic and Susan’s father. After that was exhausted and the psychic pressed him for an explanation, he admitted he was in love with Linda’s mother.

This didn’t set well with Linda’s parents. They were both kind to Susan and her father, but Linda’s mother never encouraged him in any way.

The psychic encouraged him to move on and leave Linda and her parents alone.

This worked out well for many years, until Linda went to college. There he was again, messing with electronic devices.

Linda lost touch with Susan after they moved out-of-state and found out her father’s love for Linda’s mother.

It seemed he continued to play out his fantasy of Linda, not Susan being his daughter. It may have been the confusion from his brain aneurysm.

Linda wanted to be kind to the confused ghost, but she also didn’t want to encourage him. She consulted a psychic to get him to move on. This worked for several years until she was expecting her first child.

Linda was afraid that Susan’s father’s spirit would go into her unborn child.

Linda’s husband thought she was crazy, but went along with his wife’s wishes. They had the house blessed and the unborn child blessed. Linda wanted to have a barrier between her family and that of Susan’s father’s spirit.

The birth of Linda’s son, was a spiritual experience.

Priests were present as was a psychic and family members. They were to be a barrier against Susan’s father’s spirit and Linda’s son.

Linda’s fears were proved accurate when the lights flickered in the delivery room. Doors rattled. The prayer group held fast to their task of keeping the unwanted spirit at bay. Many were pushed, hit and kicked, but they continued praying.

When they heard Linda’s son crying, they didn’t stop praying.

“My mother and father heard a loud pop, so did the psychic,” Linda said. “Then they saw a white light that almost blinded them. As they squinted, they saw the silhouette of a man walk into the light.”

Susan’s father finally gave up and went into the light.

Linda and her new family have had no paranormal experiences in their home. She is now the proud mother of three healthy sons.

It’s always nice to have a happy ending to a paranormal experience and it’s fortunate for Linda that it didn’t pass on to another generation.

Well … that was interesting,

What do you think? Please leave me a comment below.

Thanks for stopping by!


Haunted Farm House

When Rick was six years old he moved into an old farm house in Georgia with his parents, grandparents and siblings.


It was exactly what one would imagine a haunted house to look like. When they first arrived to their new home, Rick and his brother were excited about the old barn, out houses and sheds that were in the back of the house. His sisters were interested in the house and choosing their rooms.

This old farm house had a tin roof. The interior was wood, wood floors, wood walls, wood stairs and banister. The woodwork was extraordinary, but there were small images in the wood that somehow seemed creepy. Rick’s father didn’t notice it when he saw the house. He was interested in the 500 acres and the barn. He also noticed that the farmhouse was huge with six bedrooms and four bathrooms. There was a huge family kitchen he knew his wife would love. Some improvements were made to the house without taking away the charm of the original woodwork. There was also a three bedroom house on the property for his parents and another that would be great as a guest house for his brother and his family.  The price was a factor that made this farmhouse an absolute bargain.

There was going to be a lot of work in clearing away debris in the yard, but Rick’s father was planning to start out small by planting a garden near the house and to build a chicken coop for fresh eggs and buying a cow for fresh milk. He didn’t think beyond that, but he believed he had plenty of time to decide. First he had to move his family from California to Georgia.

Rick and his siblings didn’t like the idea. Their mother was concerned, but she had every confidence in her husband and father-in-law. She thought a farm would be a great place to raise her children.

Rick’s grandfather had recently retired and sold his construction business. He thought a farm in Georgia was perfect for his retirement. They liked the idea that they would have a house of their own close to their son and grandchildren.

They arrived on a cloudy, windy day. By evening, it started raining. They noticed the roof leaked and the wind and rain seeped through the windows. There were eerie creaking sounds from the floors and the walls. Although the electrical wiring and plumbing were only about five years old, there were problems due to the house being empty for a couple of years.

The strange thing was that the house was fully furnished. It looked as though someone had packed up what they could take in their car and left, never to return.

That first night was an experience they would never forget with lights turning on and off and toilets flushing and faucets turning on and off. Not to mention mopping up the rainwater under the windows and emptying the buckets to catch the drips from the ceiling. And, of course, the creaking of the house.

The next day was cloudy, but no rain. Rick’s mother took them to register for school. Although they wanted to go back to the farm and get settled before starting school, they did begin that day. There was also a bus that dropped them off after school at the long driveway to their property. It would be there at 7:30 the next morning.

While the kids were busy at school, repairs were made on the farmhouse. There was a crew of workers packing up when the kids arrived home from school.

The overgrown grass and weeds were cleared away.  The old farmhouse didn’t look quite as scary as it had when they arrived.

The smells coming from the kitchen were inviting to four hungry children.

After dinner the children settled down to do homework in front of the television. Their grandparents sat at the table playing cards. By 9 PM they went to their house. Their house came furnished as did the guest house. These two houses were in better shape than the farmhouse because they were not as old.

There were the regular creaks from the house, but Rick was tired from school and not getting enough sleep the night before.

He did wake up in the middle of the night. He felt a weight sitting on his chest. He tried to move, but it was impossible. He couldn’t even open his eyes which scared him. He tried to yell, but he couldn’t open his mouth. He remembered praying for Jesus to help him. In a few minutes the weight was off of him and he was able to move. He jumped out of bed and ran to his parent’s room, turning on the lights in his bedroom and the hallway and in his parent’s bedroom.

He told his parents of his experience, they checked his room, but found nothing and left the light on in the hallway.

He slept through the rest of the night undisturbed.

At breakfast in the morning he thought it had been a bad dream as his mother suggested.

The kids got on the bus and were off to school. Rick learned from one of his new friends that the old farmhouse had a dark history. They said it was built by an old ship builder, but his wife was a witch. Rick liked the idea of an old ship builder building the house, but he didn’t know what to make of a witch living in his house at one time. Then he thought about the creepy symbols carved in the wood.

Rick’s older sister was way ahead of him. She heard the story, too, and went into the library to look up some of the symbols she remembered seeing repeated throughout the house. She discovered these were for protection, but didn’t know what they needed protection from. She was level-headed for a 12-year-old and didn’t allow her imagination to run wild.

Rick’s 14-year-old brother looked up old newspapers articles from two years previous when the old farmhouse was abandoned. He was told about the murder of a small boy in the house and how the parents ran off leaving their son dead in the house. He couldn’t believe it and had to check it out for himself.

There it was in black and white. A picture of the old farmhouse, a black body bag on a gurney, policemen on the front porch and he noticed something dark looking out of an upstairs window. He made a copy of the article.

Soon Rick’s parents learned some history of the house. It is interesting how people seem to enjoy telling tales after someone moves into a haunted place, but no one is to be found to warn them from buying it and moving their family into it.

They had the house blessed, but that seemed to bring the stories into reality.

From what the family experienced that Friday night, they knew the little boy was not beaten to death by his parents, but some evil entity was in the house and did a repeat performance on Rick, but, fortunately, he didn’t die. His brother heard strange growling sounds coming from Rick’s bedroom and got up to check on him. He saw something dark on the bed hitting his little brother. He tried to grab it and throw it off him, but there was nothing for him to grasp. He was shouting for it to stop, walking up the whole house. His father came in and rush for his young son and was able to get him away from the dark entity.

It then turned on the elder son. His father returned with a shovel, swung it at the entity, hit it several times before it finally left through the ceiling.

It was tempting to leave the farmhouse, just as the previous owners had, but they decided to defeat this thing and banish it from the house.

The family moved into the guest house.

With help from the priest and church members, all the furniture was removed from the house, including the basement and attic. It was taken out into a pit the grandfather made in the middle of the field and burned. The fire department was there to make sure the blaze didn’t get out of hand.

There were plenty of witnesses to hear the screams, growls and cries from the burning pile of furniture and boxes left by previous owners.

The house was blessed again and the family slowly bought furniture and returned to live in the old farmhouse.

Rick was still bruised from his ordeal, but he returned to school. He became a bit of a hero among his peers for surviving the demon’s attack.

The girls seemed most reluctant to return to the farmhouse. They stayed with their grandparents at night, but did have dinner in the farmhouse. Eventually, they decided the farmhouse was safe for them.

The houses and buildings on the property were free from demons, but as for the woods, that’s another story entirely.

That was truly a creepy Real Ghost Story!

Thanks for stopping by!


Every House Has A Story

We’ve been experiencing quite a lot of rain lately along with thunder and lightning.

This always gets me thinking about ghosts and things that go bump in the night,

Also urban legends along with folklore, superstitions … This got me thinking about the land and the various structures upon the land …

There have been haunted bridges, highways … Haunted groves and of course houses …

Some places look haunted which may not be haunted at all … while a new development or neighborhood does not look haunted … but is very haunted.

How is one to know?

One normally doesn’t know for sure, but I would definitely acknowledge how you feel or the feelings others receive.

I know, many people don’t believe in ghosts or hauntings … but I believe there is a realm where ghosts and spirits do live among us.

There are lots of haunted places around the world … even in the area where you live …

Perhaps even in your own home…

I’ve always found the spookiest of places are houses, schools, churches, shopping malls and stores …

All those places where you would go regularly … It is amazing how many innocent places are indeed haunted.

I’m sure every place has an urban legend where a bride is awaiting her groom … she could be waiting in a house, a church, a road, a bridge … She could be waiting wearing her wedding gown or sitting in a chair with a box of love letters on her lap.

Or looking out a window … on the roof — a widows walk … or even leaving a candle burning in the window …

And … some of those houses or farmland have been bought and is now a church or school or shopping mall … or a store … Yet the ghosts still believe it is their home … 

Something to definitely think about …

Thanks for stopping by!



Follow-Up On The Previous G Team Video

I Have This Love-Hate Thing Going On With Dolls … Haunted Dolls

I’ll write stories about haunted dolls and videos about them … but I won’t be investigating them on my own or with my friends … They just creep me out!!

Today I have two YouTube Videos to share with you. One is from Patty of the G Team and the other is from Heather of Heather’s Hauntings who is Patty’s daughter.

These two videos are recording the same events … each with a bit of a different perspective.

I truly have to hand it to people who bring haunted stuff home with them — even after doing the smudging and other protective clensings … stuff happens!!

I think you will enjoy both of these videos.

Heather’s Hauntings Video was the first one I watched … So … I thought I’d present them to you in the same order I watched them.

G Team Paranormal Investigators Video is a follow-up on the previous video where Patty and Omar shared his haunted dolls.

Oh my goodness … did you jump at the opening of Heather’s video?  Did you get cold chills after watching the G Team video?

I’ll admit to both … I never claimed to be brave …

I do love ghost stories and to a degree of getting scared … or getting that creepy feeling along with goosebumps … and I can laugh at myself when I do get scared or startled … Something is definitly up with those dolls …

I’m not going to give them my home as their playground … I accept they’re haunted and don’t want to video them in my home doing their moving and ringing wind chimes and who knows what else.

We can protect ourselves with prayers and crystals and sage and smudging or other clensing methods … all are effective … but sometimes evil entities do slip in and cause health problems … bad luck … or just mischief — which can be very serious and extremely annoying …

And they can be dangerious and harmful … Most people like to think they can’t hurt us … Well, they can and this is not just a harmless game or hobby … It is serious and sometimes there are unforeseen consequences …

Well … I’ll get off my soapbox for now and thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog.


Haunted Hearse

A friend of mine bought a hearse.

It was a vintage hearse that had been fully restored. He bought it from a local mortuary. They sold it because they believed it was haunted.

He wanted to conduct ghost tours and thought a hearse would be an ideal vehicle to get his guests in the mood. Also included with the tour was a dinner and discussions about haunted places they had visited or would want to visit. It was exciting to drive up to the restaurant in a hearse. Some places thought it was bad for business, but since these were paying customers, the restaurants got off their high horse and agreed to allow the hearse to be parked in front.

Carson had some alterations made to add more seating.

He also had a custom logo painted on both doors and the back window.

At both places where he took the hearse, he was told about creepy sounds coming from the back of the hearse. The best description was creeks, moans and sighs.

Carson didn’t think much of this, he was excited that he was going to be able to conduct ghost tours and have a good time this coming Halloween. For him, everyday was Halloween in his fancy attire. He was looking forward to painting his face like a skeleton. The more he thought about it, he decided to gave it a try on a couple of occasions.

The thing was, when he did paint his face, the hearse would take his guests to the cemetery.

There was much to see and the guests were delighted. When the hearse was ready for the next stop, it would start by itself, rev the engine, honk the horn and take off as soon as the doors were closed.

Carson visited places he knew nothing about, but the speakers gave the guests an eerie demonstration of the sounds that would come from the building.

After awhile, Carson was getting a bit creeped out about this, but word of mouth was spreading and he was booked solid months in advance. He decided to go with the flow and enjoy this windfall.

Carson was reminded of the Stephen King book and movie Christine, but it didn’t take off in the night without him. He had to admit it was a creepy car.

He contacted others in the business to ask their advice. Carson received offers from some of these guys to buy his hearse. They were into their business and they made it fun and entertaining for their clients. Wearing costumes was a natural and some hired local talent to dress in character and entertain the clients with stories that may have been true or urban legends.  One man would have a young woman in ghostly make-up stand on the side of the road to the cemetery and ask for a ride. He would give her his jacket and once they arrived at the cemetery the woman would run off and his jacket would be found on a grave stone. Others used other props to make for an exciting tour.

Carson realized he didn’t need to hire actors and didn’t need to have props when he had a haunted hearse that entertained his clients. He didn’t know what to expect from day to day, but he had some prankster ghosts that would hitch a ride with him and do their thing. It was all in fun and Carson relaxed and enjoyed himself as did his guests.

When asked how he did all the stuff of having someone whisper their name or knock off a hat or tie shoestrings together, Carson would tell them the hearse was haunted. Many didn’t believe him and some may have. It’s difficult to know for sure.

This is truly an example of how important it is to relax and allow the ghostly realm to work with you.

Thanks for stopping by!
