Busy At The Cemetery

I decorate grave sites during the early morning hours. This being Veteran’s Day Weekend I put out plenty of American Flags along with flower arrangements. At dawn it will be a sight to behold.

I love my job, but I must admit I do sometimes get a bit creeped out.

I bring candy for any ghostly children who may be around and some extra flowers for the ladies . . . and the gentlemen are quite fond of Jack Daniels, so I have some bottles ready for them, too. These are all ghostly apparitions that appear while I’m working.

It’s nice that they’re used to me, but as long as I’ve been doing this, I can’t help but be startled from time to time.

I pretty much thought that I’ve seen it all, but I did get a bit of a scare when a floating head followed me into the cemetery. It was just bobbing along beside the truck on the passenger side.

It reminded me of the bouncing ball that used to be used to follow the words in the song on cartoons and old Mitch Miller television programs.

Thoughts like this pop into my mind at the craziest times, but I’ve found it better to laugh about something creepy than be scared. It may be what has allowed me to do this job for so many years.

The shadows seemed to be alive.

Dark spots seemed to dart behind tall gravestones or trees. My initial thought that kids were out, but it is a closed cemetery. I suppose there is always a way inside other than through the main gate, but I hadn’t heard about it . . . other than the underground tunnel, but that was blocked off years ago . . . or that’s what the city wants us to believe . . . some have denied they had ever existed.

I concentrated on the job I had to decorate all the grave sites. It was going to be a long night. I started at dusk, when the gates were closed. I knew someone would be back around midnight to let me out, but until then I was alone in the cemetery . . . except for the ghostly residents.

I’m used to having the feeling of being watched, but the shadows moving in the darkness were new to me as was the bobbing ghostly head.

I was singing patriotic songs in my head as I worked, but creepy songs seemed to drown them out. I thought about “Monster Mash” which I always found enjoyable, but it was soon replaced with “Do you ever think as a hearse goes by, that you may be the next to die? They wrap you up in a big white sheet from your head down to your feet. They put you in a big black box, and  cover you up with dirt and rocks. All goes well for about a week, then your coffin begins to leak. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, the worms play pinochle on your snout. They eat your eyes, they eat your nose, they eat the jelly between your toes. A big green worm with rolling eyes, crawls in your stomach and out your eyes. Your stomach turns a slimy green, and pus pours out like whipping cream. You spread it on a slice of bread, and that’s what you eat when you are dead.” . . . I got a chill.

I kept working. That last song stayed in my mind much longer than I felt comfortable.

A baseball rolled up beside me. I knew that was Billy, a young boy I’ve seen at the cemetery from time to time and who, along with his ghostly friends come to my house at Christmas . . . but that’s a different story for another time.

I set a box of Junior Mints beside the baseball. I knew Billy liked them and would share them with his friends. I did feel a little more relaxed knowing Billy was there and forgot about the shadows . . . and the disgusting song.

There was a slight breeze that gave a gentle nudge to the leaves that seemed to whisper throughout the cemetery from tree to tree. Fortunately, the dark shadows were still.

I got that cold chill again. Checking my watch and looking around, I knew I had no time to entertain my imagination. I had an hour to finish up and meet the caretaker at the gate.

I moved the truck to light up the last section of the cemetery. I worked in silence — no songs popped in my head, but something strange did happen. I heard and then saw flowers being placed at the far end of the cemetery. It may have been the soldiers I brought the Jack Daniels for helping me out.

With the help of my ghostly soldiers, I finished early and waited at the gate for the caretaker. He seemed pleased to see me. I usually have a bottle of Jack Daniels for him, but my ghostly helpers, helped themselves to all the bottles along with the flowers they placed for me. If the caretaker wanted one, he’d have to deal with the soldiers.

Thanks for stopping by!


Strange Experience At The Coffee Shop

Occasionally when I meet my ghost hunting friends at our local coffee shop there is a ghost or two hanging around.

They do try to get our attention in various ways.

On this particular morning I kept hearing a strange buzzing sound. I thought it was some kind of buzzing insect. I waved my hand next to my ear to chase it away, but I felt something ice cold. I knew instantly that some spirit was whispering in my ear, but I couldn’t make out any words.

I tried to communicate with the spirit by talking to it in my mind. I explained that I was sorry, but all I heard was a buzzing sound. I was interested in what it had to say, but it needed to find someone else who was on their frequency.

Evidently, my group was on the same frequency as I, because I noticed each one waving it away.

I explained to them that it wasn’t an insect, but a spirit trying to communicate with one of us.

Hank suggested to the spirit that it try to communicate with us in another way.

Great, I thought, now we’re going to have parlor games right here in the coffee shop.

Not to be disappointed, the chalk board with the daily specials was erased and the word “HELP” in all caps appeared on the board.

Hank told the spirit that he appreciated the message, but needed more information.

The next word was “FOLLOW.”

Great, now we needed to follow a ghost that we couldn’t see or hear someplace we didn’t know.

I wasn’t thrilled by the idea, but we left the coffee shop and got into Hank’s SUV to go on an adventure.

Hank was asking questions such as right or left as he drove out of town. Evidently, the ghost would tap Hank’s shoulder in reply.

We were heading out of town.

My friend Barbara didn’t seem at all concerned. Hank was concentrating on his driving. I seemed to be the only one who wasn’t keen on the idea. I guess I’m not much of a ghost hunter.

Off to the distance I saw an abandoned house.

As we drove up, there was a “Keep Out” sign nailed to the fence that was missing pickets and seemed to lean to one side.

When we got out of the car, we heard someone calling for help.

We immediately hurried to the sound of the cries being careful not to trip over debris that might be hidden in the tall grass.

When I saw the man on the ground, I immediately called 9-1-1 to get an ambulance out there as soon as possible. The man had broken his leg and I could see the bone poking through the skin.

I went outside to think about what had happened that morning. A spirit came to get us to help the man in the old abandoned house.

How was that possible?

I wanted to know more. Were they related? Was this the ghost’s house? Why was this man there? How did he break his leg?

It seemed to take forever for the ambulance to arrive, but they did with police and fire truck.

How was I going to explain why we were out there?

Fortunately, Hank did all the talking and Barbara and I nodded like bobble heads.

A couple of days later we visited the man in the hospital.

He told us he was hired to tear down the old place and level the lot. Since it was an old stone house, he was wondering if it was worth saving. He didn’t like destroying old buildings.

As he was climbing the stairs, he heard a buzzing sound in one ear, then the other. He also saw something pass him and run up the stairs. He was so startled that he lost his balance and fell down the stairs.

Since he believed in ghosts, we shared our experience at the coffee shop.

We were all pleased that the ghost that startled him also rescued him.

What happened to the old stone house?

It’s still there, but it has been renovated and the yard landscaped. The man who wanted it destroyed changed his mind after hearing what transpired in the house. He moved from Utah with his family and made it their home.

What about the ghost?

He’s still there with his wife. He’s the great-great-uncle to the man from Utah. The children like the elderly ghostly couple and their parents have learned that they can all live peacefully in the same house.

It’s nice when a ghost story ends happily.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you liked this real ghost story!


Cloudy Weather And Ghost Hunting

I’m always curious how the weather affects ghosts and spirits.

I am reminded that ghosts and spirits were once living beings and for some reason are stuck here or chose to visit here to look out for others. It may be where their friends are and they enjoy being with them or they may have unfinished business or have business of another sort.

As I said, ghosts and spirits were once living beings and should be treated as such. So, cloudy weather may affect them as it did in life. I like cloudy weather. I love the rain, thunder and lightning. I know others who don’t. So, I would imagine going out on such a day to look for ghosts would uncover nothing or a cranky ghost.

I’ve been investigating an old haunted theater for a few months now with some ghost hunting friends. They are quite serious about their ghost hunting. I’m a bit more laid back.

On this particular cloudy, fall day, I went to the old haunted theater with a card table, a jigsaw puzzle and a couple of chairs.

I set it up in the lobby where the light was best, since the place had been abandoned for a number of years with no utilities turned on, I wanted to have natural light.

Just as a note, we do get permission from the owner each time we visit.

My friends thought I wasn’t into today’s ghost hunting adventure, but it was just the opposite. I wanted to see if there was a spirit who was into jigsaw puzzles and wanted to spend some time with me. I’ve noticed whenever a jigsaw puzzle is set up, no one can resist stopping for a few minutes, checking it out and putting a piece in place. Sometimes they get “hooked” and sit down. This was the behavior I was counting on for my ghost hunting adventure.

Along with the card table, puzzle and chairs, I had my camera, tape recorder and EMF meter.

As I was setting out the puzzle pieces, I spoke aloud to the ghosts. I explained how on cloudy days I had a bet with myself. The bet was to see if I could complete the puzzle before the first drop of rain fell. Now this was no idle bet. I have puzzles with 1000 pieces or more. I was serious. I chose a jigsaw puzzle of candy wrappers — theater . . . candy . . . This theater was originally built for live performances and later converted to show movies and later abandoned when a multi-plex came to town.

I rambled on a bit longer about the puzzle and the various candies and settled down to business.

I started with the frame and noticed the chair opposite me move to one side. I didn’t think a spirit was sitting down, but just moved the chair a bit to let me know someone was there. My EMF meter lit up.

I said, “I don’t know why I brought this puzzle, it always makes me hungry.”

I heard very clearly, “Sugar Babies.”

“Oh, are those your favorite? They certainly are chewy, but stick to my teeth.”

I was hoping the EVP was being recorded.

Not knowing the age of this “ghostly spirit,” I didn’t want to ask too many questions, but to share information. I do talk when I’m nervous.

I noticed the “Sugar Babies” coming together to one side of the puzzle pieces I set out. Was the spirit telling me what pieces he/she was putting together?

I decided to test this out and did the same with “Junior Mints.”

“Mary Jane” was spoken next and the pieces came together.

This went on for some time and the puzzle was taking shape.

“You’re good at this,” I said. “We’ll get this finished before the first drops of rain.”

I then heard quite distinctly, “No rain today.”

I answered with, “You’re probably right, but it’s a good day for a jigsaw puzzle.”

My answer was “Cards.”

This spirit evidently enjoyed playing cards. I waited to see if he/she was going to say more.

I wasn’t sure if this spirit had moved on to see what the others were doing or not. My EMF meter was still on, but I may have been visited by another.

I declared my experiment a success and made a mental note to bring cards the next time, but I didn’t know what game this particular ghost preferred and I didn’t know many, just the basics. Maybe the others would like to participate next time.

I got the feeling from this brief encounter that this ghost may have been an actor and was used to passing the time playing cards. Or it may have been the one running the films and played cards between changing reels.

I did some research and discovered that the original owner of the building did set up a weekly poker game. He made his business legitimate with the playhouse. His son started running the movie house to bring in more customers, but his father still ran his poker games. He did expand it to nightly when it became a movie theater and the games were set up behind the stage in the old dressing rooms.

I learned of other businesses in town that ran “after hour” events as well.

It’s interesting what you can learn about a town by asking questions of the living who are willing to share. It’s just a ghostly nudge that gets the mind thinking about the random words that were spoken.

By the way, the spirit was right, no rain.

Thanks for stopping by!!


Strange Paranormal Activities

There’s this theatre in the park that is known to be haunted.

The stories are quite outrageous from wild zoo-type animals to a satanic cult frequenting the area. Most people discount this by saying “Nothing has been substantiated.” Of course they’re going to say that, they have made a substantial investment in the property with their outrageous homeowners association fees.

I get really strange vibrations from this area, even when I’m driving by a block or two away. Now, there I am right in the middle of the property getting ready to step onto the stage. They were putting on a melodrama and needed a honky-tonk piano player. I wanted to ask what happened to their regular piano player, but knew I wouldn’t receive a straight answer. I also wondered where was everyone. The place looked disserted and I wasn’t sure I had the time right.

What I found strange was all the sound equipment cluttering up the stage.

“Just start playing,” I heard over a loud speaker. “We want to get a sound check.”

I started playing Tiger Rag by Jelly Roll Morton. The speakers behind me started vibrating and bouncing a bit on the stage. I stopped playing and looked around.

“Why did you stop?” demanded the voice over the speaker.

“The vibration of –”

“You’re being paid to play, not talk.” I began playing Chopin’s  Nocturn. I started out slowly then put the off beat into the tune to give it a ragtime feel.

“Stop tapping your foot,” the disembodied voice bellowed through the speaker above me.

I didn’t think I was tapping my foot. I felt something behind me. I looked back and all the sound equipment was stacked up. The cords were wound around the legs of the piano bench.

I stood up, walked off the stage and continued walking out of the park and to my car. My cell phone rang as I leaned against my car to calm down

“Why did you leave?”

I answered the question with a question of my own, “Have you looked at the stage?”

“Well, no . . .”

“Where are you?” I asked.

He said he was in a remote location, but could hear what was going on. He had a camera that didn’t have a very wide field of vision except the area where I sat before the piano keyboard and the open panel of the upright piano. Behind me and the floor were out of the camera’s view.

Needless to say I wasn’t pleased by this arrangement and I let him know that either someone was there or the rumors that the stage was haunted were true. This seemed to be typical poltergeist behavior.  No way was I returning to that stage.

It was obvious that the spirits didn’t want me or anyone else on that stage playing the piano.

I never heard what happened to make the piano player quit or if this particular melodrama was performed there or at another venue. I didn’t even know why the sound man wasn’t at the park. My friend, Barbara, set this gig up for me — not that I wanted it or needed it. I needed to contact her once I calmed down to get all the particulars of this situation.

On my way home, I had this strange craving for a hamburger and fries.  The place I liked was on the other side of town — not that it’s that large of a town, but I didn’t know if I wanted to go that far. There were some old houses I needed to pass by and there was always something strange going on in that part of town — with the spirits and the traffic.

I also had an uncomfortable feeling there was something, not someone, but something in the back seat of the car. I didn’t dare turn around. There was no refection in the rearview mirror.

I decided to call Barbara and have her meet me or just barge in on her at home. Fortunately, she was home and invited me to visit.

That was a relief. I wanted to get out of the car as soon as possible.

Barbara had a smudge stick ready when I arrived. We went through my whole car, including the trunk and even smudged me. I was sure I picked up something at the theatre.

My craving for fast food was gone. The uncomfortable feeling of being watched was also gone. I was no longer upset with Barbara for the fiasco at the park.

“How did it go at the rehearsal?” she asked innocently.

I explained that no one was there except someone giving orders through a loud speaker and poltergeists playing games.

“Alicia said there was a full dress rehearsal and they needed a piano player.”

“Well, during the hour lag time between your call and my arrival at the park, plans were changed.”

I could now feel irritation towards Alicia, but Barbara was ahead of me. She had her on the phone demanding an explanation.

Alicia claimed to not have called Barbara. They had a piano player and their rehearsals were in the evening.

Was this a prank?

I remembered a group of paranormal researchers who asked me a month earlier to help them investigate the park and the theatre in particular. I flatly refused. Could they be behind this?

I was on the phone, “Hi Bob, how’s your research going at the theatre?”

Bob hedged, but eventually came clean. “Stuff always happens around you,” was his lame excuse.

“How did you stack up the sound equipment and wrap the cords and cables around the piano bench?”

“I didn’t do that, I was in the van and Pete was locked in the bathroom, backstage.”

They used me to fish out the poltergeists they believed to be causing all the trouble at the theatre. Pete was to record things from backstage, but he followed the sound of footsteps into the bathroom and got locked in. They got nothing for their efforts.

I never did see the entity that was in my car. I was just glad it was gone. I imagine it’s back at the park hiding in the shrubbery scaring people who are dumb enough to be walking around there.

Yes, I do encounter strange people from time to time. And, I do attract some paranormal experiences I’m not especially eager to have, but such is life …

I hope you enjoyed this little paranormal experience I encountered … and enjoyed how the poltergeists did have the last laugh.

Thanks for stopping by!


Annoying Ghost

This has been some weekend with Halloween Parties . . . and All Hollows Eve is still a few days away …

I don’t know about trick-or-treat-ers running around the neighborhood.

I have noticed there are some strange things going on … last week and over the weekend … This is the reason for sharing this real ghost story with you.

And, I don’t have an explanation as to the strange paranormal experiences others are having … the veil must have lifted to a degree … or our imaginations are on overdrive …

Everyone has quirks. My friend Joan has a thing for leaving doors and cabinets half open.

Doors are to be either opened or closed. Cabinets, she prefers to have closed, drawers, too.

Everyday when she came home from work, doors were half open, cabinets half open, and drawers pulled out.

She decided she had a ghost that was messing with her.

A few days later, at work, she noticed her desk drawers were opened, the door to her office was half open and the filing cabinet drawers were opened and pulled out. She locked her office, desk and file cabinet before leaving. It was something she did every evening as did others in the office.

The janitorial service the company used would lock the doors of the offices. All the employees had separate keys to their desks and file cabinets.

Joan lived alone and no one had keys to her house.

When Joan’s sister, Holly, accepted her invitation to visit the following weekend, Joan asked her to bring her ghost hunting equipment with her.

Holly arrived with her ghost hunting team late that Friday night. Some were going to investigate the office and others Joan’s house.

Joan accompanied half the group to the office (three others) and Holly stayed at the house to investigate with the other half of the group (also three members).

At each location cameras were set up. They also had EMF sensors (also referred to as The Ghost Meter).

They both saw what they believed to be poltergeist activity opening doors and drawers. It appeared to be almost earthquake activity of doors swinging freely half opened or half closed and the drawers made jumping movements — not smooth openings. The kitchen cabinets swung open smoothly and adjusted to closing halfway.

It was all quite odd.

The group decided to do some research about both locations.

The strange thing was that both Joan’s house and the office building were once owned by the same man in the 1920’s. He was an attorney who was rumored to have poisoned his wife so he could marry his secretary. It does seem fitting that she would haunt both locations, but why Joan’s office and not the one used by her former husband?

With more research and consulting a psychic it was uncovered that the annoying ghost had once worked in the office Joan occupied before her marriage.

As has often been believed that poison is a woman’s means of murder, the psychic reasoned the annoying ghost was slowly poisoning her husband, but he discovered her putting cyanide in his food and drink and would switch plates and glasses with hers. So, in the end she poisoned herself.

It is a strange tale, but why was she taunting Joan who was not a relative and how did she know of Joan’s quirk of not liking doors, cabinets and drawers half or partly opened?

The simple answer is observation. This is how she decided to get Joan’s attention.

The annoying ghost didn’t stay with Joan much longer after the truth was uncovered. Did she want Joan to believe her husband poisoned her? Or to acknowledge that she actually poisoned herself?

Does the truth set one free?

Joan still lives in the same house and works in the same office. She thinks of the annoying spirit from time to time and wonders if she’ll return.

She’s relieved that the ghost only messed with her obsession and didn’t try to poison her.

I hope you enjoyed this real ghost story. I did. It had a happy ending … and gave us a bit of insight into the paranormal.

I’m always searching for answers or some insight into the realm of the paranormal … I’m not so much in getting the wits scared out of me … that has happened, but not something I seek …

I do hope this Halloween Season you and your family will be safe …

Thanks for stopping by!


Silhouettes On The Wall

Can an obsession be caused by tragic events from long ago?

There’s an old song that came out in the late 1950’s by the Rays called “Silhouettes”.

Brian and Karen are a young couple in their mid to late 20’s. Neither of them had heard the song until they went to an oldies sock hop a friend of theirs was having. It was a Friday night in late July, 2010. They were both in college, but hadn’t met until that night.

They danced to that song. They went out on the patio for some fresh air and they did see “Silhouettes” on the curtain, but when they returned inside, there were no curtains on that particular window. They could clearly see through onto the patio and the pool beyond which were lit up.

It seemed as though they went through some “time warp.”

Karen began to feel uncomfortable and went home. Brian promised to call her in a couple of days.

“That song kept going through my mind that night,” Karen recalled. “I could feel myself dancing with Brian.”

She heard someone whisper her name. When she opened her eyes and looked around the room, she saw two silhouettes dancing. (Her mother always kept the hall light on at night.)

Karen became frightened. Turned on the lights in her bedroom and thoroughly looked around, even under the bed, in the closet and checked the windows to make sure they were locked. Of course, she found nothing out of place, but that creepy, cold, yet clammy feeling enveloped her.

Early Saturday morning Karen got up. Her father was at the kitchen table drinking coffee and finishing his breakfast. Her mother was upstairs packing for their overnight stay at the cabin they bought years ago.

“How was the party?” he asked. “Have a good time?”

“Oh, the party was fine.”

Her father knew her words didn’t match her behavior so he looked her straight in the eyes and asked, “What happened?”

Reluctantly, Karen told him about dancing with Brian, going outside, seeing the silhouettes . . . and the strange silhouettes she saw in her bedroom after someone called her name.

Her father told her it was just a dream, but Karen didn’t contradict him.

“Why don’t you come to the cabin with us?”

Karen knew her father was concerned, but she declined the invitation. She had a part-time job at Target and wanted to go to work. She did, however, feel uncomfortable staying in the house alone that night.

Karen ate her breakfast in silence.

Her father left her to her thoughts.

Her mother came in and sat down beside her with a cup of coffee.

“Your father told me about the party and your bad dream,” she said. “Is Brian a nice boy?”

Karen confided in her mother about Brian’s family owning the local jewelry store and his older sister worked part time in the archives at the library. Her husband was an investment broker. She added, “I hope he calls.”

“I remember Marian, we went to high school together.” Marian is Brian’s mother. “I haven’t seen her for years.”

Karen’s father found his wife and daughter sitting at the kitchen table deep in thought.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked his wife.

Karen was hoping they’d decide not to go, but she also knew there were some repairs her father wanted to make at the cabin.

After her parents left for the cabin, Karen got ready for work.

She stopped by the library to look up any information she could find in the archives about the house on Birch Street. It was one of those restored old homes. Nothing fancy like a Victorian, but one that was built in the 1930’s and had been completely upgraded and modernized. It was on a half acre lot near the country club.

When Karen entered the library, she saw Brian sitting with a woman, studying some old books. She immediately went to the back of the library where the archives were stored.

The woman who had been sitting with Brian walked up to her and asked if she needed any help. Karen assumed the young woman was Brian’s sister. She inquired about the houses on Birch Street and was told those books were being reviewed by someone at the moment.

Karen wanted to know if Brian was having any weird experiences when she very clearly saw the silhouette of two dancers in an aisle to her left.

She became so unnerved by the experience that she ran out of the library without saying anything.

Karen arrived early to work. She hoped her friend who invited her to the party could help her with the history of her parent’s house.

There were others at work, who had also attended the party stocking shelves, folding clothing and straightening up displays. Karen saw her friend and assistant manager, Chelsea, working on a display of Halloween decorations.

That creepy, cold, clammy feeling came over Karen once again. She didn’t see the dancing silhouettes, but she felt as though she was being watched. The whole store was eerily quiet. A few customers were milling around, the canned music was playing softly in the background.

All of a sudden a display of toys fell from the shelves making at first a crashing sound, then beeps, chirps, whirls and screeches. Karen followed Chelsea to the toy department. It looked as though all the items inside the boxes were trying to get out.

“What on earth . . . ” Chelsea whispered. Her eyes were huge as she looked from the mess to Karen.

Chelsea’s boyfriend, Frank said, “Stand back, I’ll take care of this.” He was calm. Almost too calm, as though things like this happened all the time.

The truth was, things like this did happen all the time to Frank.

The background music immediately started playing “Silhouettes”. Chelsea burst into tears.

Karen and Chelsea went to the employees lounge.

When Chelsea composed herself she explained, “When we first moved into that house, I found a box of old 45 records and an old record player in the basement. I fell in love with that  silhouette song and many others recorded in the 1950’s. I believed that era was the best thing ever. I studied everything I could get my hands on about the 50’s and 60’s. It became an obsession that my parents thought was weird and sent me to a psychiatrist.”

She explained how she saw kids dancing in the living room with the furniture pushed back and shoes off.

“I could hear the music in my mind. I would even dance with them. Then things started to get strange.”

Chelsea started seeing silhouettes of dancers everywhere she went — school, home, the mall, even at the psychiatrist’s office. She was sent away to a psychiatric facility for extensive therapy.

“After being away for a year,” Chelsea explained, “I returned home and continued therapy.”

She didn’t see the silhouettes of dancers and she no longer was obsessed with the 50’s and 60’s until she met Frank.

“All that therapy down the drain,” she lamented. “Frank had an old restored T-bird. He had all the old songs on CDs and played them constantly.”

Chelsea fell right into the trap of Frank’s obsession which rekindled her own. It felt so natural to her. She thought she had a past life in that era and had some unfinished business her soul needed to work out.

But, what did this have to do with Karen? Why was she seeing silhouettes and dancers? She knew she had to see Brian and wondered if he was still at the library.

Karen volunteered to take Chelsea home and before returning to work stopped by the library. Fortunately for her she saw Brian leaving the library. They met at a restaurant to talk.

“I couldn’t get that silhouette song out of my mind,” Brian began. “Or what we saw.”

He contacted his sister at the library and told her what had happened. She looked through the archives at the library looking for anything that shed light on the situation. The only thing he found was about a fire in the old high school gym back in 1959. It was believed to be arson, because the doors to the gym were chained with padlocks. There was a spring dance in the gym at the time. Many students and chaperones had died in the gym from smoke inhalation  before the fire trucks arrived.

They crossed referenced the list of names of the deceased students and found that Chelsea’s great-aunt had died that night in the gym.

The strange thing was that Frank’s great-great-grandfather owned that house on Birch Street and he lost a son in that fire.

Brian and Karen believe that Chelsea’s great-aunt and Frank’s great-uncle are the silhouette dancers they saw that Friday night.

Were these spirits trying to give Brian and Karen a message? Or were they just caught up in the energy of the moment?

There are still unanswered questions for the young couple, but fortunately they are no longer bothered by the silhouettes, but they will never forget their experience.

‘thanks for stopping by!
