by Sharon | May 12, 2016
Hi there!
Have you noticed how much you can learn from the internet?

When I got my new printer, I was a bit nervous about setting it up for the first time . . . I got the Epson WorkForce ET-4550 Eco Tank Wireless Color All-in-One Supertank Printer with Scanner, Copier and Fax. I was fine with the plugging in and setting up the wireless connection, but I was more concerned about adding the ink to the various compartments. I was used to putting in a cartridge and away I go . . . but I wanted to try this out and maybe save on ink in the process.
Well, I did find a very helpful YouTube video that walked me through the whole process. I also had the written instructions . . . but there is something about watching someone else do it that is helpful.
I did notice that people do their own thing. Yes, they read the directions, but when it’s time to follow through, they just wing it. That works for many confident people . . . and it was helpful for me to watch someone who wasn’t glued to the instruction sheet.
This wasn’t meant to be a review of the printer, but it is helpful in explaining the point of my post. I do highly recommend this printer. I am really pleased by the results I’ve received in my various printing experiences.
This how to video I watched was extremely helpful and it allowed me to calm down enough to set it up and get printing.
I have found so very many helpful and generous people who share their various craft projects on YouTube . . . and I’ve found some rude individuals, too.
And why is this?
Do they realize they’re being rude?
Is this supposed to be entertainment? Or helpful?
I’ve written other posts about vloggers . . . and there are some popular channels with the whole family . . . on their various sporting events and vacations and outings . . . even chilling at home . . . I know at times not everyone gets along, but do we have to video that . . . or when children are rude or disrespectful to their parents?
I’m not a real fan of watching people argue . . . even in a store . . . or in a movie . . . that isn’t entertaining . . . yes, there are conflicts, but they aren’t for airing publicly . . . I thought adults are to be role models for their peers and the young.
Do we truly like hanging out with angry people or argumentative ones? I certainly don’t. And I don’t want to see feuds going on on YouTube . . . or kids who are out of control . . . rude, disrespectful . . . under of guise of “being cute.”
I’m not here to tell parents how to parent . . . or telling you what to watch or not to watch . . . I’m just saying that I’ve been taught to put my best foot forward and to treat others how I’d like to be treated.
I know when I’m not providing something you’re interested in on this blog, you stop coming.
And I know to stop subscribing to YouTube Channels and to stop watching their videos may change the quality of them . . . or they don’t care . . . or people like what they’re watching . . . and people will continue recording what people like.
I may be in the minority . . . I want the best for everyone. I’m very appreciative of those who share their craft ideas without complaining about someone who “stole their idea” or someone who’s angry because they’re not getting subscribers.
As many of you have found here, many of the crafts I’ve shared with you are not my own. I give credit to those who have been generous in their making templates we can download and print out and make for ourselves. During this process, I hope to learn how to make my own designs and to share them here and on YouTube . . . but that will all come later . . . way later . . . I do have so very much to learn.
And, if I do find a better way of doing something, I’m sure someone else has also found it, too. And they may have shared it . . . but I missed their documented discovery . . .
Many crafters have mentioned that they learned something from a particular individual . . . and sometimes they say they found if they do it this way, it is easier for them . . . but it may not be an original idea . . .
I do respect that. It’s like the many explorers who see something in the sky and at that exact moment someone else or several someone else’s have observed the same thing . . . they all seemed to be looking for the same thing, not knowing anyone else was doing the same. It’s only natural with a world full of people someone out there is going to come up with a similar short cut or whatever.
From all the videos I have watched, I’ve received some tips . . . I don’t remember from whom . . . and I’ve heard these tips from others as well . . . Does it really matter who was the first to do it? If the goal is to be helpful . . . then I’d say not . . . but if it is to be original and unique and the person worked really hard on figuring it out . . . maybe . . . or is it ego? I don’t know . . . just asking.
I subscribe to those I like on YouTube and I follow blogs that I like . . . and with the vlogs . . . I don’t watch as many of those as I have in the past . . . either I’ve changed or I’m no longer interested in what they find entertaining . . .
There are plenty to choose from . . . and I go for those with people who are real, gracious and helpful . . . not angry, rude and argumentative.
YouTube is a wonderful platform for just about anyone who has something to share with others. It could be reviewing a product or setting one up. It could be teaching someone how to make something — apply make-up, hair styling . . . buying clothing and matching various elements to make a fashion statement. There are many talented people who have a gift in various areas — even cooking . . . there are plenty of people with cooking channels and there is always room for you, too . . . in whatever area you choose. I’ve learned a lot from people who have shown me some computer stuff for my website . . . and using various software I’ve purchased . . .
There are people with tips for writing a resume or going for an interview . . . maybe even taking a test and how to study for one . . . there could also be tutorials for various subjects . . . and if there aren’t there should be . . . it’s all about people helping each other . . .
Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | May 11, 2016
I’ve been working on some crafts for Halloween.
I found this cool image of Frankenstein’s monster . . . but he looks more like a Stanley to me . . . What do you think?
I thought he’d be great to use to cover up a full-sized Hershey chocolate bar . . . maybe have a ribbon slider to help tuck the candy bar in and a handy way of getting it out without destroying the cover.
He’s a pleasant looking chap who would fit right in with young children . . . no reason to do anything scary. And he is just goofy enough older kids may enjoy him, too. And adults may discover he has a strange resemblance to someone they know . . . or someone they saw recently . . . or maybe even a relative . . .
He’ll be keeping some candy bars safe for me this Halloween . . . I will be handing them out . . . just like to make up some fun things for family, friends and neighbors.
I could put him on some coffin boxes that I’ll fill with candy . . . and he may find a place in Halloween cards I make and also in a Halloween mini-album. I kind of like him . . . he may be able to help me tell a Halloween story . . . If he’s not too busy hanging with his friends . . . He is quite likable and people seem to be drawn to him . . . He is mild mannered . . . soft-spoken and loves Halloween candy.
You may find him walking around your neighborhood this coming Halloween . . .
I was looking for some suitable friends for Stanley.
I thought a scarecrow would be fun, but the only image I found was one holding a sign.
He looks like he is friendly enough to be Stanley’s friend. He also looks a bit like a bear. . . and he does seem a bit scary . . . He does have a job to do . . . scaring away the crows from eating the crops.
There was also one of jack-o-lantern, too . . . and one of Stanley holding a sign . . . maybe they would work for my candy bar wrappers with a message of Happy Halloween or Trick-or-Treat!
Maybe they could have an appropriate poem . . . something for me to think about . . .
They may be better suited to fit on a box filled with Halloween goodies . . . or on a Halloween card with a special treat inside . . . something for me to work out . . . That’s why it’s good to plan way ahead.
I do need to add the image of the jack-o-lantern for you to see. He does have a strange resemblance to the scarecrow . . . something about the eyes and the smile . . . maybe from being in the hot sun all summer . . .
He does seem to be a happy chap . . .
There is also a mummy I found that seems to go along with them. He’s happy enough. With the same smile as the scarecrow and jack-o-lantern and the goofy eyes . . . He’ll get along just fine with the others. He’s traveled quite a long distance from Egypt to join the group this coming Halloween. I’m sure he has some tales to tell of his great adventure.
The scarecrow and the pumpkin have been attached to the land where they were planted . . . or staked . . . so I’m sure they’d be eager to meet Stanley and the mummy . . .
I’m sure they’d enjoy a nice cold glass of root beer after a long summer day in the sun . . . I’ll have to suggest that to Stanley when he goes visiting . . . Of the soft drinks I’ve discovered Stanley does prefer root beer to the colas . . . and he’s not a fan of ginger ale or the lemon-lime variety or other fruity soft drinks.
I haven’t spent as much time with the others to discover their habits . . . they do drink plenty of water during the day . . . but a soft drink may hit the spot when they gather in the evening . . .
Stanley isn’t fond of fire . . . so making s’mores is out of the question . . . I’ll give him a flashlight so he can find his way . . .
Now that I’ve gotten a good look at the others . . . I’m not sure if they’re holding a sign or are wrapped around a tombstone . . . What do you think?
I wonder if I should find some other friends for Stanley . . . yet he may feel right at home with tombstones . . . 
This other group of . . . characters . . . don’t seem to fit in with Stanley . . . Maybe he deserves to stand alone . . .
Well, nature will take it’s course and Stanley will find his place in the world with friends of his choosing. I’m sure he’ll do quite well on his own.
This last group of . . . don’t seem to want to be friends . . . they have a bit of an agenda all their own . . . If I thought the others had goofy expressions . . . These . . . are enough to give you nightmares . . . No, I definitely wouldn’t like to see them on a dark night . . .
I do hope this was a bit entertaining . . . It certainly was colorful.
Until next time,
by Sharon | Apr 30, 2016
Every Spring Is A New Beginning
I find it interesting how nature takes care of itself.
There’s the growing season and after the harvest, then a period of rest . . . then back to new growth.
So, if nature does this naturally, do we as humans run through similar cycles?
Usually a new school year begins in the fall . . . the spring brings a closing . . . then summer vacation which sometimes brings catching up or getting a head start on the fall . . .
I’ve always thought of fall as the new beginning, but as I walk in nature I see new growth all around me. The rains come to water and nurture the new growth . . . and our thoughts go to spring cleaning . . . and maybe new beginnings by taking care of things that need to get done . . . or thoughts of beginning a new life with someone special . . . or planning a vacation to rest and reflect . . . even contemplate one’s future.
Change Is Something That Occurs Regularly
Maybe I’m thinking of “change” because of the political climate.
An election year . . . change . . . perhaps . . . We won’t know until election day in November. But the summer will bring the opposing candidates together in debate and discussions . . .
With the new elected officials being announced in November, but not taking office until after the New Year.
It seems we do have to wait . . . wait through the seasons . . . and with each season . . . experiencing the changes nature brings . . .
When it comes to change . . . we can only change ourselves . . . our behavior . . . our thoughts . . . our actions . . . We’ve probably made adjustments throughout the year. I know when I was attending school, I was in a constant state of change . . . focusing more on one subject or another . . . then once I got a handle on that, gave more time to another subject . . .
School was probably preparing us for life . . . for work . . . for our own homes . . . our families . . .
This Spring I’ve Been Thinking A Lot About Paper Crafts And Mini Albums
I’ve thought about taking more pictures.
I did get a new printer . . . and I haven’t used my “new” camera as much as I anticipated when I bought it a couple of years ago.
I’ve been thinking of making videos. I’m not much of a vlogger, but I thought recording paper craft projects would be fun. Perhaps a reason for doing paper crafts in the first place.
I’ve decided not to get caught up in the news casts and all the election stuff. I like being informed, but I don’t need to get all tangled up in it. Many of my friends have found that just being informed is enough. When they spend half a day listening and watching, they find they become anxious and unhappy.
They worry . . . they become very concerned . . . So, it’s best to be informed and then do something that is enjoyable and relaxing.
The thing is, we can’t control the beliefs and actions of others. We can only do that for ourselves and our families. And we need to make our life as pleasant and enjoyable as possible for ourselves and for those around us and those who mean the most to us. We can’t help others if we’re anxious and angry. And we need to unplug from the “noise” and do something relaxing.
You can play a card or board game, make something out of paper, cook . . . learn something new . . . something you’ve always wanted to do. Or even relax with a jigsaw puzzle . . . or a good book or DVD . . . maybe even listen to music.
Spring is an excellent time to enjoy nature and to move away from the stresses of life . . . Yes, and life does bring us unpleasant things to deal with from time to time.
A friend of mine is grieving the decline in health of her father. It is very difficult for her, but she keeps herself busy . . . doing things that allow her to relax and sleep so the next day she will be there for her father. He depends upon her as does her own family and siblings . . . They work together to support one another . . . as does her friends . . .
This spring does remind me of a spring 10 years ago when I lost my mother and another spring 8 years ago when I lost my father. Time does heal, but . . . even after the grieving . . . there are times I do feel the void. It’s not that I want to fill the void, but to reflect positively and productively . . .
And for many of you, you may have a different season of loss . . . remembering . . . and reflection . . .
I’ve always wondered about “spring fever” . . . is it only during the spring or does it occur at different times?
I thought mine was in the fall . . . wanting to do so much more than what I was supposed to be doing . . .
Isn’t that what “spring fever” is about?
Thoughts wandering . . . instead of focusing upon tasks at hand . . .
This post is a wandering piece of my thoughts . . . ramblings . . . perhaps sorting out what is truly important and what isn’t.
Are you going through something similar?
I appreciate your stopping by and reading this post. If you’d like to leave a comment, please do.
Until next time,
by Sharon | Apr 23, 2016
I’ve conducted my own study of blogs and vlogs . . . and video tutorials . . .
People do love talking about themselves and what they’re doing . . . or about members of their family . . . which includes friends . . .

I don’t seem to share a lot about what I’m doing . . . but maybe I do more than I realize.
I do love holidays and special occasions that we have in common. is about sharing crafts and recipes and products . . . just stuff I find interesting and may also be of interest to you. I love giving free printables and templates so you can make your own without having to join some membership site or buy them . . .
I do appreciate all that the internet has to offer . . . for free . . . I do understand how some people do need to make money in order to keep their websites running . . . and to review products . . . to buy supplies and materials for their craft tutorials . . . or to afford to go where they need to go to vlog about different locations . . .
There are many vloggers and YouTube Video Makers who do make a nice income from what they’re doing.
I think that’s great! I love success stories!!!
Many are very generous in telling you how they make their videos, how they get subscribers, what equipment they’re using, how they set up their video studio . . . and the list goes on and on and on . . .
They have a confidence about them . . . they love what they’re doing . . . they’re having fun . . . they have a great personality that draws you in . . . and there are probably hundreds more ingredients that are necessary for a successful YouTube Channel with hundreds of thousands or even millions of subscribers.
The good news is that everyone can do it . . . the same with having a blog . . . your degree of success may differ considerably, but you can give it a try and see what develops.
Study the blogs and videos you enjoy . . . see what they’re doing that is so entertaining . . . decide what you can do that would be beneficial to others . . . and that you would enjoy doing . . .
Success comes in various forms . . . and comes at varying time frames . . . some people achieve success right away while others struggle . . . and never reach the level others have achieved . . .
This isn’t to discourage you . . . it’s just to not set you up for major disappointment.
This reminds me of a video I saw a few weeks to a month ago where someone signed up with a crafting site . . . a multilevel marketing venture . . . it does cost money to make money in some of those business opportunities . . . plus you need to sign people up under you . . . and since this is a crafting MLM, it’s an excellent way of building up your inventory or craft items in order to video making various products . . .
I guess the concept is to have the materials readily available to make a variety of products for various purposes. And, those who watch your videos may agree that they, too, want to buy into the MLM so they can do the same . . . make money while they’re making videos of products . . . some sell them on Etsy or other websites . . . some have worked out a way of getting people to buy finished products for some of their functions . . . so, it may not be the MLM that is bringing them money, but YouTube and their other marketing ideas . . .
Well, she didn’t make the strides she thought she would make. She made almost 100 videos. She didn’t have a lot of subscribers . . . and no one signed up under her for the MLM venture . . . thus, she was calling it quits . . .
It makes me wonder if she gave it enough time . . . or just got discouraged . . . or ran out of money . . .
There are many factors involved . . . but one observation I made was that she didn’t seem to be enjoying herself or engaging with her audience . . . I didn’t feel that what she had to share was of great value to me . . . I wasn’t drawn in . . . She didn’t seem to have the confidence in herself that others seem to have . . .
We all can’t be socially engaging, confident and crank out winning videos . . .
Just food for thought . . .
And, it comes down to how much time are you able to devote to your blog, vlog, MLM, store, etc.
It does look like fun . . . and seeing people with expensive homes, going on major shopping trips . . . and traveling . . . or wearing expensive clothing and jewelry . . . driving fancy cars . . .
It is, obviously, more than meets the eye . . . they may have other employment . . . they may be wealthy with a trust fund . . . they may be lucky . . . or it’s all a scam . . .
I don’t have all the answers . . . I’ve just been making observations . . .
I have found that I genuinely have to care about the person before I’ll subscribe to their YouTube Channel. It’s like choosing a friend. Some people you’re drawn to . . . and others you’re not . . . The same holds true for blogs . . . You share their interests . . . or you don’t.
The good news from all of this is that you can do what you set your mind to accomplishing. You may not become a millionaire, but you may decide that isn’t important to you . . . You may have other goals . . . and those goals will shape your blog, vlog, videos, etc. And, in the process, you’ll grow as your success grows . . . maybe with baby steps . . . but you’ll be moving in the right direction.
Another observation I’ve made is that some popular YouTube Channels lose their quality over time . . . either the people involved lose interest or become so comfortable that they forget their subscribers or they’re so “full of themselves” that they feel whatever they do will be loved by others. I don’t know . . . but I have unsubscribed . . . and if more people do the same, maybe the quality will improve . . . or the views will decrease . . . these are indicators that popularity is decreasing . . .
The same is true for blogs . . . fewer people stop by to read what you have to say . . . Yes, we all have bad days, but it is important to have something meaningful to say . . . from time to time . . .
I do appreciate your stopping by. Leave me a comment, if you so desire to do so. I’m interested in what you have to say.
Until next time,
by Sharon | Apr 13, 2016
Something you make is much more meaningful than anything you could buy.
That may be an exaggeration, but it’s about being sentimental. Sure the cards you buy are special, but something you make is definitely from your heart.
Moms and Grandmoms are always fixing up good things to eat. Or they found a great deli and bakery.
I think a day out with Mom during the week of Mother’s Day would be a wonderful way to spend quality time with your mother. I know Mother’s Day is special for many and you have everything planned out . . . but for others it seems to be just something one has to do.
It can be a bit awkward. It can be very special.
I think making a mini-album for Mom would be another way of expressing the love you have for your mother. It can show pictures going way back.
I remember finding old pictures of my mom and making them into an album was truly the highlight of her Mother’s Day. It was a gift she couldn’t stop looking at . . . she kept it close by throughout the year.
Being a mother is special . . . and remembering . . . and being told . . . and shown through pictures of how special she is . . . is truly priceless.
Just something to think about.
Flowers and candy are nice, but they’re flowers and candy . . . give something from your heart.
by Sharon | Apr 7, 2016
It’s about technique . . . paying attention to detail.
The image at the right is all about layering. It’s the folding and the 3-D effect that makes the image pop out. I do study a lot of “how to” videos in the realm of paper crafts. There is a steady flow of “adding dimension” with pop dots . . . or adding ribbon and bows . . . but no one takes the time to cut a piece out and make each element stand out . . . by using paper.
Or is it the boldness of the colors? There is shading, but there is definite dimension with the curl and curve of the paper.
I guess I do like art deco . . . and I like to make 3-D images . . . is it worth the work?
There is an expression that if anything is worth doing, it is worth doing right. So, with that in mind, maybe short cuts just don’t cut it . . .
We are in an age of immediate gratification. We’re in a hurry . . . we buy things that will make our jobs easier . . . it is all about progress . . . but have we been missing the details?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about priorities.
And trying to figure out what is truly important.
The image above may not wow you as it did me . . . or it may have . . . and we may reach the same conclusion . . . it’s a lot of work . . . no one would pay what it would cost to create . . . especially if they wanted a dozen or more invitations in this style. Yes, it could be automated on my part to a degree, but it would still take a long time to create. For each one, I would have to pay attention to detail.
It’s like a master chef creating the presentation on the plate . . .
Do we pay attention to the details? Is all this effort even noticed?
Are we in such a hurry that we miss the details? Do we have the time to look?
Everyday is an adventure of detail . . . the flowers in our gardens . . . how they bloom, blossom, then slowly die out . . . bringing new growth . . . When do we notice that the wood on our fence or gate is deteriorating? Usually when it is falling apart and we’re forced to notice it to have it replaced.
We do take so many things for granted . . . until they no longer work . . .
Attention to detail is something I think I’ll be noticing for awhile . . . I don’t want spring to pass me by without noticing it, admiring it and basking in it.
Just a thought.