We have such grand hopes for the year ahead . . . as we always do this time every year.
Throughout the year, we’ve been able to count our many blessings and be truly thankful . . . then giving and the spirit associated with that . . . and throughout the year we’ve been filled with love and appreciation for so very much.
Then the New Year comes . . . a time of reflection . . . a time to make goals for the upcoming year . . . or not officially, but to take a bit of an inventory.
Of course, I think about my websites and how to use my time more productively. This applies to more than just my blogging. There is so very much to life that I don’t want to take for granted . . . which I may have in the past.
This Christmas season has had an impact upon me.
It made me think about what is truly important. Also to keep that wonderful feeling of Christmas linger throughout the year . . . no matter what is going on in the world . . .
It’s not hiding my head in the sand, but realizing that there is only so much as an individual I can do. So, if I can be upbeat and positive throughout the year, I can accomplish so very much more and perhaps help others. I do want TwoCansOnAString.com to be a place where worry and frustration are not to be found. It is a place where we continue on no matter what . . . unless the internet crashes . . .
Worry Doesn’t Accomplish Anything
Have you noticed that?
Yet, I find myself worrying about things I can’t change. I know I can change myself . . . not by a snap of the fingers or a twitch of the nose . . . but through consistent effort I can change my behavior.
Worry is something I no longer need to do. It also does me no good to be upset or frustrated by the behaviors of elected officials . . . local, statewide and federal . . . I can voice my concerns to those individuals, but besides that I must continue living my life the best way that I can.
We must be strong for our family . . . I want to be strong for my many visitors, by giving them a safe haven to come to and learn something interesting that doesn’t have to do with the affairs outside of your own home or circle of friends and family.
I won’t be able to eliminate worry entirely . . . a bit of it is necessary to make sure I get my bills paid and continue to function as part of a community. But I don’t have to allow worry to consume me.
I don’t know if it was the books or movies that gave me this food for thought. Perhaps a combination of the two. I am grateful that I no longer need to hold on to this burden.
A friend of mine would talk about having a donkey in a box. It’s there wherever you go no matter what. And, there is a time to let go of it . . . allow it to be free and in the end, you free yourself.
It’s also true about “living in the now.”
This seems such an easy concept, but in reality it is difficult to do. We’re always projecting to the future and dwelling on the past . . . I’m going to appreciate what is before me. That is my moment. It could be the beautiful day before me . . . or that stack of mail I need to go through . . . Or taking down the tree and all the decorations throughout the house . . .
It doesn’t matter what . . . that is one way I’m noticing if I’m in the “now” or soaring into the future or into some nebulous void.
Life is to be experienced and enjoyed in a most positive and loving way. It’s to express how wonderful things are and the abundance around you . . . look at things in a more positive perspective and you’ll find you have a bit of a bounce in your step and a smile on your face.
Things won’t bother you as much as they once have. Your perspective will be more positive and you’ll have nothing but goodness to give to others in thought and deed.
Yes, there will still be disagreeable people and events that are upsetting . . . but by sidestepping them, and continuing on with a positive outlook, things won’t seem as horrible.
Yes, tragic things may still happen . . . you’ll be able to deal with them appropriately . . . by taking a brief break from your grieving to notice a sunrise or sunset . . . the sounds of nature around you . . . just those little things to remind you that you’re still alive and have things to do. And to appreciate those who have been in your life and how much you still love them.
Grief can be concurred with love. Just as fear and many other emotions. You’ll still be down and in the dumps, but you’ll also have moments of wonder and happiness when thinking about those who are no longer here.
I guess we still have things to accomplish here . . . and we need to make it all as pleasant as possible . . . even when our personal world seems to be crumbling down around us . . . It comes down to what you choose to focus upon.
Many people move on knowing that their loved ones would want them to do so.
On Holidays There Are Too Many Accidents That Impact The Lives Of So Many
It’s difficult for me to hear about traffic accidents . . . and other tragic events.
I don’t understand how this could all be avoided. It seems inevitable. I may not like to accept it, but with years of this happening . . . there is a time to accept what is and to learn something value from these events, then move on determined I’m not going to be the cause of anything harmful to others.
It comes down to using common sense. We all have it. We need to employ it more over our needs.
Every life is precious and worthwhile . . .
I suppose that could be debated, but the lives of those around me seem to be valuable . . . outside my circle I can’t judge for lack of information. I’m not going to draw unfounded conclusions that are not my place to comment.
I know what I can do for myself . . . and you know what is best for you. That’s what is most important. And in the end, it may be beneficial for others as well.
Happy New Year . . . may this year be better than the last one . . . and may your future be bright.
It’s time to regroup a bit . . . in anticipation for the New Year . . .
Yes, time is going by quickly. It will be spring soon . . . and summer . . . and then fall . . . and it all begins again. It is definitely like clockwork.
The seasons and holidays come . . . and go . . . blending together into a beautiful collection of memories . . . and plans . . . and celebrations . . .
Your very own “fabric of life.”
There are the good times . . . sad times . . . and so-so times . . . which all come together with wonderful memories that you can cherish and share for many years to come.
I’ve Been Thinking About The Christmas Spirit . . .
All that magic and merriment.
And how I can hold on to it throughout the year . . . not as a New Year’s Resolution, but as something I truly feel within me . . . that anticipation . . . the joy . . . the wonderment of it all . . .
For quite some time I’ve been reworking my other websites . . . and eliminating quite a few. And thinking of eliminating a couple more . . .
We do grow, no matter how old we get. What was once important doesn’t seem to be as much as before.
It’s about being true to myself . . . and to others . . . but to make what is within me shine forth for others to see. It is that inner joy . . . the thankfulness you feel . . . the desire to make others happy . . . and to be happy yourself . . . Allowing the true you to be visible without being timid . . . or seeking approval.
It has nothing to do with showboating, but being authentic . . . sure we put our best foot forward, but wouldn’t it be wonderful to have that as who we truly are?
Just being who you are without giving it any thought . . .
I Did Get Caught Up In Trying To Impress Others
And not being who I truly am . . .
It’s about feeling comfortable with yourself and how that can shine through you for others to see. It possible others won’t see it . . . which isn’t your problem — it’s their problem . . . the more authentic you can be, the easier and more joyous your life will truly be.
I thought having a whole bunch of websites would be my ticket to fortune . . . no, it didn’t work out like that. And, to be honest with you, it wasn’t me or what I really wanted.
So I took some time off to think and dig and search . . .
And I had to make some difficult decisions . . .
I have 5 of the eight websites remaining. One I’m ready to let go, but there are two others . . . one has become an “old friend” but one I’ve ignored . . . I can handle two websites . . . even with taking a necessary break now and then . . . but the need for a break was because of the “burden” I felt with the decision I was to make with my other websites.
I Know I’m On The Right Track When I Wake Up In The Morning And Get Excited About What I’m Going To Add To My Blogs
It’s what makes me happy and hopefully my visitors, too.
I have read the theories and practices of having a successful website . . . but heart seems to be missing . . . and I don’t want success without heart.
So, maybe success isn’t meant for me . . . or things will come around and people will realize how important heart is to everything you do . . . including blogging.
And, thinking back to those two cans on a string . . . and how as a child I lived in the “now” . . . everything had to do with what I was going to do “now” and to thoroughly enjoy it . . . playing with friends or reading a book or jumping rope . . . or just enjoying nature at the moment . . .
As adults we forget sometimes what is truly important . . . we do fret and worry . . . we do dream and anticipate . . . we plan for the future . . . but when that apple pie is calling our name, we drop everything to answer that call.
Nothing else matters . . . it’s digging into that pie and savoring the delicious essence of it . . . truly being in the moment and holding on to it . . . allowing it to linger into the next . . . and the next . . . bite after delicious bite.
I’m sure you know that feeling.
I experience it when I’m sharing quality time with my precious Yorkshire Terrier, Diva. I do love her and appreciate her more each day. She is truly a blessing to me.
Being True To Yourself And Those You Love
Embrace your limitations.
We can’t do and be everything . . . we do, at times, need to step back and find what is truly important.
In blogging, it’s about spreading happiness and giving your visitors something of value . . . which is the spirit of Christmas that we can share throughout the year. And it’s knowing that we have had a truly honest productive day of spreading good cheer and goodwill to all . . . not self promotion and making sales . . .
I do love making sales, don’t get me wrong, but I want you to truly buy only when you want something. I may not give the best reviews of products. They either work or don’t. I either like them or don’t. They serve a benefit to me and may be something of value for you . . . only you can decide that for yourself.
I do love this time of year. I’m looking forward to the New Year. We all say it, “I hope this year is better than last year . . .”
We make it a good year . . . or not so . . . Yes there are circumstances beyond our control, but basically I believe we can either draw goodness or sorrow into our lives by our attitude. Sorrow of losing loved ones is inevitable at times, but other sorrows and problems perhaps could be avoided with a positive outlook.
There are always those who spout doom and gloom . . . I choose to be one who has a more positive outlook. We may be in a drought, but this year we’re going to be getting more rain . . . not that it will be turning things around, but it is a start. It is forecast to be a wet weekend and perhaps a wet New Year’s Day.
I love listening to the rain while writing my blog. I love the colder temperatures. It’s always good to bundle up beside the fireplace . . . this is my ideal with a hot cup of cocoa, coffee or tea. I try to think of the more positive things of life . . . and honor those who have passed and I miss. I do get a bit melancholy this time of year, but I try to acknowledge it and then move on by being busy.
I do wish all of you a very happy, prosperous and joyful New Year!!!
I find it surprising. The days, weeks and months seem to have flown by. I remember preparing for Halloween . . . then Thanksgiving . . . and Christmas.
Next is the New Year — 2016 . . . unbelievable.
Maybe I should begin preparing for Easter . . . it will be here in record time, just as Christmas has arrived so quickly.
It is said that the older you get, the quicker time seems to pass.
This Statement Seems Strange To Me
As we get older we may slow down a bit.
When we’re younger we’re trying to cram so much into every single day. Wouldn’t it seem logical that one with a busy schedule would find the passage of time going by at a faster pace?
I’m not expert . . . just observant . . . and blogging about it. It’s unfortunate I have no answers, just questions. And I do ask you, “Does time seem to be going by quickly?”
I Think I’ll March Ahead To Easter
I know there’s the New Year and the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day and other holidays . . . but . . . Easter for 2016 will be Sunday, March 27.
In some ways that seems quite a ways away . . . but back in October, Christmas seemed so far away . . .
Easter seems to be coming early this coming year . . . it’s been in the April for awhile. Now, the end of March.
Before I March Ahead . . . How’s Your Christmas?
I’ve been getting my fill of Christmas Carols.
I do love them and will miss them. I will be playing them while I take my Christmas tree down and put away the decorations. It is part of my tradition.
I play Christmas Carols while decorating the tree and the house. So it seems fitting to do the same when taking everything down.
Now, I sometimes keep the tree up until after the New Year . . . and sometimes right after Christmas.
In the case of my blogs . . . except for ChristmasGoRound.com things will be changing over the weekend. ChristmasGoRound.com will be still about Christmas . . . it’s my year round Christmas website. It is Christmas 365 days a year . . . not a repeat, as in the movies . . . just having the focus of Christmas throughout the year.
I’m also eliminating some of my websites. I want to be able to devote time to the ones I’m keeping. With time going by so quickly . . . I need to concentrate on those websites that are the most important to me.
I do hope this Christmas Day was filled with joy and goodwill for you and your family.
It may be a rainy day for me. During the early morning hours there was rain . . . and I do hope it continues. We need the rain and I have no outdoor plans.
It is cold . . . which is quite refreshing for Christmas.
I feel good. This has been a wonderful Christmas. Maybe because it was my precious Diva’s first Christmas with me. She seemed to feel right at home with the tree and the decorations . . .
My little Diva is a remarkable little Yorkshire Terrier that brings me much joy and happiness.
I’m sure you feel the same about your furry pets.
Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Goodness, I can’t believe how fast this month is going by. Yet, it is said that the older you get the faster time goes by. I must be getting older because I can see it.
Do You Remember A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens?
The story where Scrooge is visited by three spirits?
I thought the original was good. Then, I noticed all the remakes using the same concept.
Well, of course, I have a variation on the same theme. Mine is a bit different. Mine is based on websites past, present and future.
This has been my concern for several months. And I attended a webinar to clear up my concept.
Since The Webinar
I’ve haven’t been visited by spirits.
But my thoughts and dreams have centered on my websites — past, present and future.
I remember how excited I was to begin a blog. Then another and another. After awhile they don’t seem all that exciting and with time I’ve lost interest.
I learned at the webinar that one blog is basically all you need and all you can handle, if you want to do it right.
I’ve thought long and hard about my various websites. I’ve eliminated two of them and may find a need to eliminate two more. All due to lack of interest . . . and them not fulfilling the need I thought they’d provide.
These thoughts have turned into a form of a nightmare. One I can’t seem to escape.
At odd hours one of them pops into my mind and I realize how useless they truly are.
The more I think about them, the more I know I don’t know what I’m doing.
Anyone Can Do A Blog
That’s so true.
It’s having a popular blog that counts. One that is read on a regular basis by thousands of visitors.
A blog is no different from a store. The doors are open, but no one comes in to shop. Soon there is no reason to continue.
It’s difficult to let go . . .
That’s the hardest part for me. It’s letting go of all the hard work I’ve put into my blogs.
But the thing is . . . Getting back into the Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol . . .
I’m not all that excited and elated . . . I’m not feeling the value of eliminating websites . . . other than giving me more time to devote to those I have and to my life . . .
Some I’m eager to let go. They’ve become a major pain in the neck. But others . . .
I’ve Narrowed It Down To Three . . . Perhaps Four
Isn’t that ridiculous.
Starting with 8 websites, I’ve got it down to 6 and can get it down to 4, but 3 is difficult.
I was watching a YouTube video last night and an ad began the video. It’s probably one you’ve seen on YouTube or even television. It’s the Pioneer Woman and her dinner and cookware products.
Her focus is about her family and giving them good food on attractive plates after a hard days work.
We know her life isn’t centered around her kitchen, but her products are . . .
To have such a clear focus . . . to be so driven in one particular aspect of her life is remarkable. I truly admire it.
I’m all over the place . . . especially in this blog and thus the need to have two or three other ones.
Can Life Be That Simple?
Yes, I believe it can . . . and that’s my goal . . . to simplify . . .
Every day we have tasks to accomplish. It’s the driving force that gets you out of bed each morning that drives us to succeed in whatever it is that motivates us that is important.
It’s our passion . . . something we’d be doing regardless of whether we had a huge audience or not . . . but is that really worthwhile?
Yes, I have more questions than answers.
That’s the problem I’m experiencing and my need to move on by eliminating my other websites.
As much as I’ve thought myself to be Super Woman, I’m not. I can’t take charge of several websites and make them all successful, but I can focus on a couple that truly motivate me.
Then I think, but there’s this other one . . . so I’ll have to say that I have in the course of writing this narrowed my focus . . . successfully down to 3. Yes, 3 and only three. And if I get honest about it, I only need this one and my newest one.
I may have found that 2 websites are all I need.
That’s keeping it simple and manageable.
Life can be simple, if we stop complicating it.
It All Comes Down To What I Can Offer You, My Readers
And what comes naturally.
What it is that I have to say that will enrich your life . . . and mine, too.
That’s the essence of having a blog. It’s communicating and connecting with others who have the same interests.
I see it clearly when I’m reading a book or watching a movie. There is something that hits me . . . something I would like to do or something I am doing . . .
Too often we focus on the wrong thing.
It’s like that TED Talk I’ve referred to before in giving us an elevator description of who we are.
It’s no different than having a mission statement . . . one that is inspiring and truly worthwhile.
Here’s the video again, if you haven’t seen it before. And even if you have, it is worth revisiting from time to time.
I hope this revisiting of my random thoughts hasn’t been entirely off the wall boring. I do like giving you food for thought when I seem to be struggling to make my life work and to understand why I’m feeling so overwhelmed.
It’s easy to let go of things when you realize how they’re dragging you down.
Getting to that point has been a struggle for me.
I wish you all the best during this Christmas season for you and your family,
Yes, the webinar I attended was 5 hours long with a 10 minute break.
There was time for questions and answers and clarification. That ate up some of the time, yet it was full of useful information. And my conclusion . . .
I’m going back to how it was before with a focus on holidays and crafts and whatever interests and amuses me.
I was leaning in that direction, but this webinar basically told me it was for the best . . . and my stats weren’t all that wonderful. That may have had some bearing on my decision.
I’m a blogger and TwoCansOnAString.com is actually my favorite blog. But lately I wasn’t feeling that great about it.
This webinar also showed me how I do need to eliminate a few more blogs. It’s difficult to have so many of them and add to them regularly. So I’ve been messing up by splintering my focus.
It was interesting to learn that some people started a website not out of their passion, but because they thought they should do it in a particular way. That’s basically what happened to me with the changes I made.
Well, I found it wasn’t working for me . . . and obviously for you . . . so I’m back to doing my own thing and seeing if I can get you back or get a whole bunch of new people. I’m not claiming it will be “better.” It will be what I do and what I’ve done over the past year or so.
I want to just have fun again. That will make it enjoyable for all concerned.
Too Much Information
When I learn something new . . . it usually contradicts something I’ve learned . . . and I need to look at why it’s this way. Was there a change or is this a different type of blog?
Well, it is a different type of blog.
Quite honestly, it is the type of blog everyone on-line should strive to have, but that’s my opinion which may not be worth all that much.
All I know is that what I was doing wasn’t working and I’m going to go back to my own concept of what blogging is to me here at TwoCansOnAString.com
Since This Is A New Post For Getting Back To Normal
I was thinking about a fun project the whole family would enjoy.
A picture basically says it all. So you decide what you’ll need to make them. This is going to be your family project.
You decide upon the size of candy cane, the size of marshmallows — I was thinking of using one of those jumbo marshmallows for the body and a regular sized one for the head.
In the picture the hat is a Hershey’s Kiss, but I was thinking of a Rolo or a mini Peanut Butter Cup. There’s the Twizler type of scarf you could make from a fruit roll up. Then add branch arms using a creative mix of Twizlers.
There’s M & M’s for the buttons, but you can use what you want. Also black frosting gel for the eyes and orange frosting gel for the nose. And some white frosting to stick the hat, eyes, nose and buttons on the marshmallows.
I think I pretty much have it covered, but you may have other ideas of your own.
It’s interesting to see what your kids create. They’re always better than what we think.
They can be eaten “as is” or dunked in hot chocolate. That should be a deliciously gooey mess that will delight the eye and the taste buds.
Enjoy this fun recipe for these delightful Snowmen On A Candy Cane.
You may be all wrapped up with Christmas shopping, decorating and preparations.
Yes it will be here before you know it!
I’m changing some websites. I’ve eliminated one and plan to eliminate another one and perhaps a third one. It’s interesting how sometimes we have to let go.
This refers to many things besides websites, but that’s been a major concern of mine over the past several months. And the time has come for me to do it.
You know, I feel really good about the website I eliminated. And I know letting go of a second and perhaps a third will be a major weight off my shoulders.
The same is true of letting go of those things that are weighing on you. I’m not saying it is going to be easy, but once you decide to do it, you’ll feel so very much better.
This applies to letting go of people, the past and even stuff. As a wise friend of mine said, “It’s only stuff.” Well, I had a sentimental attachment to it . . . or thought I should. But in reality, it is only stuff.
I Built A New Website
Here I’m all happy about getting rid of websites and I built a new one.
I am a puzzle I can’t figure out most of the time. I’m been thinking about having a Christmas website for quite some time. You’d probably think I’d do Halloween. I thought so too, but Christmas seems more exciting to me.
It’s a year round Christmas website. This is why I’m getting rid of the other websites. I lost interest in them and I can do more with Christmas Go Round than I can with them.
I’ve decided I’m more of a kitchen junk drawer type of blogger than a niche one. Over time it doesn’t work for me. I lose interest or run out of things to talk about. But with a junk drawer . . . there’s lots to talk about and to share.
There’s always an interesting “find” that was pushed back — way back in the back of the drawer — waiting to be rediscovered.
Tomorrow I Have A Webinar Boot Camp
It’s going to run a few hours and tell us about the best way to blog and those blogs that make it and those that don’t.
I can almost hear you say, “You should have waited until you attended the webinar before delving into a new website.”
Yes that did cross my mind, but I went for it . . . tis the season and all that. So, technically, instead of a niche, I have a theme.
I’m beginning to think I like having a theme instead of a niche. But I’ll see what I learn from this webinar.
Do you believe this webinar had a price in dollars to pay for attendance? They’re usually free with a “buy to learn more” component. I think I like paying to get the information and my questions answers than listening to a “pitch” and then getting the real information.
I guess it is all a matter of perspective . . . and the major changes I’m feeling I need to do.
Watching Movies Make Me Think
I don’t believe we choose movies by accident.
There were two about making major changes in the main character’s life. One was trying to hold on to a failing business when she had a passion for something else. The other was delving into a job to avoid “going home.” This involved dealing with the loss of her mother and then her best friend. She didn’t really know her father, but he was there all the time. So, she did go home and faced her grieving and developing a relationship with her father. It has an interesting twist, but just given those elements, it was an interesting story.
And then, there’s the first one of doing something that she lost interest in doing. This one truly hit home. And the reason for delving into a new website and the long awaited decision to let go of what wasn’t working for me.
Change in the only constant in our lives. We sometimes get blindsided by having to do it, but in the end it turns out for the better. Just as losing my content here when I moved the hosting of this website.
More Change May Be In Store For TwoCansOnAString.com
This will have to do with tomorrow’s webinar.
I don’t know if you’ve noticed it or not, but the more I learn, the less I really know. Seems strange on one level and makes perfect sense on another.
I definitely won’t be letting go of TwoCansOnAString.com, but I may be letting go of my current direction. I don’t believe it is working. I can always have my random thoughts, but maybe I need a theme. Yes, the kitchen junk drawer concept works for me, but maybe I do need something that means something to you.
Yes, it is my blog, but I need you to read it and be a loyal follower of this website. I need to give you what you want to see regularly. Giving you those treasures pushed back in the drawer.
And there may be more I need to let go of in order to see things clearly. Just go through the clutter of my mind and do a major cleaning.
Clarity is so very important. Until we have clarity, it’s difficult to make informed decisions.
You may be fortunate and not feel the need for change. It is very likely you had to move furniture around to make room for your Christmas tree. And, perhaps, for some of your decorations.
Change Is Inevitable
No matter the season or the reason.
I noticed a neighbor bought a new car. Not something I’m in the market for right now.
I want to write, but I also need people to read my blogs. I need to give value than just my rambling thoughts. Yet, this is basically food for thought for those rare souls who have been wrestling with changes in their own life.