by Sharon | Dec 5, 2015
So You Think This Is Going To Be About Sadness . . . Wrong!!!
I’m talking about hope.
With a whole lot of truth thrown in. You see, whenever you think of loved ones who have passed, they’re right here with you. It could be a physical touch or a sound in another room.
These are all reminders of those we loved and the connection is forever there.
We can grieve, but we’re also healing when we know there is no loss . . . at least in another form. Yes, our loved ones aren’t here to share that secret family recipe, but they are always present.
Making Me Rethink My Priorities
I was thinking of not putting up my Christmas tree this year.
Yet, I know how much a tree is a family tradition. It may not mean a lot to me, but it means everything to them.
So, Christmas and other holidays aren’t about you or me, but those who have influenced us and are now watching over us. This gives me a different perspective.
By putting forth the effort . . . just as they did for you . . . in the end will be the greatest gift you can give them . . . and a major gift to yourself. In honoring them and validating them, you’re benefiting from it as well.
Sure you have to put forth the effort . . . but remember how many times they put forth the effort for you when they didn’t feel like it.
Stop to think for a moment of all the sacrifices they’ve made for you.
You May Not Believe In The After Life
But it does exist.
You feel it. You think it. You don’t have to believe it to make it true.
We’re visited in dreams. We’ve felt that familiar touch of having your hair brushed from your forehead, ever so gently and lovingly. There are also playful tugging of your hair or a squeezed cheek . . . you instantly think of a loved one who has passed.
Yes, we do think of them more around the holidays. Yes, they are still around, watching us and protecting us.
They’re not judging. They want us to live our lives, to love, have joy and happiness. Not guilt, grief and sadness. Let go of all the what ifs, if onlys and should haves . . . it does no good. Lift that burden from your mind and shoulders this holiday season.
Honor your memories and celebrate the good times you had. Love is never=ending.
Just think about this . . . honestly . . . think of the strange or unusual things that have happened . . . coincidences . . . a sound or fragrance . . . a dream . . . something that reminded you of someone . . .
The list could go on and on, but this is your moment to remember and reconnect within yourself . . .
You may think I’m nuts . . . that’s fine . . . but with a few minutes of searching your memory of any unusual event . . . you’ll know . . .
Holidays Are To Be Celebrated
Over the years I’ve met many people who are extremely sad during the holidays.
They dwell on the loss of a loved one or a divorce or other form of break-up.
Those who have walked through their pain, loss and sadness have created holidays that suit them. Many people are alone . . . they are joyous and carefree . . . they made their holidays joyous. It’s not easy, but worth the effort.
It’s like having a make-over.
You’re making over the holidays. You’re creating new traditions that suit you and make you happy. You may be celebrating it alone, but you’re having a good time without expectations or obligations.
It’s a freedom I hear echoed by many. You’re free to eat what you want . . . relax and enjoy yourself however you wish.
Many don’t have a big meal. They break it up in small courses. Some begin with dessert . . . wouldn’t that be lovely!!! Life is truly grand without rules.
You can relax with a good book, watch the fire in the fireplace, drink a hot beverage, take a walk or stay in your pajamas all day.
It’s your new tradition of doing what pleases you . . .
And it can change from year to year. You can keep some traditions, but you can create new ones . . . just for you.
No matter how you celebrate this Christmas, make it meaningful and worthwhile for you . . . and your family.
I wish you much happiness this Christmas and throughout the New Year.
by Sharon | Dec 1, 2015
If You Can Dream It . . .
I’ve been very fortunate to have very vivid dreams.
That is, when they are positive. I’ve had some that may have been exciting, but they made me face my fears. I suppose that could be a good thing.
Things like speaking in front of a large group of people. Dreams of flying . . . without an airplane. Being out at sea . . . swimming with dolphins.
If you can think it, you can dream it . . . and maybe it may work out for you.
Many Ideas Come From Books
It’s always fun to ask, “What if . . .” and see where the story takes you.
Have you noticed when you’re reading, you do see the characters and the location and even the action. That’s all imagination. It can take you on many adventures.
Many Ideas Come From Our Aspirations
I have a number of websites and I was thinking of getting rid of a couple of them.
I may still do that, but the one that was top on my list I decided to keep. I thought it was not something I wanted to write about any longer, but I found it was very much a part of who I am and what I enjoy.
There is one that was just a whim I had . . . and I’ve decided to let it go. I’m fine with my decision to eliminate it. I may replace it with something much more exciting. It all comes down to being true to yourself, you interests and your aspirations.
Yet, I also thought that getting rid of some websites would be excellent to give me more time to devote to other websites and other interests.
As I’ve mentioned many times in this blog, I love to write and I do want to write more . . . not just for my blogs, but to write books. It’s a grand undertaking . . . one I’ve done before and is now time to revisit.
It’s important to consider priorities.
Even a schedule. I’m not a schedule person like I used to be, but it may be time for me to get back with it.
This evening I was talking with some friends in my internet marketing group.
We discussed some interesting changes from Amazon to Google. Did you know Amazon is going to be delivering packages via drones? It does seem amazing, but it is definitely workable for them to do. And Google is making some changes. Not with drones, but with what Google does best.
I guess it has to do with apps and making what we want to do easier for us to do. I don’t know all about it, but there are going to be webinars and articles written about it so we can learn as things develop.
I did find some changes have already taken place with Google+ Hangouts. I was talking with my friends on a Beta version. So I guess it is in a test mode, but it worked out and we had a delightful few hours of conversation and sharing.
This sharing with people in a hangout may be considered a waste of time, but in reality it was very productive and enjoyable. It may become a new priority for me.
It’s truly amazing how you can connect with people in different parts of the United States as well as the world. That may not be a big deal to you who have been doing this, but I’m still amazed each time we make a connection.
Yes, I’ve been doing the Google+ Hangouts for over a year once a week, but I’ve found it beneficial to connect with people far far away more often. You can spend some valuable quality time together.
This works when writing a blog or just talking and sharing.
With the internet and the imagination of these technical people, it’s wonderful what they’ve been able to do to make our lives much more enjoyable.
Imagination and Technology
We’re in a magical age . . . not just a magical season.
Even non-technical individuals can take advantage of all the wonderful facets of the internet. I am truly amazed and overwhelmed.
This must be how people felt with the telephone . . . to actually be talking with someone miles away.
I do wonder when we’ll be able to discover about heaven and connect with those who have passed. Wouldn’t it be great to speak with loved ones or people in history to get the real story.
Maybe this is beyond the realm of the technology we have available today, but I would imagine at some point this would be a reality for us. I’m sure from time to time you’d like to talk with a loved one . . . get to know them better or ask them questions about their life . . . and perhaps learn that they may have moved on . . . there is definitely a lot we have to learn.
I know that could be a bit science fiction for some of you . . . but “what if . . .”
I don’t know if I’d really like to travel through time . . . but it could be an interesting concept to explore.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if someone was working on that right now. Just as some have found and others are perfecting the ability to speak to the dead . . .
I do believe that just about anything is possible.
Yes, even life on other planets and in other galaxies. It may be a bit far fetched, but so very possible.
I may have gone a bit too far, but with imagination who knows what can be done . . . and what we can learn . . .
What Are Your Dreams?
It’s definitely something to think about.
You can leave a comment if you desire to share your dreams . . . or write them down some place for your future reference. It may be fun to go back from time to time to see how your priorities have changed . . . or your dreams, goals and aspirations.
This is an excellent time to imagine the future and your role in it. What do you truly want in your life? What would you like to be or do?
Dreaming is always fun . . . and who knows . . . they may even come true.
Until next time,
by Sharon | Nov 29, 2015
Have You Noticed That You’re Always Catching Up On Tasks?
I am.
I promised my brother I’d print out some pictures for him . . . that was months ago . . .
I finally decided to get to it. Once I got started it wasn’t that big of a deal. Maybe you’ve found the same to be true for you.
It’s embarrassing how I put things off. I know it is a bit early for New Year’s Resolutions, but this procrastination is one thing I need to stop . . . or at least get a handle on it.
I used to be much more organized and task oriented. I’m not sure what happened. Maybe getting involved in too many things.
It’s difficult to go back and discover when it all started, but it may be a sense of overwhelm I was experiencing or maybe starting something new that took up most of my time.
I’m not looking for excuses, but an explanation. What I know for sure is that procrastination hasn’t worked out for me. I’ve let others down and myself as well.
I don’t remember what was so important. That’s the truth of the matter. Sure I was taking a writing course, but that shouldn’t stop me from doing other tasks.
Yes, I was building websites . . . there was room to do other things right along with it.
I have no explanation and no excuse for procrastinating on important tasks. Have you found the same to be true for you?
Sorry For Making It Personal
I’m frustrated with myself for procrastinating.
It’s also embarrassing to be called on not following through. Even with the best of intentions, I don’t like letting others down.
It’s not right, in my way of thinking, to essentially tell someone that what I’m doing is much more important than what you asked me to do. It’s not how I felt at the time, but my lack of follow through showed that or conveyed that thought.
I’ve found that when I truly want to change my behavior, I make up my mind to do it.
At this point I’m tired of catching up. I want to be more organized and maybe get on a schedule . . . maybe that’s going a bit too far . . . but I may have to do just that to achieve the change I’m seeking.
Life Demands Multi-Tasking
I don’t know if the days, weeks and months seem to go by quickly for you, but they sure do for me.
It’s always “I’ll get to that tomorrow” mindset that has me catching up all the time.
I have found some priorities, though. It has to do with bill paying and answering letters, but when it comes to other tasks, I’ve found I’ve messed up.
Having a schedule may be important to get started. I want to eliminate procrastination from my behavior habit.
I’m all right with a flexible schedule. Maybe one that has the tasks written down for the whole month and then checking them off as they’re done. And maybe numbering them to get the most important ones accomplished first . . . but also squeezing in other tasks along with them. It may make my time more productive.
My websites are a priority. I love blogging, but find I’m not as dedicated as before. It may be due to having more websites than I can handle or losing interest in some and this frustration has resulted in allowing my favorite ones to suffer as well.
I know I’ve been struggling with a couple of websites that have gotten me down. This has been weighing on my mind for quite a long time. I think it may be time for me re-evaluate them and let them go to give me time to devote my time to those websites I enjoy.
Yes, there is a time to let go when you find things aren’t allowing you to progress.
Have You Noticed How Your Priorities Change Over Time?
I’m sure this is only natural.
We’re always learning something new. This could be conscious or subconscious or even unconscious. We’re picking things up from all forms of media as well as snipits of conversations we hear when we’re out and about.
Something clicks within our minds without us being aware of it at times. And I believe it gets us thinking about it on some conscious level to make sense about it and how it applies to us.
Not to sound selfish, but honestly it is about you and about me. We’re always wondering how something is going to affect me. It’s natural, not selfish.
It’s a basic part of human nature. We hear about a drought and wonder how it affects us personally. We want to know what we can do to help the situation rather than make it worse.
We do want to play an active role in many issues, mainly so it won’t impact our lives or lifestyle unfavorably. I like being comfortable and not worrying about things.
I want to improve my life and my skills. I want to continue learning, but not at the expense of other things that are equally important.
There are only so many hours in the day. I know I need to be as productive as possible. And also to give myself some time to relax and recharge.
My priorities have changed to some degree. And in order to be true to myself, I need to address those issues that are draining me and putting me into a procrastination mode.
For me it’s some websites that are draining rather than fulfilling. Yet, it’s difficult to let go . . . that’s my struggle right now. But wouldn’t it be wonderful to let go of that struggle and other struggles that are dragging me down?
It’s almost a no-brainer . . . so why is it so difficult?
When I figure that out, I may have something important to share that will be helpful to others.
If you have any suggestions be sure to let me know. I’m eager to learn something new and beneficial that makes my life easier and easier for others as well.
Thanks for stopping by,
by Sharon | Nov 9, 2015
That’s Harsh!
Yes, but there are times when you discover that many may have moved on without you.
I remember how I lost interest in school when my best friend moved away. Sure, I had other friends, but with my best friend gone . . . I felt lost.
This demonstrates that at that time in my life I was a follower, not a leader. Without my leader, I didn’t want to go on and things didn’t really seem to matter.
Of course, I was down in the dumps when I walked home from school. My mother was fully aware of my best friend moving away and she wondered how it was going to affect me.
It did. Quite profoundly. But it didn’t have to and my mother didn’t want it to linger.
Getting Over It
It didn’t happen magically after baking cookies with my mother.
She would have loved that, but it did continue for a few weeks. We were asked to bring a wire close hanger from home. The teacher also said if we didn’t have one, she would have extras. So, I didn’t bother to bring a close hanger. I don’t remember the project . . . in fact I don’t remember much of those first weeks to a month of that school year.
I just know I did my school work, but nothing extra.
I don’t know what woke me up, but I was in my fog of sadness over not having my best friend with me. I looked around the classroom and noticed everyone was busy and having fun. I had a blank piece of paper in front of me. I looked to see what others were doing.
Oh my goodness! They were writing and drawing pictures about their first day of school — their first day of school at that particular school.
That was when I met my best friend. So I got to work on that. I did remember everything about it. And I ended my story with her moving away and how awful I felt. I even drew a picture of a dark cloud over me.
The teacher collected our assignment and we went out for recess. Some of my friends were talking about the assignment. They spoke about how they, too, had met their best friend and how the next year they weren’t in the same classroom and each of them made other friends.
Things did work out for them. And they would work out for me, too.
A Lesson About Moving On
The teacher didn’t seem surprised by the theme many stories and pictures took.
She was prepared with a story of her own. Yet, hers had a very different twist.
She remembered how she was the new girl at the school. None of her neighbors were in her class. She had friends outside of school, but not in school. Everyone had their own friends and there didn’t seem to be room for her to join in their games.
So she made the most of it by playing on the playground equipment by herself, eating lunch alone and walking home from school alone.
Well, one day several kids were out sick with a cold or flu which left many kids alone without their friends.
That’s when she was invited to play with other kids. They were so afraid of wandering along alone, they reached out to her . . . forgetting how they treated her previously.
She decided not to remind them of their rudeness and played with them knowing when their friends returned to school in a day or two she’d be out in the cold again.
But it didn’t happen that way. Some joined in accepting her in the group and some formed other groups. It was all part of how kids change from moment to moment.
There’s nothing wrong with feeling down in the dumps, but there is always a way of making friends and making the best of every situation. Yes, it is sad to be alone, but it’s what you do with yourself that makes the difference.
Many people feel like this and there are plenty of movies about it . . . in all phases of life.
Growing From Our Experiences
The only thing we can be sure of is nothing stays the same.
There is always change. Some good and some unpleasant. But we cope. We make the best of each and every situation. No matter how long it takes.
We learn to not let things bother us.
I found how I was missing something valuable by being down in the dumps. I almost missed that assignment. I was too busy not paying attention. The thing is, my former best friend was having a great time in her new school . . . making the best of her move. She may or may not have thought about me. It really didn’t matter because I didn’t know. Any more than she knew I was down in the dumps missing out on meeting new people and forming new friendships.
No matter what’s going on with you, you can overcome it and move on with your life. It does take some effort to look for the good and to put your best foot forward.
Just flow within the now . . . that’s basically all we have.
I remember a scene from an episode of All In The Family where Edith spoke about a snap shot of how all the action stopped in that picture. One minute they’re going on with life, pause for the picture, then continue on. It’s like that in real life. We’re constantly moving on.
If we’re not physically moving, our thoughts are. It’s seeing the next thing or doing something or making something or talking with someone. We’re constantly bombarded with thoughts. Some we act upon and others we ignore.
We may miss out on opportunities . . . or we avoided something unpleasant. But we have our set of priorities and we pretty much stick to them . . . until we realize we need to change them . . . open up a bit to new opportunities . . .
Life is ever changing . . . we can stay stuck or be happy where we are and ride it out through the end . . . or take a chance on doing something new and different . . . we may fail or succeed . . . and learn something in the process.
Every day if you’re aware of it or not are given options . . . most of the time we’re busy with what we’re doing to notice or we notice everything and are confused about weeding everything out . . . Life is a process . . .
Once again I don’t have answers for you . . . you’re the only one who knows what’s best for you.
I may know what’s best for me now . . . but I do try to keep my options open.
I wish you all the best in your daily experiences,
by Sharon | Nov 7, 2015
There are plenty of social media networks that are available for different types of communication.
It all depends upon what you like to use.
I have internet marketing friends who use Google + Hangouts.
I like it. We’re able to see one another and have a conversation. It’s fun when we’re eating different snacks and drinking different beverages. It’s comfortable and relaxing to spend a few hours discussing our websites or weekend plans or something we read or viewed.
I’m on the west coast, one is on the east coast and another is in the south. We also have a Canadian or two come by.
We Met From An Internet Marketing Group.
What’s great is that we’re in different niche markets and approaching our business from a different perspective.
On this particular night, the group leader didn’t extend an invitation to the whole community. He was selective in his invitations. It seems with any group that the “more the merrier” concept sometimes doesn’t work out. There are some who tend to monopolize the group. When this happens some of us have left the group and formed our own hangout.
This Got Me Thinking About Thanksgiving.
Even with friends and family, the dynamic of the group can be either pleasant or not so pleasant.
We sometimes get into a bind and feel we have to invite a relative, because they are a relative. And when that relative goes home, everyone is relaxed and enjoys their evening.
It is sad, but it is also sad to exclude certain individuals. What is the best approach?
That’s a difficult question to answer. Some people don’t have a clue that they’re difficult or what they say annoys others. They may be very aware of it and like to be annoying.
So talking with them won’t change a thing.
Would not inviting them change their behavior?
This seems doubtful.
Would you feel guilty?
Maybe initially, but the whole idea of bringing family and friends together is to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner and to share with like-minded individuals. You want to have a happy and fun gathering, where everyone gets along and lends a hand.
I enjoy cleaning up afterwards. It’s relaxing for me. Also knowing what I’m doing is beneficial and part of the process.
After The Grand Feast.
I don’t know how it is in your family, but we take a bit of a break after dinner for cleaning up. Some may sit back and relax while their food is digesting. Some may take a walk.
We brew a fresh pot of coffee and bring out the pies and cookies. It’s a nice way to unwind from a busy day.
We may pop in a DVD and enjoy a movie or play a board game or have several games going with different groups involved. It’s always fun to sit quietly working on a jigsaw puzzle.
From Early Morning Through To The Night, I’m Reminded Of My Many Blessings.
We aren’t usually focused on announcing what we’re thankful for, but the thoughts do flow freely throughout the day and evening.
I do enjoy those quiet times when everyone is busy with their own thoughts and feeling while eating or doing other things.
I find it a personal thing, that can be shared, but doesn’t have to be.
This Brings Me Back To The Google + Hangout.
It’s a way of bringing people together to share, learn and receive some value from the group.
I like it. No reason to leave the comfort of your own home. But to be able to meet face-to-face and hear the voices of others.
I was surprised it was by invitation only and not an open invitation, but given some of the interactions in the past several months I can understand it.
And the beauty of these hangouts is that anyone can host one. There is a limit of 10 people. It’s a nice way of communicating and exchanging ideas, thoughts and feelings.
I’m not going to venture to speak for the host, but he may have been feeling like a few of us have that the group has changed. And with this change, the focus has changed with anger and a demand to fix what’s wrong with their website.
I like to fix it myself. I like to be given the tools and ideas others share and take what is freely given.
It seemed that the host was always on the hot seat to give the magic formula that would transform their websites overnight into an ATM machine.
It’s not that he doesn’t mind giving, but it can be draining to hear the same thing week after week where the one complaining hasn’t followed through with the suggestions given weeks prior to that. It does seem that there are some people who enjoy complaining and don’t really want to solve the problem.
This, over time does become annoying.
I like to just hangout, share what I have to share and enjoy what others have to share.
I Love Success Stories.
Even when things aren’t necessarily going well for me, I’m motivated by the positive stories of others.
I don’t take it as bragging, but sharing their happiness that it’s working for them.
If one person can do it, then there is hope for others as well. It is only a matter of time.
What About When You Outgrow Your Group?
This comes at different stages.
It’s not that you’ve learned everything there is to know. It’s that you’ve decided to move in a different direction.
It’s natural that our interests and priorities change over time.
Kids get that shocking revelation that a former best friend is no longer a friend at all. Things change. Maybe over a summer vacation or over a weekend.
It is unexpected, but change is something we’ve learned to expect over the years. It is also unpleasant, but we do get through it meeting others. It is all part of growing up and maybe finding yourself.
You may be the one moving on . . . rather than the one being left behind.
Something to think about for next time. Thanks for stopping by!
by Sharon | Sep 25, 2015
My internet and telephone service have been off and on for a week . . . and it may continue until the network server is back in service.
I don’t mind the telephone service being off as much as I mind the internet being out. But the ideal situation is to have both services available.
You may have noticed I didn’t mention television. I’m one of those rare individuals who has been without television service for 10 years. I think television is wonderful for those who have it and love it. I have just found it isn’t for me. I do know I do miss out on many things, but it is a personal choice I’ve made to concentrate on my websites and interact with my affiliate marketing friends.
I do listen to the radio and I also get news from the internet.
I do seem to be blending the old with the new in a strange way. The radio may not be something many of you have, other than in your car, but I’ve found I don’t listen to it as much as I used to before learning I had WiFi in my house and getting my laptop.
Obviously, I’m no techie, but I’m pleased I’ve learned what I have to keep my websites up-to-date.
In many ways I’m still quite old-fashioned. I enjoy the modern conveniences of today, but there is something comfortable and endearing about the old traditions of holidays. I have my memories which seem to be even more special as the years go by with the loss of family. But, I’ve found I have created some new traditions and memories that are essentially mine.
Have you changed your traditions for the holiday season?
It’s always nice to make your celebrations unique to you and your family. Some of the old traditions may still be enjoyable, but I believe we grow into our own unique comfort zone when it comes to how we celebrate holidays. It may have begun with a change of menu or some subtle decorating. It is always nice to find what works for you.
My neighborhood is quite traditional, generally. The Halloween decorating is done primarily by two families who get the ball rolling for the rest of us. Some follow suit and other ignore it. I began mine with the scarecrows way back during the spring when I was planting my vegetable garden. I even expanded into the front yard to shake up the neighbors a bit to wonder what I was doing and why.
It’s my way of proving I’m a bit of a recluse and perhaps a free spirit who does what appeals to me without regard to the season. I don’t expect others to conform in any way. Plus, I may not be on the same schedule with them to decorate for Christmas in particular. I don’t work on a schedule. I work as the mood strikes me.
What I do is what I enjoy doing. It’s not that I want or need to keep up with the neighbors.
It’s not like in the movies when the neighbors are in competition with each other and where they shame a person into decorating. I’m sure there are other variations on the theme. Books have also used this concept in their stories. I enjoy the concept in the movies and in books, I don’t need it in real life.
I guess I’ve done enough rambling. I just wanted you to know that my internet and phone services are in a transition mode until the network is repaired. I’ve been given no timeline. Right now they’re ringing my telephone every five minutes or so.
So, if there are large gaps between my posts, it’s not by choice but due to internet access.
Thank you for being a valued visitor. Leave me a comment with your thoughts about holidays.
Until next time,