A Charming, Heartwarming Suspense Movie . . .

In a world where justice and profit collide, Claire Darrow fearlessly fights for what’s right, putting principles above her own gain. As a dedicated lawyer, she embraces the noble pursuit of truth, regardless of the cost. However, clashes are inevitable when Joanna, her estranged mother and also a lawyer, prioritizes profits over principles. This captivating tale of opposing ideologies unfolds with captivating suspense, leaving audiences captivated by the power of integrity. Witness the heartwarming battle for justice in this remarkable tale of two extraordinary women.

Wholesome Family Entertainment

This is about life — how our jobs impact our thinking and our relationships with others — especially those most dear to us . . .

The image above has absolutely nothing to do with this movie — but since it is October . . . I like to give it a bit of a seasonal vibe . . . and the image is family friendly . . . 

Without giving away spoilers . . . there are two dynamic mother-daughter conflicts . . . two generations . . . communication is always the key ingredient missing . . . Yes, they talk . . . but do they really hear . . .

This is a Hallmark Movie . . . I enjoyed it and believe it is well worth viewing.

It seems to have a lot of lessons in place — especially seeing things from another’s perspective.

Thanks for stopping by!


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