by Sharon | May 9, 2016
Yes, I was out and about early this morning.
Has some errands to run and wanted to get an early start.
There is something nice about getting up early and getting out in the fresh air and sunshine to brighten your perspective.
This was my trash pick up day . . . but I got my barrels out last night and found I had plenty of energy to do some sweeping up of the debris left from our recent rain. I also noticed the barrels had been emptied . . . so, it was time for me to bring them back in . . . but there were broken limbs from a tree I had to pick up and cut down a bit to fit in the barrel . . .
I was pleased to clean things up before most of my neighbors realized their barrels were emptied.
After all that, I left for my errands.
It does feel good to get things accomplished before noon . . . then you have the reminder of the day to write blogs and tidy the house and do crafts and just relax.
Many times I linger in the mornings . . . watching the power walkers . . .
But, I’m beginning to think they have the right idea . . . get up early and get moving . . .
I do feel good . . . invigorated . . . happy and very pleased . . .
It’s good from time to time to vary your schedule and get a new perspective . . . possibly an attitude adjustment . . . I don’t know any proper phrase that would describe it . . . but you may have already filled in the blanks . . .
I do hope you get outdoors daily . . . it does bring something wonderful . . . It’s not necessary to power walk for a mile or more, but to just get out and stroll around your yard would be enough . . . unless you want to take a long walk or bike ride . . .
Exercise is good, no matter how strenuous you want to make it . . . there is something about just walking around or pulling weeds or sweeping or raking . . . small tasks are excellent . . .
I find I spend much too much time in front of the computer . . . or sitting reading or doing crafts . . . we do need to move . . . not just to the kitchen for a snack . . .
And do more than the household chores . . .
I thought it was important to exercise the mind . . . to keep it sharp . . .
And physical exercise is essential, too . . . but I’m not into getting worn out and sweaty . . . not a pretty sight nor feeling . . .
I don’t know if you need to get all red in the face from exercise to be meaningful or helpful . . . I don’t believe getting overheated is a good thing either . . . but I’m no expert on the subject.
Consulting a medical doctor would be good . . . and also listening to your body . . . sometimes we have to take it easy before going on a 10K run . . . it takes baby steps . . . in my case it does, but for many of you it may not be a big deal . . .
I take the weather conditions into consideration . . . I don’t go out in the rain for a walk . . . unless I’m dressed appropriately and have an umbrella . . . I like to keep as dry as possible and not get a chill . . . getting sick is not on my “to do” list.
I also don’t go out when the weather is in the high 90’s or gets into the 100’s. I do keep hydrated with water . . . some people go for the special waters that give more nutrients . . . but I’m not doing strenuous labor-type tasks in the heat of the day . . .
It’s important to follow doctor’s orders and to use some common sense . . .
Spring seems to be turning to summer here in Southern California
Today is forecast to be a bit warmer than previous days . . .
I hope we get more rain . . . that cools us down and gives us more spring . . . and helps with our drought conditions.
I know I feel better when the weather is cold, cool and fair . . . I’m not fond of hot temperatures . . .
We may be getting our normal June Gloom . . . but we’ve had this in April and May thus far . . . and I’m enjoying it . . . it can continue throughout the summer . . . and I’ll be welcoming fall way before it is due . . . I do love fall . . .
I’m already working on Halloween stuff . . . and maybe will get into the Christmas in July thing many crafters do . . . a head start on any holiday crafting is always a good idea . . .
Some people work on what pleases them throughout the year . . . depending upon their favorite holiday or what they feel like doing . . . I know from looking at Pinterest, some people are still into Easter . . . others have been pinning about Halloween since last Halloween . . . and, of course, Christmas is always popular . . . and there are those who love cooking and have their favorite recipes . . . plus variations of S’Mores . . . it is a year round treat for many . . . just as hot chocolate . . .
We don’t necessarily have to divide our attention with food and decorating and crafts to go along with the appropriate holiday season . . . we can enjoy what we enjoy throughout the year . . . People go to warmer climates during the winter and cooler climates during the summer . . .
We may all to some degree be fair weather lovers . . . to be comfortable indoors and outdoors . . .
Thank you for stopping by!
Until next time,
by Sharon | Apr 11, 2016
We all seem to have a favorite holiday or holiday season.
The most popular are Halloween and Christmas in that order.
I do have a website of haunted stuff with ghost stories. I love them, as many do. I also have one of Christmas. Then, there’s this one that allows me to celebrate the holidays as they come. And, you may have noticed how I really do get into Halloween . . . it is my favorite season.
I’m not into the real creepy stuff with the violent make-up and gross food. It’s interesting how make-up can be applied to scare the living daylights out of you . . . I admire it, but it’s not something I would do.
If Halloween is for children, I’d go for the more mild fun stuff . . . but to each his/her own.
Yes, there is definitely humor in being scared . . . and children running around at night in costumes gathering sweet treats is all about the fun . . . yet, the idea of being out at night . . . the lit pumpkins with scary faces . . . the decorations of tomb stones . . . and witches, ghosts, skeletons and other scary stuff heightens the imagination.
Also going to the doors of stranger’s houses is a scary activity.
For me, it is about the children and their enthusiasm of getting all dressed up and going door to door collecting candy. And, if they scare each other along the way, it’s all in fun.
I love that parents are with their children. Some dress up in costume, too. Or, they’re with older siblings. Times have, unfortunately, changed and we need to make sure children have a safe Halloween experience.
Many people opt to have parties in their homes rather than allowing the kids to go out . . . this works out well. It is fun to gather friends together and have fun and games and maybe watch a Halloween DVD . . . and, of course, have some delicious food . . . it may look a little odd, but the taste is wonderful.
I haven’t noticed as many Christmas Carolers.
I’d love to hear them sing . . . going door to door.
One neighborhood church would have young and old alike singing carols throughout the neighborhood. You could join them, if you wanted to. It would turn into a rather large group.
Then, we’d have an impromptu pot luck dinner. We’d all contribute and share the news of the families. It was a nice way of getting caught up on marriages and births, graduations and jobs . . . we seemed to keep up with the sorrow of death . . . but it was a time of letting neighbors know we do care . . .
I enjoyed listening to the stories of different families . . . some could trace their ancestry way back . . . This was good for everyone to hear and there were history lessons involved, too. You had to understand the times, to understand the hardships and the joys . . . how how certain traditions developed and are practiced today.
Each and every one of us has a history . . . a story to tell . . . maybe about our ancestry . . . and our own story . . . from humble beginnings . . . and the opportunities we were given . . . and the decisions we’ve made . . . all shaping the life we now live.
Whatever, holiday or holiday season you enjoy . . . it’s wonderful to be with family and friends . . . and to share what you can about life and aspirations.
We all have a life and aspirations . . . it’s interesting to see how things work out.
Until next time,
by Sharon | Apr 8, 2016
Too Often Our Thoughts Aren’t For Our Benefit
I’ve had days when I’d rather stay home than run errands.
I was sitting and thinking about all the things I needed to do. Then, I suddenly got up, walked out the door, into my car and drove off. It seemed as though my thoughts were leading me in the direction I needed to go in order to get the various tasks accomplished.
I had a good morning, taking care of things I’d put off . . . just because my thoughts weren’t working with me.
Yes, it was cloudy and wet . . . but, quite honestly, I didn’t notice it. I was on a mission.
Sometimes we do need to let go of our imagined fears and move past them.
I found this great site where you can make an envelope and fill it with Best Thoughts. There are some you can print out and there are some that are blank so you can write out your own Best Thoughts.
They could be favorite quotes or Bible Verses. They could even be affirmations you find uplifting. It’s about allowing your mind to get you out of a rut . . . of deciding to not let troubles and sorrows get you down. This may allow you to think on the more positive side . . . your troubles and sorrows won’t disappear over night . . . but how you perceive them may . . . maybe not overnight, but with persistence . . . soon.
Some may believe this is magical thinking. In a way, I suppose it is. We dwell on things . . . some good and others . . .
Our thoughts help us make decisions . . . getting down to the basics of the situation, rather than all the extras that are there complicating it.
I was watching a movie about a woman who reached a cross roads . . . she was given an opportunity to teach at a prestigious college and have her book published. When this opportunity was presented to her, she also received a proposal of marriage from her long-term boyfriend.
She met him for dinner. She was bursting with news . . . and he was concentrating on his proposal and the life they would share together.
Well, in the movies there is conflict, otherwise there wouldn’t be a story. And in the story, it was all figuring out what to do . . .
There are ways of approaching such a situation . . . and there are many movies with this theme . . . either the man or the woman is given an opportunity of a lifetime . . .
These cards may allow you to think through your priorities without hurting anyone or yourself in the process.
There are many lessons to learn in life . . . many opportunities lost . . . many taken, leading to others . . . or to heartbreak . . .
Life is full of those ups and downs.
It may be worthwhile to sit quietly each day with Best Thoughts to help you either through those downs or assist you in preventing unnecessary ones.
It’s worth a try . . . just click here and you can print out the envelop and the cards . . . and print out plenty of the blank ones to write out your own best thoughts . . .
I find those to be more meaningful to me.
And these may be helpful to a friend . . . it wouldn’t hurt to share this with them.
Until next time,
by Sharon | Mar 26, 2016
Life is truly precious. And beautiful days are days to celebrate.
I love being outdoors with my precious Yorkshire Terrier Diva. There is something about being outside, enjoying the flowers, blossoming trees and my vegetable garden.
It is important to dig in the dirt from time to time and to thoroughly enjoy the abundance nature has to offer. Diva enjoys being out in the sunshine and sniffing around. Also sitting with me on the patio.
I like to work on craft projects. Gluing paper together to make 3-D houses or pop-up pages for mini albums. I never outgrew that need to make stuff. Or the fascination of opening up a page that pops up.
I wonder if this comes from wanting things to be life-like. I find when looking at pictures, i want to go beyond the flat surface and make it third dimensional so I can actually see around it. I know many people put those dimensional dots on cutouts to make them stand out . . . and doors and windows are able to be opened . . . and there may be a scene behind it . . .
Spring is a wonderful time of year . . . it’s not too cold and it’s not too hot . . .
After Easter, we’ll be celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day . . . then we get into summer . . . and the Fourth of July . . . then we anticipate fall . . . and all the fun that season brings . . .
As many of you know, fall is my favorite time of year. I feel it is a new beginning, but it truth spring is that new beginning with the budding of fruits and vegetables that we’ll be enjoying through the summer and into the fall.
I guess we’re all geared a bit differently . . . . having a preference for different seasons and holidays. I do know many people who love Halloween and come alive with their creative genius in making mini albums and related craft projects. Some go with the spooky while others go with the sweetness of youth and the wonder of it all . . . and others do a bit of both . . .
And those who adore Christmas . . . that magical time of year . . . with the carols and the anticipation . . .
But, spring, I’m now beginning to appreciate more . . . the beauty of all the flowing trees and plants . . . the abundance of color springing forth . . . mild temperatures . . .
Then come the vacations of summer . . .
And that anticipation of fall . . . Sorry . . . that’s where the seasons seem to take me. I do enjoy the moments of each season . . . but my true love is fall and winter . . . those two popular holidays of Halloween and Christmas . . . and I do love Thanksgiving that it squeezed between . . . and I’m very fond of Easter, too.
Those “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer” with beach outings . . . picnics . . . camping . . . being carefree and fancy free . . .
Yes, each season has its advantages and its special moments . . . which you’ll notice centers around family . . . and friends.
Spring and summer seem to be the seasons of S’mores . . . but I make them the treat of all seasons . . . but there is something special about making them over an open fire . . . things “cooked” in nature seem to taste so very much better.
Whatever season is your favorite and however you celebrate traditional holidays and seasons, I would like to leave you with some links of jigsaw puzzles you and your family may enjoy:
Yes, I do go for the nostalgic . . . there are jigsaw puzzles available for all seasons and all things that are meaningful to you and your family. I find having a puzzle out, brings people together. It is a relaxing activity where you can visit, have a conversation and find pieces that will fit in completing the puzzle.
I do find them relaxing throughout the year.
Have a fun!
by Sharon | Dec 24, 2015
Have You Noticed That Most Of Life’s Major Decisions Are Made When We’re Young And Inexperienced?
You start school at a young age.
You either apply yourself . . . or don’t. That’s why it’s so important to have a family with parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles who can give you the advice you need . . . and teachers can explain why this is important for you to know . . . and how each lesson is built upon another and another . . . broadening your knowledge base. It’s building a solid foundation that will help you determine what it is you’ll be when you “grow up.”
I do marvel at those who know what they want to do.
Most of us stumble upon it.
The majority of us don’t have a wealthy family or a family business to join during high school and after college.
Too often we find things we don’t want to do. Or there is a limit to what we can do . . . given our education and the choices we’ve made.
So, success doesn’t come easy.
Many Books And Movies Have Been Made With This Concept In Mind
If you turned right instead of left . . .
If you went for that job interview instead of staying home . . .
If you participated in that Christmas Play instead of staying home with a bad cold . . .
How much is based on circumstances rather than actual choices?
There are also times when it would have been better for you to stay home than to attend a particular party. It sometimes works both ways. You may be in the right place at the right time . . . or in the wrong place at the wrong time.
One story I encountered recently was about a woman who decided to pursue her dream, leaving behind her boyfriend.
She was very successful . . . but lonely. She learned that to succeed in her particular career, that took up 100% of her time . . . no visiting family during the holidays, no vacations and no friendships outside of work . . . and even then, she had to be careful with backstabbers.
But, the old boyfriend from years earlier decided to contact her.
And, since it was a Christmas story . . . strange things do happen . . . she found herself with the boyfriend, now her husband with two great kids. She was an instant Mom who didn’t know anything about being a mother or a wife for that matter.
Of course, she wanted her old life back . . . but along the way of being stuck in her new circumstance, learned some valuable lessons about herself, her then husband and her then children.
Then, boom! She’s back in her old life.
This was quite confusing for her . . .
She liked the “family” . . . but it wasn’t so much that she had to choose between the two lives she experienced . . . but to see how things could play out for her future . . .
Valuable Lessons And Opportunities Come Our Way
You may have noticed how you make adjustments regularly in your life.
I know I just decided to delete some websites and continue on with the ones that gave me the most enjoyment. And one of those is one I just started. So it was an “out with the old” and “in with the new.”
We do learn and grow throughout our lives. We may re-evaluate our priorities from time to time. We could make some major changes or little ones along the way.
I had a friend a long time ago who received an opportunity to buy out a shoe repair business. He had no idea what he was doing, but he learned quickly. And he enjoyed what he was doing. He also moved to an area where his new skills and business was in demand.
It wasn’t a success right away . . . he worked hard for little pay . . . fortunately, some people would pay him in food. Barter got him through some rough patches.
I’m sure there are some who experience success right away. It hasn’t been my experience or those I know, but eventually things work out.
As I’ve said in many of my posts before, it’s all a matter of perspective. We can choose to view the glass half empty or half full.
It does take practice to be more optimistic about life and change.
You see, deleting some of my websites could prove to be a major mistake . . . but I’m not going to get upset about it . . . it’s best to move on and learn from my experience.
We’re usually told we gave up to fast . . . but in reality we do what we do for however long we do it until we decide to move on. No one knows the future or knows completely how you feel and why you made the decision you made. Sometimes the truth eludes us from time to time, but one day it does dawn on us.
I think things have to do with timing . . . and knowing what opportunity is the best “fit” for you.
I Have No Magic Formula
It is what works with your priorities . . . and to a large degree with the opportunities you choose to take or pass.
I don’t dwell on it. From time to time I do wonder.
I’m pleased I haven’t been swooped away in a real life fantasy to experience all the confusion of seeing first hand “what if” . . .
It’s entertaining for books and movies, but experiencing it first hand . . . no thank you.
It is human nature to look around and wonder . . . seeing people out and about in malls and super markets. It’s interesting to watch people as they’re watching you . . . wondering what your life is all about. We’re always making comparisons to some degree.
During this Christmas season, it is wonderful to get out and about. It’s fun to gather with family and friends to celebrate Christmas and make wonderful new memories.
Please be safe and joyous. I wish you great tidings of joy.