Scare Your Neighbors With Pumpkin Head Skeleton

This is one scary pumpkin! If you dare, look closely and you’ll see pumpkin guts clinging to the skeleton rubs. You’ll need to save the insides of the pumpkin before carving the head. My concern is how is this going to smell. I’m also wondering what this would attract. I don’t know if I would want to set it out on my porch, maybe in the yard with gravestones and ghosts. I wonder if the squirrels would enjoy it, hummm.

I may opt for dry leaves. There is moss on his shoulders. This is truly a clever pumpkin-skeleton combination that I saw on Pinterest. I had to share it with you.


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There are no DIY directions, but the picture explains it all. I also believe the lights in the eyes are battery operated tea or votive lights. You could wedge something inside the pumpkin head to set the lights on or wire them around the neck of the skeleton.

Let me see if there are any suitable links to help you out with this project.

I’m sure the photo above and the options here have gotten your imagination in gear. I do like the idea of a pumpkin head, but . . . the guts . . .

I’ll keep bringing you interesting things, we have awhile before Halloween.

Thanks for stopping by!

Great Vintage Witch’s Shoe You Can Make

I get inspired by seeing what others are doing or have done for Halloween. It’s great to find something that would brighten up someone’s Halloween.

I find it fun to look for a suitable shoe at my local thrift shop. The size isn’t important and for this project a single shoe will work nicely, if the price is right. If you plan on making several of these or you want a pair to use as a centerpiece, you could really allow your imagination to run wild.

A picture is the starting point.


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You do want to make something unique. I started with an old grandma style shoe and added the pointy tip and curled it up. I used black paper and glued the cone tip to the shoe. To hide the seam I wrapped it with a nice wide piece of ribbon and put an embellished buckle on top.

Now some people go all out and put some black brocade fabric over the shoe and fashion the tip and stuff it with batting. That seems like a good idea, depending how involved you want to get with this project. And it depends upon the type of witch’s shoe you want to make and how you want to display it.

You can make it as fancy or as plain as you like. There are plenty of different items you can find at your local hobby shop or fabric shop.

The real fun begins when you’re ready to put stuff inside. Now, I don’t want to get gross on you, but think for a minute. This is an old used shoe. The idea creeps me out a bit. I put black inside, you could use fabric. I also stuff it with tissue paper. I don’t want the germs, yes germs, cooties, bacteria, etc. from the previous owner to contaminate my witch’s shoe creation. And, go ahead and laugh, I use rubber gloves when handling the shoe. I know, I’m a bit of a germ-a-phobe.

Craft stores have all kinds of interesting things you can buy and put together as a display for your shoe. Or you can make a grocery bag tree in there and do your decorating from there. Or you may like the various coffins I’ve posted on this site. There are also suggestions and other templates on that post of paper craft jewelry items. It is worthwhile to look through our archives of various craft ideas that would be suitable for this project.  You could even make up some witches:

Image and Free Templates are Compliments of

These aren’t the most attractive or friendliest looking witches you’ll ever encounter, but they do fit in nicely with the display for your original shoe design.

Here are the Instructions


Mrs. Vericella

Aunt Rubella

And if that is too tame for you, how about:


This is definitely a fun assortment of ghouls for your decorating pleasure.

I hope you are inspired to get started with this project. If you prefer, I do have a witch’s shoe template you can use so you won’t have to go rummaging through thrift stores. You can use it to display a Halloween scene instead of Halloween Treats and you definitely could do both.


DIY Hanging Halloween Lanterns — Free Printables

These Halloween Lanterns can hang indoors or outdoors and will be illuminated by a battery operated votive candle light. I buy these candle lights by the dozens to illuminate paper crafts or to put behind them to give them a creepy glow. These hanging lanterns are made from orange translucent vellum paper. They’ll give an eerie glow to wherever you hang them.


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Just click the link above for the directions and the free printables.

Here are links for some items you’ll need:

heavy black paper

Orange Vellum

Clear Monofilament

Battery-Operated Votive Candles

I hope you enjoy this project!

Thanks for stopping by!

Fence Board Friends

When I saw this on Pinterest I just had to make my own, but there were no templates and no instructions. But, as they say, “A picture is worth 1000 words.” So, by looking at the picture I decided I’d make these using fence boards and other materials. I did want them to be water proof if I was going to place them outside, or if I’d put them in a window, I could use just about anything from Styrofoam to thick poster board or whatever that stuff is called. It’s always fun to see what’s available at your favorite craft store.

spooktacular day 1_edited-2

The pumpkin is relatively easy to make with all the templates available on-line for carving pumpkins. You could get a suitable face to paint on or cut out of other materials. The same is true for the ghost and even Frankenstein. Now, the mummy is what caught my eye with the burlap and muslin wrap. You’ll be able to find the burlap and muslin at your local craft store, cut out some strips and have this project wrapped up in no time. Add embellishments and you’ll have some Halloween friends that will be the envy of the neighborhood.

A Catapult You Can Make With Free Templates

This catapult is popular around my house. You can learn a lot about people when you have a few paper craft toys on the coffee table enticing your guests to play with them.

This one is great fun! It has a range of up to 10 feet. Be sure to make several so you can give them as gifts for your guests to take home. It’s always good to have a couple around just for fun. It can be addicting. I always want to see how many times I can hit my target in a row and then beat my last score.

catapult1catapult2This is what you’ll get — a catapult and a target of a vampire grave plus a dozen bundles of stakes.

The images and free templates are compliments of

I know you’re eager to get the instructions and free templates so you can begin playing:

Assembly Instructions

Catapult and Target

Print the assembly instructions on regular printer paper, but use a heavy card stock for the catapult, target and bundle of stakes. These are definitely going to get a workout.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tri Cornered Pirate Hat You Can Make — Free Printable

Tri Cornered Pirate Hats are fun for kids of all ages. Even Chuckles, my dapper skull enjoys wearing it from time to time. He enjoys the eye-patch, too. This project is made from brown wrapping paper at least 2 feet wide and 4 feet long.

You’re going to need a bowl about the size of the head that’s going to be wearing it, three twist ties, scissors, a pencil and glue. Plus the directions that include the eye-patch and emblems you may want to add to your brown paper tri cornered pirate hat.


The image and Pirate Hat Instructions plus Eye-Patch are Compliments of

Pirate Hat Instructions Plus

Well, there you have it. This pattern could be adapted to any material you think is appropriate for your Pirate Hat. I’d make one out of paper first before cutting into fabric.

Enjoy and Thanks for Stopping by!