Halloween Theme Jigsaw Puzzles
Jigsaw Puzzles Are Great Family Fun!!
Jigsaw Puzzles are great for all ages — I remember doing them with the adults when I was just a kid. I felt so grown up when I found a piece! It is a relaxing exercise and allows for casual conversation. It helps with observation skills and spatial relationships. Who thought something fun could be educational? And there are a variety of Halloween-themed jigsaw puzzles — some with over 1000 pieces. This would truly be a wonderful challenge for the upcoming Halloween season!
It will definitely give a spooky creepy vibe to your Halloween gathering. It’s an enjoyable way to blend groups of people together — this activity invites engagement on a casual social level.
Unleash the magic within and embark on a captivating adventure with this Vermont Christmas Company Witches’ Brew Jigsaw Puzzle. Prepare to be enchanted as you immerse yourself in hours of bewitching fun, solving this challenging 1000-piece puzzle. Each piece is uniquely shaped, putting your brain to the ultimate test. Share the enchantment with family and friends, as the fully interlocking Halloween puzzles bring the joy of the season to all generations. Take a break from the toil and trouble of daily life, and let this Halloween puzzle whisk you away into a world of relaxation and mental stimulation. Crafted on durable and premium quality board, this 1000-piece puzzle is not only entertaining but also display-worthy art. Every completed piece can be easily mounted and framed, adding a touch of spooky spirit to your decor. Looking for a thoughtful treat without the trick? This Halloween jigsaw puzzle makes perfect presents for the holiday or special occasions. Surprise the puzzle enthusiast in your life with one of these cool and captivating puzzles today.
This is only the beginning of the Halloween Jigsaw Puzzle selection that awaits you! I was completely amazed and enchanted — there is something for every taste — some are scary and others are comical . . . What’s important is that there is the perfect Halloween Jigsaw Puzzle waiting to be ordered by you for your family and friends to enjoy! Just click the picture and you’ll be taken to a secure area where you can purchase or make other selections.
Let’s Take A Look At The Wonderful Halloween Selection Vermont Christmas Company Has To Offer In Their 1000-Piece Jigsaw Puzzles
I Made My Selection — Little Goblins and Halloween Barn Dance! How About You?
Now that was fun! Vermont Christmas Company has a selection of 550-piece jigsaw puzzles and some that are smaller. I do like their puzzles — the pieces are interlocking and randomly shaped. Each piece is produced on thick, premium quality puzzle board. These puzzles are made with recycled materials. All of these Halloween puzzles are perfect for building anticipation leading up to the holiday.
I hope this post was enjoyable for you. I got caught up in the whole Halloween vibe — the nostalgia thinking about when I was a kid dressing up and going out on All Hallows Eve to see the other neighborhood kids in their costumes and smiling faces in anticipation of the sweet treats we would be collecting. A Halloween Barn Dance does seem like a fun way to spend Halloween — I remember going on a hayride one year. It was cold, but it was fun!
Thanks for stopping by!
An Antique Mall

There Is Truly Something About The Halloween Season That Makes Me Nostalgic . . .
I remember back in 2014 when I began this website again that I was truly into the paranormal and all things that go bump in the night. That has not changed . . . although I did set up a new website with a ghost story niche . . . but, of course, with the old content I have I need to share it here . . . and I must share even more . . .especially during this time of year.
I must admit I did get a bit side-tracked by creating a new website . . . One that was originally set up to promote my internet marketing platform of which I am a member and affiliate. As September turned into October . . . things started changing . . . it could be the lifting of the veil between the seen and unseen . . . or an awakening . . . abandoning a concept that was destined to bore me to tears and realize who I am and what is truly important to me . . .
Earlier this week I came across the Trick Or Treat Tarot which I absolutely had to have. I did purchase it and it was delivered to me that same day. You can find it over at MysticalKey.com
It was this Tarot Deck I consulted and asked about my new website and how I really liked the domain name, but wanted to make it into a niche I would enjoy. And to bring my beloved TwoCansOnAString.com into the mix as well.

An Antique Mall Is Always An Adventure
I find it enjoyable to go to one of our local antique malls with my ghost-hunting friends. They do have an interest in different antiques. I love things to do with candles — wick cutters, snuffers, lighters, etc. Usually in silver.
My friend, Barb will buy just about anything if she has a feeling it is haunted. And over the years she has discovered some very haunted objects — an umbrella stand, a hat rack, an antique desk, oh my the list could go on and on.
Mike goes for antique toys. And he’s also into jewelry and other items that interest him at the moment. He does a lot of reselling online and also has clients who are looking for particular haunted items. I usually don’t ride with him on these ventures. I don’t like sitting in the backseat with an antique item that gives me the creeps.
I’ll usually meet my friends there. This way we are all free to say as long as we like or leave and visit another place. Or just go home with a treasure we found.
I have some old cameras from my uncle. I do love them, but of course, I now go digital rather than film. It suits me because I’m not a great photographer. And with my printer, I can print out the pictures I want or have them on my computer to share on my blogs. But . . . there are times I just can’t resist an old camera or lens . . . There is something about them that fascinates me.
Perhaps it’s the writer in me, or my interest in mysteries and all the “what if” concepts employed by such writers as Stephen King . . . What if there was a picture in the camera? What if the camera would show you the future? Or the past? Or something mysterious you just have to know about . . . These are thoughts that go through my mind. I am curious . . . and very much afraid at times of what I may discover or what my imagination would imagine.
I do have a creepy front bedroom. It used to be my office and now it does have my printer and lots and lots of antique mall treasures . . . and many camera pieces . . .

I Heard My Printer Printing Out Page After Page . . . I Know I Didn’t Engage The Printer . . .
Years ago, Tim Holtz had a collection of Found Relatives — of course, these were a collection of old photographs Tim collected over the years probably from a variety of different places — perhaps some old family photos as well. It’s a concept I have always found interesting. Even when we go through old photos of true relatives, we don’t necessarily relate to them or see a family resemblance . . . or maybe we do in a “found relative” pack . . . I do find it all quite interesting.
Well, my printer was busy printing out page after page of images . . . some people, it seemed to be on a crowded street with people perhaps waiting for a parade or it just passed or perhaps it was going on . . . I wasn’t sure what I was seeing or why it was significant . . . but I did study the pictures . . .
I set them aside for a while. I needed to clear my mind. I lit a sage stick and let the smoke fill the room and cleanse the pictures and everything . . .
I decided to leave the house and take a quick walk around the block.
I only walked a couple of houses up from my house when it dawned on me. I knew the street. I remember seeing a newspaper article about it in the library quite a few years ago . . . Someone disappeared . . . it was during a founders day parade or perhaps the 4th of July . . .
I knew she wasn’t abducted, but she and her best friend fled never to be heard from another. Well, the friend did return, but she was where she wanted to be . . . free from her father and the plans he had for her.
I knew there was much more to this story, but the camera and pictures weren’t going to help me. I needed to call Barb and her psychic friend and arrange to have a seance.
This just wasn’t going to be a seance. It was to be a whole event with food and snacks and since it was close to Halloween costumes and decorations and oh my goodness! I needed to call in some other people to make my home into a haunted house set with props and creepy stuff to freak others out . . . Yes, it was way over the top!

The Night Of The Seance Was Especially Creepy — We Even Got Rain . . .
I had no idea a storm was brewing . . . I do know whenever I call for a seance anything can happen . . . And I should be prepared for anything . . . but, of course, I’m not . . . And that creepy figure that was lurking in front of my house was getting on my nerves . . . He would move and stand in the shadows across the street . . . then in the middle of the street then off to the right, then the left . . . as my guests were arriving I didn’t see him . . . but I could sense he was lurking in the shadows . . . somewhere . . .
I was tempted to call off the seance and just have a Halloween party and read Tarot cards . . . Food and beverages would be served and everyone could tell their creepy tales and have quite a wonderful time . . . But . . . I didn’t want to disappoint Barb and her psychic friend . . .
I have to admit that having a seance in my house is quite off-putting. Everyone gets to leave . . . and I’m still here . . . with whatever residue or spiritual energy that could be lingering . . . and I’ve had experiences that more is revealed after everyone is gone . . . and I’m confronted with the truth of what had happened so many years ago . . . I did have a feeling this was going to happen and it had something to do with that figure lurking outside.
The more I thought about it, I decided to invite that lurking whatever in to join us . . . I thought it would be better to face him with the others than alone after everyone was gone . . . Yes, I’m a scardy cat!
We did the smudging and the prayers all in preparation for inviting him in . . . But . . . we were far from prepared . . .
We knew the moment he stepped foot on the steps leading up to the porch . . . It was a cold followed by a hot blast of air that took your breath away and knocked you off your feet. My goodness, the minute you got back on your feet, you were knocked down again. We decided to stay down.
I was scared but also annoyed that an entity would be invited into my house and be so rude. I had a mind to throw him out . . . but I knew I would have been the only one thrown about . . . I was not in control of the situation. I knew we were in serious trouble.
The entity may have been the girl’s father or some remnant of his past demonic associations. That’s the problem with this area is that it was rife with demonic practices. Some tunnels run through the town and into many of the grand mansions on the hill where I live. I’ve heard and seen robed figures chanting as they walked down the street in front of my house . . . It is truly unnerving, but a practice that was quite common during the early 1900s. I remember the first time I heard it and looked out. I was quite surprised by what I saw and was pleased that I was aware of the possibility before I actually experienced it.
There was no doubt what we were dealing with and after it had its fun with us, it did leave and we did have our dinner and our snacks and our seance.
We found that the young girl in her late teens ran away to a convent someplace safe. I’m not quite sure whether she stayed at the convent until her death or she left briefly and then returned. It was unclear and I didn’t want to belabor the point. It was good that what she endured at the hand of her father and the other satanic followers was over once she left.
I’m Still A Bit Creeped Out By The Experience
Barb and the others haven’t invited me to go ghost hunting with them or back to the antique mall . . . Or even for coffee at our favorite spot . . . I didn’t receive an invitation to Barb’s Halloween Party . . . It may take a while for everyone to get over the experience . . . I guess I don’t want to talk about it . . . I do watch for the lurking demon . . . I do wonder if he’s bothering any of the others . . . Could be the reason no one wants me around . . .
I do thank you for stopping by! I hope you enjoyed this personal experience . . . Leave me a comment if you’ve experienced something similar.
Already Thinking About Fall
I’ve Enjoyed My Summer Months …
But … I’m looking forward to autumn … thinking about pumpkins and falling leaves … cooler temperatures … That bit of a bite in the air … I enjoy wearing sweaters and long-sleeved blouses …
I’m not all about fashion … but comfort … It seems easier to dress for the colder temperatures than for the warmer ones … just a personal preference …
I Do Have Thoughts Of The Upcoming Holidays …
Fall brings us Halloween and Thanksgiving … Then winter brings on Christmas and the New Year …
It’s never too early to be thinking and preparing for the holidays … whatever form they take with your faily and friends …
I’m Always Amazed How Many Of My Neighbors Are Already Planning Their Halloween Decorations
Some go all out with lights and all things creepy and sometimes humous displays to delight their families and neighbors …
Since I’m yearning for all … I thought I’d look around YouTube and see what I can share with you to get you thinking about your own Halloween decorations … inside as well as outside …
I know a lot of work goes into this … some people truly go all out …
Halloween Home Tour
It’s Always Fun To See What Others Have Done To Inspire You To Get Creative With Your Own Unique Halloween Decorations
It’s never too early to begin thinking about your fall decorating … especially when it comes to Halloween … or perhaps that’s just me …
You can find all kinds of stuff … spray paint it to make it spooky and creepy … use your imagination … get the kids involved … And just have fun!
It may be worthwhile to check out some Halloeen themed children’s books … They are always fun even for adults …
I hope you enjoyed this post and have been thinking about the upcoming holidays … This is definitely the best time to get started!
Annoying Ghost
This has been some weekend with Halloween Parties . . . and All Hollows Eve is still a few days away …
I don’t know about trick-or-treat-ers running around the neighborhood.
I have noticed there are some strange things going on … last week and over the weekend … This is the reason for sharing this real ghost story with you.
And, I don’t have an explanation as to the strange paranormal experiences others are having … the veil must have lifted to a degree … or our imaginations are on overdrive …
Everyone has quirks. My friend Joan has a thing for leaving doors and cabinets half open.
Doors are to be either opened or closed. Cabinets, she prefers to have closed, drawers, too.
Everyday when she came home from work, doors were half open, cabinets half open, and drawers pulled out.
She decided she had a ghost that was messing with her.
A few days later, at work, she noticed her desk drawers were opened, the door to her office was half open and the filing cabinet drawers were opened and pulled out. She locked her office, desk and file cabinet before leaving. It was something she did every evening as did others in the office.
The janitorial service the company used would lock the doors of the offices. All the employees had separate keys to their desks and file cabinets.
Joan lived alone and no one had keys to her house.
When Joan’s sister, Holly, accepted her invitation to visit the following weekend, Joan asked her to bring her ghost hunting equipment with her.
Holly arrived with her ghost hunting team late that Friday night. Some were going to investigate the office and others Joan’s house.
Joan accompanied half the group to the office (three others) and Holly stayed at the house to investigate with the other half of the group (also three members).
At each location cameras were set up. They also had EMF sensors (also referred to as The Ghost Meter).
They both saw what they believed to be poltergeist activity opening doors and drawers. It appeared to be almost earthquake activity of doors swinging freely half opened or half closed and the drawers made jumping movements — not smooth openings. The kitchen cabinets swung open smoothly and adjusted to closing halfway.
It was all quite odd.
The group decided to do some research about both locations.
The strange thing was that both Joan’s house and the office building were once owned by the same man in the 1920’s. He was an attorney who was rumored to have poisoned his wife so he could marry his secretary. It does seem fitting that she would haunt both locations, but why Joan’s office and not the one used by her former husband?
With more research and consulting a psychic it was uncovered that the annoying ghost had once worked in the office Joan occupied before her marriage.
As has often been believed that poison is a woman’s means of murder, the psychic reasoned the annoying ghost was slowly poisoning her husband, but he discovered her putting cyanide in his food and drink and would switch plates and glasses with hers. So, in the end she poisoned herself.
It is a strange tale, but why was she taunting Joan who was not a relative and how did she know of Joan’s quirk of not liking doors, cabinets and drawers half or partly opened?
The simple answer is observation. This is how she decided to get Joan’s attention.
The annoying ghost didn’t stay with Joan much longer after the truth was uncovered. Did she want Joan to believe her husband poisoned her? Or to acknowledge that she actually poisoned herself?
Does the truth set one free?
Joan still lives in the same house and works in the same office. She thinks of the annoying spirit from time to time and wonders if she’ll return.
She’s relieved that the ghost only messed with her obsession and didn’t try to poison her.
I hope you enjoyed this real ghost story. I did. It had a happy ending … and gave us a bit of insight into the paranormal.
I’m always searching for answers or some insight into the realm of the paranormal … I’m not so much in getting the wits scared out of me … that has happened, but not something I seek …
I do hope this Halloween Season you and your family will be safe …
Thanks for stopping by!
The Story Of Halloween
This History Channel Documentary I found quite informative and thought it important to share it here.
Bats, witches … plus traditions and legends that led to our celebration of Halloween.
I found this documentary very informative and I hope you agree. I especially like the idea of how Halloween is much tamer than in years past. It is a time for children and adults to dress up in costume and go door to door trick-or-treat-ing or going to parties.
There is definitely something fun about going out after dark . . . and getting a scare or two . . . but it is all in fun without the destructive mischief of the past.
I also found it interesting how costumes have evolved … They are quite involved … and quite expensive as well …
Have a safe Halloween with your family and friends.
Thanks for stopping by!